Chapter 821

Tianquan was a little decadent.

Since Qian Xiaoxiao left him behind, Tianquan tried to catch up with the opponent, but unfortunately, the difference in martial arts made him unable to even touch the shadow of the opponent.

After hesitating in the nearby town for two days, Tianquan finally knew that he couldn't catch up. He found a restaurant and sat there for half a day. Because the Qingcheng sect's rules forbid disciples to drink too much, he only ordered tea.

In Xiaoer's strange eyes, Tianquan drank tea for most of the day, as if he wanted to imitate others and get drunk, but he only tasted the lingering bitterness on the tip of his tongue.

In his distress, Tianquan forced himself to cheer up. He originally wanted to go back to the Qingcheng School to find Master Kong Gu to admit his mistakes, but this time he just set foot on his way home, he passed a Taoist temple, and he walked in by some strange coincidence.

He was restless, came to the temple, borrowed the chips for calculation, and threw them out again and again, it was strange to say that several times in a row, the hexagrams showed that the result was to let him go back to Mount Qingcheng.

But after Tianquan saw the hexagram, he was very hesitant. When he wanted to throw it for the fourth time, the Taoist priest in the temple appeared. The other party was an elderly man with silver hair.

The Taoist snatched the counting chip from Tianquan's hand, and reprimanded him in the tone of a senior: "Since you have made a decision in your heart, why are you still hesitant to move forward?"

Tianquan was shocked all over, and quickly stood up and bowed: "Thank you, senior!"

The authorities were confused, but the bystanders were clear. The other party pointed out his confusion. Finally, Tianquan was able to face up to his heart. He was worried about Qian Xiaoxiao, and he didn't want to just muddle along.Be sure to ask the other party's difficulties!

After Tianquan made up his mind, he left immediately, but just as he reached the door, he turned back and threw some copper coins with him into the incense box of the Taoist temple.

Seeing this scene, the old Taoist priest not only did not feel any sense of relief, but his face became more cloudy and uncertain, and the clenched fists under the Taoist robe creaked angrily.

But Tianquan didn't notice this, and he left in a hurry after expressing his feelings.


Surprisingly, there is not only a Taoist priest in this Taoist temple, but also a Buddhist disciple. The monk walked up to the Taoist priest, glanced at the box, and then turned his gaze to the Taoist priest.

"The temperament of this little Taoist leader is quite interesting, but the poor monk still can't see why he deserves your attention." The monk asked.

The Taoist stroked his white beard, and a flash of memory flashed in his eyes: "I just think he has a kind face, and when we meet, there is resentment, so I just click on him casually."

One way and one monk said, when Tianquan's figure completely disappeared into the distance, they also left separately.

Tianquan Jianghu's qualifications are still young, so naturally he would not recognize who the Taoist is, but if his master is changed, his expression will change drastically at a glance.

Because this Taoist monk is no one else, but Ke Hentian, a well-known evil master on the evil way, and Lingyu, the Tianyuan mage.

After being besieged by Jin Yiwei in Miaodi, the two traveled to many places, and finally, under Ke Hentian's suggestion, they returned to Sichuan and Shu, which he was most familiar with, to temporarily avoid the limelight.

Today, I happened to meet Tianquan in the audience, Ke Hentian looked at him, but he didn't know who he was thinking of, so on a whim, he gave him a hint in the manner of a senior.

Tianquan has benefited a lot from this, in his opinion, this may be a reclusive expert, but where he can't see, the disgusting blood has already splashed the pure land outside this world.

In the firewood room in the backyard of the Taoist temple, the corpses of several Taoist disciples were pushed together, and the panic before death was still maintained on their faces. This was all written by Lingyu and Ke Hentian.

Tianquan's luck has always been very good. After completely losing Qian Xiaoxiao, the direction he chose at random turned out to be the road that real Yushu entered Shu.

At this moment, the little girl he cared about, and Master Yushu, who Nian Nian worried about him, were fighting to the death on this road.

At first, Qian Xiaoxiao didn't have the idea of ​​killing him, because Yushu is Tianquan's master after all, and although she had no choice but to obey Yuelifeng, she didn't want to just let him manipulate her.

She originally wanted to use martial arts to force the other party to retreat, but what she didn't expect was that the real Yushu was never a soft persimmon. Over the years, his reputation has been spread in the world as a good man. Qian Xiaoxiao thought that the other party was gentle and elegant. Shouldn't be too strong.

But she miscalculated, Master Yushu's martial arts are not low, it can even be said that this hand of the Qingcheng School's Yujian Jue is completely among the best people she has met.

Even if Qian Xiaoxiao has the gift of the [-]% Dzogchen Illuminating Skill from Dharma King Youyun, she still has to show her real skills in the face of real Yushu.

But here lies the fatal part.

Zhaoying Gong is an undoubted magic skill, and the way of cultivation is extremely tricky and harsh. It must stimulate people's seven emotions to improve martial arts. The changes in people's seven emotions are also a major factor in the strength of martial arts.

A person with seven emotions, joy, anger, sorrow, fear, love, evil and desire. Back then, the little demon girl practiced desire, and King Youyun practiced sorrow. Now it's Qian Xiaoxiao's turn, and what she cultivates is "love".

The nostalgia for Tianquan is the source of Qian Xiaoxiao's powerful shadow skills. Her thoughts are more simple and pure than others, and this is also the most important factor for her rapid progress in martial arts.

However, as the practice of Zhaoying Gong deepens, the influence of emotions on practitioners will also deepen. The seven emotions of human beings are indispensable, but Qian Xiaoxiao, who practices Zhaoying Gong, now has nothing but love. All six are reduced to auxiliary.

Her joys, anger, sorrows, and joys are all caused by love. The price of martial arts is that Qian Xiaoxiao's reason is gradually eroded by a single "love".

To put it simply, the more she uses martial arts, the more she can't control herself. Facing the aggressive attack of Master Yushu, the more she strikes, the more indifferent.

But at this time, Master Yushu still did not forget to "teach" her.

"Miss Qian, if you and this little student continue like this, you will only misunderstand."

One word from the real Yushu made Qian Xiaoxiao's head arouse for no reason, only to hear him sigh again: "The two ways of righteousness and evil are clearly separated, and you are burdened with blood debts. If you can turn around at this time, maybe you still have a chance. .”

Among the righteous knights who wish to swallow the evil way alive, the real Yushu is one of the few extremely enlightened people. He didn't block all the roads, and the young Aimu was the most reluctant. Give up easily.

Knowing apprentice Mo Ruoshi, since he has no way to bring Tianquan back, he can only find a way from Qian Xiaoxiao. If the other party is willing to change his ways and return to righteousness, Master Yushu has no way to accept it.

But these words sounded so harsh to Qian Xiaoxiao's ears, she just wanted to laugh at Master Yushu's overreaching, that she couldn't even protect her own apprentice, so why would she talk about getting her to change her ways.

Seeing that Qian Xiaoxiao was indifferent, Master Yushu was also helpless, he withdrew his sword momentum, and as usual, planned to retreat to rest and recuperate, to gather his spirits and fight again.

It's a pity that this time, Qian Xiaoxiao didn't turn a blind eye and let the other party go away. When Master Yushu drew his sword, she suddenly slapped a black mark without warning.

(End of this chapter)

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