Chapter 1128: Three Days of Farewell

"Why is your husband so frowning? Is there something troubling you?"

As a wife, Wu Yaoyao was overjoyed to see her husband come back from the northwest, but at this moment she discovered that Ying Wushang had no smile on his face since he returned home, and would sigh from time to time.

Thinking that the other party went to the palace before, was he punished by His Majesty?

Wu Yaoyao couldn't help but feel nervous. You must know that Ying Wushang was not from a noble family, and almost all of his glory today was tied to His Majesty. If he was accidentally rejected, his career might end here.

But Ying Wushang didn't mean to explain to his wife. He couldn't necessarily let him say that Jin Yiwei was going to recruit people again soon. As for who to recruit? Ah! Of course it was Lu Jiujiu, the commander-in-chief.

Old Master Luo had warned him sternly before that if he dared to let Lu Jiujiu or more than ten people appear in the arena again, he would immediately tear down the door of Fusi in Beizhen.

What the old master said was serious, but Ying Wushang had nothing to do. He had to put the emperor's will first, so after weighing it, he decided to take the beating.


Ying Wushang didn't say anything else, but just let out another long sigh.

Lu Hanjiang's desire to leave the palace was not temporary. He had been holding back in this oppressive palace for five years. The accident last year made him completely unable to bear it.

The smell outside the palace was like an addictive poison. Once he tasted it, he could no longer stand the confinement in the palace.

From that time on, Lu Hanjiang was thinking of finding a way to leave the palace all the time.

Looking back, whether it was as a descendant of the Lu family, later as a Jinyiwei, or now as the emperor, he seemed to have always been unable to get along with this imperial city and always wanted to escape from here.

In the empty East Palace Hall, Lu Hanjiang lifted up the ancient lamp. The obsession that had arisen in his heart made him extremely interested in such ethereal things.

He also knew that if he continued to persist, there was a high possibility that he would follow in the footsteps of the late emperor, but——

People are always like this. When a person stands at his level, he will naturally think that he is special, and Lu Hanjiang is no exception.

The difference is that he is indeed special. This specialness lies not only in his identity, but also in the secrets in his heart that no one knows.

A faint sigh echoed in the deserted hall, as if the suffocating loneliness came like a tide, but quickly went away in despair. He was not a self-pity person, and he never looked back on the pretentiousness of missing and sighing.

In a sense, he was indeed ruthless enough that he could easily let go of the desire to win and lose that he had been obsessed with for many years.

The Crown Princess guessed many things right. Perhaps because she was the same person as her, all that part of her self-identity could be transferred to Lu Hanjiang at the same price.

But the other party was a bit wrong. She didn't expect that Lu Hanjiang would really bond with people in this world.

His thoughts went back to those days. What Lu Hanjiang saw in the Netherworld Lantern that day, it was no longer clear whether it was an illusion embodied in his mind or something that really existed.

The world shown by the Netherworld Lamp is a mysterious, unpredictable, and attractive future. No matter how long it has passed, when you think back on it, it is still a wonderland that can be modified with all the beautiful words in the world.

It's just that he can no longer touch that world, with the extinguished lights, sleeping Gu insects, and disappeared people. He seems to be getting further and further away from the distant secret of immortality.

There was silence for a long time, and there was only a faint sigh left in the hall that seemed to be isolated from the world.

"What exactly is immortality?"

"Huh? Of course that kind of thing is a trick." The cheerful girl was throwing the stones up and down in her hand, and the wanton expression between her brows was the pride of a winner.

Faced with this situation, Cui Yixiao could only smile bitterly. Not to mention the days after he became a member of the Qianhu household, counting from the time he joined the Jinyi Guards, he had never suffered such a big fall.

"It's been three days since we've been apart. I'm impressed by how powerful the girl is." He reluctantly stood up and cupped his hands. Cui Yixiao was not someone who couldn't afford to lose, but what he encountered today really surprised him.

The girl in front of him was Shangluo, who he and Ying Wushang had guessed was the mastermind behind the scenes. The fact was as they expected, both the movements in the northwest and south of the Yangtze River were caused by the other party, but...

"Miss Shangluo, how could you become like this?" Cui Yixiao looked at the girl in surprise. After the girl spoke, although her identity was almost certain, her appearance...

Six years of time not only left no trace on the other party's body, she even seemed younger than six years ago, no -!

Cui Yixiao suddenly realized that Shangluo was not getting younger, she seemed to be growing in reverse.

Back then, she was one year older than the third young lady of Huangfu's family, and she looked like a girl in her teens. Now six years have passed by, and Shangluo looks like she is twenty-eight years old, and she is even younger.

This strange scene made Cui Yixiao even forget about the other party's equally unexplainable martial arts for a moment.

It is obvious to all that Shangluo's talent in martial arts is poor. In the past, including Huangfu Xiaoyuan, countless talented masters had taught her. Even His Majesty condescended to teach her for a period of time.

But no matter who took action, the result was the same. Shangluo's martial arts progressed at a rapid pace. At that time, everyone agreed that this girl had no future in learning martial arts, and the most she could achieve in a lifetime of hard work was a "medium" achievement.

Damn it, this time Cui Yixiao went to Jiangnan to investigate the case, and the other party had no intention of hiding it. He just showed up and beat him up.

This Zhen Fu was not a show of force. Being stunned by Shan Luo, he immediately thought that the other party might have been pretending on purpose, but he quickly denied this conjecture.

Because not only him, but also His Majesty also taught Shangluo, so if the other party is hiding his clumsiness, there is no reason why so many people can't see it.

The only explanation is that the other party has suddenly become stronger in the past six years.

Cui Yixiao didn't believe this nonsense at all, but the reality was before his eyes.

Cui Yixiao looked around at the Jin Yiwei who had fallen like wheat. He saw that the other party did not kill him. This made Cui Yixiao's nervous mood slightly relieved.

After sorting out his expression, Cui Yixiao asked again: "Miss Shangluo, what did you mean by those words just now?"


Shangluo smiled evilly, her tender skin full of cunning pride: "Xiao Lu must be very conflicted now. Things that he used to sneer at have become difficult problems that he can't figure out no matter how hard he scratches his head. But it doesn't matter. If he really If you want to know, just come to me.”

As she spoke, Shangluo patted the pouch she carried with her, and a faint light came from it. Apart from her, Lu Hanjiang was probably the only one in the world who could recognize what it was -

The wick of the ghostly lamp.

Cui Yixiao didn't notice the weird lights. He just heard the other party's inappropriate name, so his expression immediately changed: "Miss Shangluo, how dare you call your Majesty so casually!"

Shangluo glared at Cui Yixiao: "I can shout whatever I want!"

Faced with this girl's unscrupulous threats, Cui Yixiao of course backed down obediently. His Majesty's indulgence towards Shangluo was obvious to all, and he really couldn't afford to offend this girl.

(End of this chapter)

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