This Jinyiwei is obviously super strong but draws too much

Chapter 1127 Making a feint to the east and attacking in the west

Chapter 1127 Making a feint to the east and attacking in the west

The commander of the Jin Yiwei made this position unusual. Generally speaking, this was the emperor's absolute confidant, and he was also the emperor's most important eyes, ears, and swords in the capital. In theory, he would not leave the capital easily.

However, the last "Commander Lu" made a bad start, which led to the current Commander-in-Chief not liking staying in Beijing.

He just went to the northwest for a trip, and after returning to the capital, he immediately went to the south. In the palace, he explained to the emperor why he had to go out.

Ying Wushang said to the emperor: "Your Majesty, the land in the northwest is just a disease of mustard moss. There are just grass bandits there and there is nothing to be afraid of. With Cui Zhen taking care of you, you have nothing to worry about. In comparison, the south is even worse. The official is worried."

Lu Hanjiang looked at him and said, "It seems that you have found something."

"Yes," Ying Wushang lowered his head: "Reporting to Your Majesty, Jin Yiwei has found some clues about the sudden disappearance of the eldest lady of the Chen family. The last place where those people disappeared was Jiangnan."


Lu Hanjiang thought thoughtfully, this place was a bit special, countless troubles in the imperial court started from here.

Not to mention that this was the place where the Huangfu family took root. Although the personnel of the Huangfu family have been rectified by the Jin Yiwei in turn, there is no guarantee that nothing has been left behind.

No, it should be said that she must have left something behind. Based on Lu Hanjiang's understanding of that person, there was no way she would leave no escape route.

"One more thing."

Ying Wushang hesitated for a moment and then said: "Although there is no solid evidence, after discussing with Cui Zhenfu, I guess that the person behind this may be Miss Shangluo."

When saying this, Ying Wushang lowered his head very low. He did not dare to look at the emperor's expression. After all, Shangluo was once a woman very close to the emperor.

There are many people who know about Shangluo's existence. Almost all the older generation in Jinyiwei who have gone on missions with His Majesty know this woman.

After His Majesty's life experience was revealed, they all believed that Miss Shangluo would definitely enter the palace in the future, but who could have imagined that she would be sent away by Meng Yuan in the end.

What the old man thought at the beginning is completely unimportant now, but what makes Ying Wushang embarrassed is that now, both Meng Yuan who sent the person away and Shangluo who was sent away have lost contact with them all.

The old man couldn't get in touch with him because the other party was originally from Jin Yiwei and was familiar with the methods of their profession. Therefore, as long as the other party did not want anyone to find him, Jin Yiwei could not find him even if he searched all over the world.

Several years have passed since Axiu took the old man away to now, and the old man has never come back even during the holidays. If it weren't for the unshakable peace letter every year, the Meng family would almost think that he died outside.

The old man is of extraordinary significance to the Meng family. As long as Meng Yuan is alive, His Majesty will take care of them with this kindness in mind. Therefore, as long as the old man is still alive, the Meng family will not be anxious.

Therefore, even though no one has been seen for many years, the Meng family has never gone out to inquire. Although they will certainly not be able to find him, their indifference in not even trying to save face is really disgusting.

When Ying Wushang's thoughts were far away, His Majesty, who had just come back to his senses, suddenly let out a laugh and curse.

"Ha, that stinky girl."


Ying Wushang didn't answer, and his lowered eyes became more and more profound. He had been following the emperor for almost ten years. He didn't dare to say that he could guess everything about the emperor's thoughts, but he could definitely do it by thinking about it.

Shangluo is still in the emperor's heart, and her status is not low.

After testing this result, Ying Wushang quietly rejected the original radical plan and said: "Your Majesty, the traces of those people disappeared in Jiangnan. I am afraid that this was not carelessness, but someone's intention." ”

"Yes, if it were her, she would indeed do such a thing."

There was a smile in Lu Hanjiang's eyes: "She should be provoking you." "Your Majesty is very quick-thinking, and your subordinates think so too." Ying Wushang twitched the corners of his mouth twice with a smile on his face: "Ah ha, I didn't expect that after so many years No, Miss Shangluo is still so interesting."

