Chapter 822
"There has been a lot of movement in that mountain in the past few days. If you want me to tell you, there must be some masters playing tricks there. Hey——little brother, listen to me."

The man in coir raincoat failed to stop him. His story was only half told, and the young man couldn't wait to enter the mountain.

The heavy rain poured down, the road was muddy, and the mountain road was difficult to walk. In such a rainy day, it was even more difficult for ordinary people to walk. But for Tianquan, who has martial arts, although the mountain road is steep, it is not completely impassable.

The man's words made Tianquan feel a little uneasy suddenly, he followed the direction described by the other party, and braved the heavy rain to venture into the mountain with difficulty.

After tossing for about an hour, Tianquan finally came to a wide area. The trees here were broken by external force, so the road looked extraordinarily wide.

Tianquan hurriedly leaned over to check, and sure enough, he found traces of a master's attack. After he found the remaining sword marks on the scene, the uneasiness in his heart began to magnify infinitely.

A mere sword mark can't explain anything, but Tianquan somehow realizes that it must be left by his master Yushu.

For no reason, Tianquan suddenly felt a little restless.

In the heavy rain, in a dilapidated mountain temple, Daoist Yushu's Taoist robe was stained red with blood, and his face was terribly pale. Although he was so weak that he had no strength at all, fortunately, someone could take care of him.

"Grandpa Daoist, the water is here." A young man approached courteously, and he carefully held the old bowl full of clear water to the real Yushu.

This young man was about thirteen or fourteen years old, wearing a ripped coarse cloth blouse and a pair of worn-out straw sandals on his feet. Although he was dressed like a beggar, he kept his face very clean.

"Thank you very much." Daoist Yushu showed a soft smile. He was seriously injured and could only rely on the boy to actively feed water into his mouth.

After feeding water to Master Yushu, the young man sat down beside him. It was raining heavily outside at the moment, and this small mountain temple could barely block the wind and rain.

The young man looked at the sky outside through the leaky window, and he said to Master Yushu: "Grandpa Daoist, the rain may last for half a day. When the rain stops, I will go out and get you some food."

"Thank you, son." Master Yushu did not refuse the other party's kindness, he knew that he had to heal his injury as soon as possible.

"It's not hard."

Thanks to Master Yushu, the young man's face was flushed with excitement, and the rain outside continued unabated, but he was a little restless, as if ants were crawling on his body, he couldn't help but started to walk around the small temple go.

Daoist Yushu didn't respond. Although he closed his eyes peacefully and looked calm and composed, the lingering worry on his brow betrayed his restless heart.

Speaking of it, Master Yushu has fallen into the current situation, there are disasters and God's will.

When he was fighting with Qian Xiaoxiao that day, he fell into a disadvantage after being attacked unexpectedly by the opponent. The girl was very persistent and vowed to force him out of the mountain.

The opponent chased all the way, and he retreated all the way. The girl was not as timid as before, and she shot without any scruples. The real Yushu was directly knocked off a cliff by the opponent.

Entering the many dangerous peaks of the Shushan Road, although the real Yushu fell off the cliff, but fortunately he is physically strong, not only injured, but also took this opportunity to successfully avoid Qian Xiaoxiao's pursuit.

And when Master Yushu was meditating on the spot to heal his wounds, and was about to recuperate for half a day before starting his journey again, the heavy rain suddenly hit, the mountains and rocks cracked, and the mud flow and torrent rushed like raging waves. .

Immortal Yushu was hit by the sudden torrent of rocks and quickly lost consciousness. When he woke up, he found himself in a ruined temple. It was a young man who saved him.

The boy's name is Amao, he is an orphan in the village at the foot of the mountain, he was young and lonely, and he usually earns his living by going up the mountain to collect firewood. That day, by chance, he found the real Yushu, which is why the two are now in the ruined temple.

The kindness of saving lives is so great, so even if Master Yushu knew that Ah Mao had other thoughts in his heart, he didn't take it to heart.

Amao is just an ordinary boy. It is okay to hide his careful thoughts from ordinary people, but if he wants to deceive a master of the rivers and lakes like Master Yushu, he really thinks too much of himself.

In fact, Amao thought he was hiding it well, but Master Yushu had already understood the whole story. When he woke up that day, he heard several teenagers talking outside the mountain temple.

Amao is not the first person who finds himself. It is actually another child in the village who finds the real Yushu. The other party proposes to take him back to the village, but Amao refuses.

Afterwards, Amao drove away the young men and brought Master Yushu to this mountain temple alone. For a few days, he served Master Yushu as his father like a dutiful son before a long-term sick bed, with an earnest attitude and a favour. The meaning is very strong.

