Chapter 961 Under the Fire
Being a county magistrate in Medical City is a very unlucky job, because the Jianghu power here is huge, and in comparison, the power of the imperial court can be said to be pitiful.

This is also the norm in the world. Some of the big forces in the world basically do not retain too much power from the court.

It's not because the imperial court is weak that it has to avoid its edge. On the contrary, it is precisely because the imperial court in these places lacks strength that the forces in the world choose to gain a foothold here.

Facing the imperial court, Jianghu is always the weak side, but even so, it is still very frustrating to be the magistrate of the imperial court in Medical City, the basis of the Gongsun family.

When there is trouble in the rivers and lakes, the county magistrate cannot control it according to the rules. The troubles in the rivers and lakes involve ordinary people, and the county magistrate dares not to intervene due to his ability. The troubles in the rivers and lakes have touched the bottom line of the superiors. Regardless of the seriousness of the situation, it is the Jin Yiwei who will handle it. He, the county magistrate, is just a decoration.

The current situation is like this. The purpose of the county magistrate's presence here is to serve as a propaganda loudspeaker for Jinyiwei, but the magistrate is willing to do so this time.

Because it is obvious that after tonight, when the world talks about Medical City, they will probably not mention the words Gongsun Family.

In Gongsun's mansion, the sound of killing was loud, but the Jinyi guards outside were a little bored.

After the first few waves of escapes, there were only a few people who tried to escape from this mansion. The Jin Yiwei could not get any credit at all. According to this rhythm, when it gets quiet inside, there will probably be only a handful of people who are still alive. number.

Looking at the colleagues with big eyes around them who refused to let go of a gangster, all the brothers in Jinyiwei couldn't help but sigh in their hearts. It's a pity that there are too many monks and too little rice.

Ying Wushang sent someone to bring a recliner, and he leaned on it, looking up at the moonlight and counting the hours.

"You said, today's matter is also in Shangguan's plan?" Suddenly, Ying Wushang asked Kuai Baihu who was beside him.

Kuai Baihu was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I'm afraid not. If Shangguan Shaoqin planned it himself, there is no reason why so many family masters were included in it. Their Shangguan family is not so wealthy."

The chaos broke out suddenly tonight. The Shangguan family was the powerful supporter of the Gongsun family at this moment. The two families did not distinguish between you and me. The scene was chaotic. Who among the people in the world could still tell who was from whose family? Naturally, they all started fighting. Became a ball.

However, according to Jin Yiwei's observation, it would be wrong to say that the Shangguan family was completely unprepared, because during the chaos, the most critical figures of Shangguan's wife and Shangguan's young master were not found, and they must have escaped early in the morning.

It's just that although these two important figures are gone, the rest of the Shangguan family masters are not so lucky.

Or according to Ying Wushang's more cruel inference, these masters supported by the Shangguan family should have all been treated as abandoned children, just to provide cover for Le Zhili and Shangguan Beicang.

Thinking of the guy who always greeted people with a smile, Ying Wushang couldn't help but curse inwardly, "Old fox, you are really cruel."

In the mansion, red flames soared into the sky. The beautiful houses, elegant courtyards, luxurious furniture and precious decorations were all burning. Figures were running around, accompanied by panicked screams and painful roars, mixed with the smell of blood and the light of the fire. Dye everything red.

By the light of the fire, one can see many members of the Gongsun family, including old people, young children, strong young men, and women who have no strength to restrain a chicken.

They were screaming and running, even if their hands and feet were injured, they were still running desperately. The reason brought back by fear seemed so fragile under the crazy greed.

The Jianghu people were like a group of devils, unwilling to let go of any living Gongsun tribesman. The cruel butcher knife fell, and the miserable blood spattered on the white walls, staining the mansion with indelible filth.

Gongsun Cheng watched this scene with satisfaction, looking at the corpses that had lost their temperature. He was as excited as a child who got candy, dancing in strange dances on the lifeless eaves.

He put the remaining blood on his fingertips to the tip of his nose and sniffed greedily. The moment his hands were also stained with the blood of his own race, he realized that taking away the hope of others was such a beautiful thing.The cold moonlight shines through the heavy dark clouds and shines all over Gongsun Cheng. Half of his body is covered in blood. Lying at his feet are the corpses of several young people, all of whom are his blood relatives.

In panic, these people hid beside him in order to save their lives, but in the end they were brutally killed by her. Thinking of the eyes of disbelief, Gongsun Cheng was stimulated by the joy in his heart and wanted to laugh loudly.

"Kill, kill - kill each other."

Gongsun Cheng burst out laughing, rolling on the eaves excitedly like a madman.

The selfless Gongsun Cheng was not surprised to find that there seemed to be someone standing behind him until the crescent moon above his head was completely released from the cover of the dark clouds.

Gongsun Cheng turned around faintly, and a pale mask came into view. When he was stunned, a gust of wind struck him and knocked him off the roof into the yard.


Gongsun Cheng turned over and sat up from the ground. He raised half of his irregularly twisted left arm, as if he couldn't feel the pain. He glared at the masked weirdo fiercely and said, "Who are you!"

There was a burst of weird laughter from under the mask. The masked man did not answer, but at the same time as he floated to the ground, another man in black appeared from the darkness behind him.

Although this man was also wearing a black robe, his face was not covered by a mask, so Gongsun Cheng could clearly see his true face illuminated by the moonlight.

"伱——You are!"

Gongsun Cheng's eyes widened. His expression was first shocked, then a burst of ecstasy: "Hahaha - you're here! You're finally here! Haha - the Gongsun family has already been destroyed and you showed up! It's too late, right? !Father!"

At that sound, Father seemed to be gnashing his teeth in anger. The man who appeared in front of Gongsun Cheng was none other than his father, Gongsun Huan, the nominal and true helmsman of the Gongsun family.

No matter how many rumors there are in the world, no matter how many untrue or false information this person has spread, when Gongsun Huan stands here, Gongsun Cheng can be sure that this is his father.

Although the father and son met only a handful of times, Gongsun Cheng still recognized his father at a glance, the hateful father who disliked him and even denied him his whole life.

That was a fact that Gongsun Cheng was unwilling to admit his whole life. His feelings for his father were not as distant and indifferent as outsiders saw. On the contrary, in his heart, what he always longed for was to be recognized by this man.

It's just that he didn't have a chance in the past, and I'm afraid he won't have a chance in the future either.

However, Gongsun Cheng didn't feel any pity because he had already presented the masterpiece he had worked hard to complete in front of the other party.

This tragic situation, this sadness, this picture of hell, the doomed appearance of the Gongsun family, are the best gifts he wants to give to his father.

"Father! Admit it! You forced me to do this! This is the consequence of not obediently handing over your position as the head of the family! This is your retribution!"

Gongsun Cheng laughed unscrupulously: "You see! This miserable situation! Hahaha - you deserve it! Since I can't get it, no one can get it! The Gongsun family owes me! I will get it all back!"

(End of this chapter)

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