Chapter 962

Gongsun Cheng seemed to want to vent all the grievances and unwillingness accumulated over the years, but it was obvious that the person opposite had no time to listen to his nonsense.

call out!
Gongsun Huan casually threw out two silver needles, and Gongsun Cheng's shouting stopped abruptly. He opened his mouth comically, and slowly fell to the ground with his body losing little strength.

His chest was stained bright red with blood. Gongsun Cheng struggled to turn his head, and his direct gaze fell on Gongsun Huan who was walking by him. A boundless anger suddenly emerged in his chest, and then quickly turned into a rage. The wisp of green smoke was completely extinguished.

Gongsun Cheng's vision was blurred, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. He coughed out a mouthful of blood and let out a low, self-deprecating laugh.

From the beginning to the end, he was not noticed by his father. His previous indifference and indifference to him remained unchanged until the moment of his death.

Gongsun Cheng really wanted to know what he cared about this man he called his father, this man who was extremely indifferent.

He would never know the answer to this. Gongsun Huan didn't even have the intention to talk nonsense to him. On the contrary, when the Thousand-faced Dharma King saw that the other party had killed his only son without hesitation, he couldn't help but smile strangely: "This is you My own son, don’t you feel bad if you kill him?”

Gongsun Huan glanced at him and said impatiently: "Now is the time to do business."

Gongsun Cheng's still-cooled corpse was at his feet, but he was not even interested in looking down. Even though the rumors among the clan over the years were wrong in many ways, only one thing was correct.

Gongsun Huan never liked Gongsun Cheng, his son, and it was like this from the beginning to the end. To say that he didn't like him was even a bit flattering. To be more accurate, it should be said that he didn't care at all.

For Gongsun Huan, there were countless things waiting for him to worry about every day, so he had no time to care about these boring things.

"I know, hey, I know."

The Thousand-faced Dharma King lazily replied that the person who died was not his son anyway, and it didn’t matter if he was his father, so naturally he had nothing to care about.

"Damn Shangguan Shaoqin, you are really cruel." Seeing the scene of hell in front of him, Gongsun Huan immediately snorted coldly, obviously not happy in his heart.

"Tsk, tsk," the Thousand-faced Dharma King smacked his lips and said, "Looking at this, your Gongsun family is doomed. I can see clearly that there are guards outside. It would be easy for us to escape, but if you want to save the rest of the clan, , even if it is difficult."

The Thousand-faced Dharma King's gloating about his misfortune did not touch Gongsun Huan. He didn't care much about his family. He used to look down on his family, so now he didn't feel any pity to lose him.

In fact, if he is short of money, he has Xuantian Sect to support him. If he is short of people, there are countless pills that he can use to train him to be a master. As for the rest, hehe.

To put it bluntly, several generations of the Gongsun family together would be thrown out of their way by him in terms of medical skills. Such a group of useless wastes would be dead if they died. How could he feel that it was a pity? .

"Don't worry about them."

Gongsun Huan said cruel words indifferently. He glanced in the direction of the main house and said in a serious voice: "After Gongsun Wang died, the Destiny Resurrection Pill was stored in the family. Unsurprisingly, it should be in Gongsun Yao's hands. , she is also dead, so now we can only find it ourselves."


The King of Thousand Faces spread his hands and didn't say much. They came here just for this unparalleled magical elixir. They had already seen the power of this elixir from Lu Peng.

Although the price is huge, it is also a fact that it can defeat the sky poison and weeping heart. If this kind of treasure is lost in the hands of this group of mud legs, or simply in the hands of Jin Yiwei, it will be the most painful for them.

Following Gongsun Huan's order, the thousand-faced Dharma King and many black-clothed swordsmen dispatched one after another, searching for the whereabouts of the magic pill in the mansion that was gradually engulfed by the fire.The fire burned all night. In the early morning of the next day, the crowd of spectators had dispersed and gathered again. Even the guards guarding outside had changed their shifts.

Ying Wushang was shaken awake by Kuai Baihu from his sleep, and he only heard the other party say: "Sir, there is no movement inside."

After Ying Wushang wiped his face and dispelled the drowsiness, he stood up and took a few deep breaths, his eyes regained his calm and he said loudly: "Open the door!"


Jin Yiwei, who had stayed up all night, finally waited for a chance to move. They moved away the earth and rocks blocking the door, and then broke in. The strong blood that rushed to them made them feel a little uncomfortable even after many battles.

Looking around, the ground was full of corpses of Jianghu people. They were so red-eyed that they couldn't stop the killing from the moment it started.

Ying Wushang covered his mouth and nose and quickly came to the atrium. He called Kuai Baihu and said, "Let the brothers take a look separately."

"Yes!" Kuai Baihu responded, calling up several general flags at will, and ordered them to search in all directions.

Neither of them mentioned much about the matter of survival. After all, [-]% of the wealth and industry accumulated by the Gongsun family has gone into the hands of Jin Yiwei. If there are still survivors in the Gongsun family, it will indeed be an embarrassing thing for them. .

Fortunately, this group of Jianghu people were indeed crazy enough yesterday and did not leave any unnecessary trouble for Jin Yiwei. The entire Gongsun family was dead, even Gongsun Cheng, who had just been released.

"I didn't expect this," Ying Wushang leaned over and looked at Gongsun Cheng's body, and said with great interest, "This useless young master has survived so many disasters, but I didn't expect that this time he would be so disappointing."

Kuai Baihu said with a smile: "It's a pity that our Lord Lu still remembers him. I didn't expect this boy to be so careless and wasted your expectations."

"Okay, since he's dead, forget it."

Ying Wushang checked Gongsun Cheng's injuries and found that he died due to his own unique skills. He just didn't know which clansman couldn't hold back and killed him.

While the two were chatting, several general bannermen reported back: "Masters from hundreds of households, sirs from Qianhu, have searched everywhere, but no Destiny Resurrection Pill has been found."

"Is there anyone who can get there first?" Kuai Baihu's face was a little gloomy, and Ying Wushang also frowned slightly.

The Gongsun family's property is indeed exciting, but the commander of Jinyiwei is also someone who is not short of money, not to mention that Master Lu's wife is Princess Yongle, who has countless wealth.

The main reason why Jinyiwei rushed to collect the inheritance of the Gongsun family was because of this legendary elixir. Wushang and others had known its efficacy for a long time, so they were even more unwilling to let it go.

Unexpectedly, the inside and outside they blocked in advance were actually succeeded by others.

Kuai Baihu said: "Although we dare not say that the defense line set up by our brothers is infallible, it is not something that a cat or a dog can pass through silently."

Ying Wushang nodded in agreement, and at this moment he looked down at Gongsun Cheng's injury, and suddenly a guess emerged in his mind, he thought for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "Go back and tell Lord Lu that the lingering guy has appeared again. "

(End of this chapter)

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