Amao didn't recognize the real Yushu, but he could see that the purple robe on the other person was definitely not something ordinary Taoists could afford.

Amao's parents passed away before he could remember anything. Under the care of various kind-hearted people in the village, he finally grew up to the point where he can take care of himself now.

When he was young, he didn't have any big ambitions. He just wanted to find a buddy when he grows up and live a stable life. Until one day, when he and a few children from the village went to the town to sell firewood, he heard a witty remark from a storyteller. .

The word "jianghu" appeared in Amao's small world for the first time, and it seemed to have some magical power, which made Amao fall into the story of chivalry, righteousness, love and hatred, and it was out of control.

Every time Amao went to the town, he would sneak into the storyteller's booth and listen to the storyteller's description of the happy, free and easy world with fascination.

A few times, in order to hear more stories about the rivers and lakes, Amao even took out his meager savings to listen to a witty storytelling in the inn.

Over time, the prototype of Jianghu has been formed in Amao's heart, and his ambition has changed from spending his life in peace and reaching the sky in one step, to becoming a famous hero in Jianghu.

For an orphan in a mountain village, wanting to be famous in the arena where masters and heroes emerge in endlessly is undoubtedly a dream, but Amao still stubbornly chooses this incomparable road to the sky.

He told his fellow villagers about his ambitions, but he didn't get the worship and admiration everyone imagined. The village chief told him to keep his feet on the ground.

"Boy, Master Li at the blacksmith shop in the town is still short of a helper. You can go there tomorrow. You can support yourself by learning the craft, and you will be able to find a wife in the future." But it made him blush with shame.

For the first time, Amao realized that his self-esteem had been hurt. What he wanted to become was a hero in the rivers and lakes, but the village chief introduced him to a job of blacksmithing. This was not to look down on what he was.

Regardless of everyone's opposition, Ah Mao resolutely took his savings and went out of the village to pursue his hero.

Then, in less than half a month, he returned to the village in despair. It turned out that he was the one who inquired about the "jianghu" in the town, and finally heard that in a small town further away, there was a "hero" who was accepting apprentices. So he went excitedly.

Unexpectedly, the "hero" defrauded Amao's savings for many years in a few words. .

After Amao was sent back to the village by the official, he faltered about the money. The village chief was also an honest person, and went to the government for him to get back the money he had been cheated of.

Afterwards, although Amao managed to get back the money he was defrauded of, he was frightened and had a high fever within two days after returning to the village. A serious illness directly emptied his savings and asked his neighbors to pay for it. A lot of soup and medicine.

Although Amao's dream of being a hero had collapsed before he set sail, the experience this time did not make the young man give up.

But because of the experience of being almost trafficked, Amao became afraid of the outside world, so he began to try the method of waiting for rabbits again.

Since then, Amao has not followed the village head's order to work as a helper in the blacksmith's shop. He is also half-hearted in collecting firewood, wandering casually in the familiar village and nearby forest towns every day.

Just when Amao was about to become a bum, the pie in the sky actually happened.

On this day, the weather was gloomy. Amao was lazy and didn't want to go up the mountain. Unexpectedly, he escaped a catastrophe. It didn't take long for the heavy rain to pour down, and the scene of the rocks collapsing was horrifying.

Because someone in the village went up the mountain before the heavy rain, and after the rain subsided, the village head hurriedly summoned people to search for the person, and Amao was also forcibly called away.

It was under such circumstances that Amao and several other half-children met the real Yushu who was also in trouble.

In the beginning, it was another child who found the Daoist Yushu who was mostly buried in mud and rocks. He called other partners to rescue him together. Amao didn't want to go until he saw the purple Taoist robe on the opponent.

Amao's eyes seemed to explode suddenly, that unreachable figure actually appeared in front of him.

At this moment, Amao showed quick wit far beyond the rest of the crowd. He sent away all his companions with various reasons, and gritted his teeth alone, dragging Master Yushu to the nearest small temple.

He spent [-] percent of his time taking care of the other party, and he did not hesitate to run back and forth to the town and village several times in the heavy rain, borrowed money in flashy words, and went to the town to buy medicine.

Finally, two days later, he waited until the moment when Master Yushu woke up. When talking with the other party, his words were vague, but he grasped the important point of saving his life, and at the same time tried his best to please and take care of the other party.

A few days later, just when Amao's patience was about to run out, Master Yushu's injury improved, and he was finally able to stand up and act.

Amao was overjoyed, and raised his head to meet Master Yushu's benevolent eyes. He gritted his teeth, and fell to his knees with a plop: "Grandpa Taoist! Please accept me as your apprentice!"

(End of this chapter)

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