To be honest, if someone else had dared to play tricks on the Commander-in-Chief like this, even at this moment, he had already thought clearly about how the other person would spend the rest of his life in prison, but this was a person that His Majesty cared about.

Ying Wushang sighed helplessly, then put on a relaxed smile and said, "Your Majesty, please rest assured. When I go to Jiangnan, I will definitely ask Miss Shangluo to come back and talk to Your Majesty."

"Yes." Lu Hanjiang nodded, accepting the matter.

After talking about the main business, Ying Wushang also mentioned the "little things" beside his lips.

"Your Majesty, it's a pity that I didn't have time to catch up with Prince Ding's apprenticeship banquet earlier." Ying Wushang sighed.

Lu Hanjiang waved his hand: "It's a pity. It's a good thing we didn't catch up. If the old man hadn't stared at me and wouldn't let me go, who would be willing to listen to a bunch of old guys there."

Although Ying Wushang agreed with this in his heart, he did not have the courage to challenge it. He laughed dryly twice and said: "When it comes to learning, this old master is already the best in the world. I guess His Highness's knowledge does not need to be improved. Worrying too much, the lower official felt that since the civil affairs were secure, the military affairs should also be."

Ying Wushang's words seemed to be asking for instructions, or perhaps a reminder. Lu Hanjiang turned to look at him, and the latter continued: "Your Majesty, the intention of lowering the rank is not to make His Highness be gentle in literature and emphasize military skills. I just want His Highness to be knowledgeable. In addition, it can keep fit.”

Naturally, nonsense like building up one's body was just a matter of course. Faced with the fact that the next emperor was almost certain, Ying Wushang couldn't let a group of civil servants control Prince Ding, whether it was for himself or for the future of Jin Yiwei. Growth route.

This is not the first day that Luo Yuanjing and his group of scholars have disliked Jin Yiwei. God knows why this bastard old man, whose martial arts skills are so high that even his disciples can overpower him, hates martial arts so much.

In short, whether for public or private reasons, Ying Wushang felt that there should be more people around Luo Ding who could wield swords and guns.

In fact, such a candidate has been available from the beginning. As Cao Shun, the governor of the East Factory and the eunuch of the palace, it is reasonable and reasonable for him to serve the prince, and at the same time, he can show the young prince's value as a warrior in a timely manner.

However, Ying Wushang hated this damn eunuch more than those literati, so he would rather find a solution on his own than place his hopes on this guy.

As for whether the emperor would object, this was not considered by Ying Wushang at all. After all, their majesty was said to be the best in the world in martial arts, and he definitely deserved the title.

With such a father around, it is only natural for the emperor Luo Ding to learn some martial arts.

Sure enough, after Ying Wushang mentioned martial arts training, Lu Hanjiang felt that there was nothing wrong with it. He even felt that the matter could be taken a step further.

Lu Hanjiang pondered for a moment and then said: "The prince's study of literature and martial arts is related to the country and cannot be dealt with lightly. I think it is best to stop the court meeting for a few days and let the old master discuss this matter with you."

Ying Wushang's expression froze. The emperor's sudden move made him a little panicked. After all, this kind of matter can be discussed sideways. If it were really put on the table, he would inevitably have to debate with the group of literati.

Although it is a field that he is not good at, Ying Wushang is not afraid, but the key point is that in addition to worrying about reputation when arguing with the old master, he also has to worry about whether his body is strong enough to withstand beatings, because this old man is in a hurry. He really knows how to hit people.

The saddest thing is that no one in Jinyiwei can be his opponent. Facing this imperial master, it is one thing that they dare not take action, but it is another thing that they cannot defeat him.

Thinking of the old master's fist, Ying Wushang suddenly felt a chill. He wanted to persuade the emperor to think more about it, but when he saw Lu Hanjiang's excited expression, he suddenly realized something.

Perhaps the emperor doesn't care at all who His Highness Ding is studying with, or what he is studying. What His Majesty is thinking at this time is probably to use this matter to attract the attention of the old master, and then sneak out of the capital by himself!

After this terrible thought emerged in his mind, Ying Wushang received a "You guessed it right" look from the emperor, and his mood immediately sank to the bottom.

Now he doesn't have to worry about being beaten by the old master for the prince's martial arts training, because as soon as the emperor's departure from the palace is discovered, the old man will probably tear down the door of his house.

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