Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 119 Fade Chen, drop the bomb

Chapter 119 Fade Chen, drop the bomb
119 Fade Chen, drop the bomb
Chen Fei and Hei Xuejun learned tirelessly.

His Tong Bei Fist attribute increased rapidly, from zero to more than 20 attribute points soon.

About Tong Bei Quan, Fade Chen knew something about it before, mainly from film and television dramas, such as Zhao Wen Zhuo, Li Lian Jie, etc. He didn't know much about it at the time, but he just felt that this The kind of boxing is so special, it crackles as soon as it is practiced, and it is very imposing;
Later, when he entered middle age, he had more physical problems, especially because of sitting in the office for many years, cervical spondylosis, lumbar spondylosis, and all kinds of illnesses. Once he saw an old Chinese doctor, and he was advised to learn to learn back. Asked the reason, the old Chinese doctor said that Tongbei mainly moves the arms, relaxes the tendons and activates the blood, which is very good for people who sit in the office or do clerical jobs for a long time, so he remembered it. Unfortunately, he didn't have the opportunity and time later. I don't even have the energy to learn, and now, this wish is fulfilled.

So he cherishes it very much, and he seizes every opportunity to ask Hei Xuejun for advice. He wants to improve the attribute of the fist to at least one hundred points in this short period of six months. In this way, no matter where he goes in the future The army also has a skill, even if you go to the special forces, you can use this stunt to squeeze the crowd, and, in the future, you will have the capital to show off when you go to exchange with foreign troops.

It's a pity that the teaching team is really hard, even if he races against time, there is always not enough time.

Although most of the time he doesn't have to train as hard as other students, but he can't be idle either. Hei Xuejun asks him to lead other people to train for a while, and asks him to guide those new soldiers. He is a student and a teacher for a while. To be honest To be honest, it's more tiring than being a student alone!
The coaching team is like a manufacturing factory.

Every trainee is a raw material, stuffed into one production workshop after another, forged and hammered, and those squad leaders, teachers and squadron leaders are supervisors. Once a product is found to be unqualified, it is immediately caught out and returned to the furnace for remanufacturing. If it doesn't work, kick it back to the place of origin.

This factory is a standardized factory, and there are requirements for what standards each process should meet.

The stopwatch in the monitor's hand, or other report cards, is the standard, and every process is strictly required.

In the teaching team, there are requirements for everything.

How many minutes must be completed for assembly, how many minutes must be completed for eating, and three people must be in a row and two in a row when walking in the camp area of ​​the brigade...

The requirements one by one stipulate that people must be rigid.

There will always be a few timeless banners hanging in the camp area - skin and flesh will not fall behind, blood and sweat will not shed tears!
Whether it is a cadre or a squad leader, the most frequently uttered slogan is: "If you are tired, think about the old revolutionaries! If you are suffering, think about the [-] Red Army!"

Fade Chen lives in such a place, day by day.

On this day, before the lunch break begins.

Fade Chen took off his training hat and put it on the bed.

He was so tired this morning, he followed everyone to train for a while, and was called by Hei Xuejun to be a supervisor to supervise the training of other students. He didn't even have time to catch his breath. He was so tired that he was dying, so at noon today, he had to take a good night's sleep .

But at this moment, with a beep, the whistle blew.

"Bomb commandos! Assemble on the cement road outside the gate!"

"The 400-meter obstacle commando, gather at the obstacle course immediately!"

"From the five-kilometer commando, pack your guns and your equipment right away, and assemble on the playground!"

"Assembly of the Equipment Commando! Hurry up!"

Loud voices rang out one after another outside the dormitory.

The so-called commando team of Teacher T's teaching team is not a good place. It is not composed of top students, but those students with the worst grades are gathered together for intensive training. For example, those with poor 400-meter obstacles are gathered in a group. Individual tutoring by an experienced instructor or monitor.

However, the time for this tutoring is a bit sad, and it can only be done when others are resting.

At this time, students with good grades can take a lunch break, and those with poor grades will go to intensive training. The problem is that they have to participate in other training in the afternoon!
Zhao Zhigang, who taught the first squadron, the first district team, and the first class, was arrested and sent to the five-kilometer commando.

So as soon as he heard someone calling for assembly, he immediately had a bitter face, hugged Fade Chen and howled, "Fade Chen, why is my life so hard!"

"Persist on it, and it will be fine in two days. You have to believe in my training method, and if you persist in a week or two, you will pass the [-]km. You are almost in this one subject, and you can improve this one. Like me!"

Fade Chen was comforting when Hei Xuejun suddenly walked in: "Fade Chen, from today onwards, you will train with the bombing commando!"

"Ah?" Fade Chen heard this, and his eyes almost fell out.

The others also looked at Hei Xuejun in astonishment.

Chen Fei's bombing is one of the best, why should he join the commando?
Fade Chen also didn't understand. He thought that Hei Xuejun had made a mistake, so after recovering, he raised his head to look at Hei Xuejun, but Hei Xuejun changed his kindness and kindness when he was alone with him , expressionless: "Fade Chen, don't stand still, do you want everyone to wait for you? Hurry up—"

"Yes!" Fade Chen understood that Hei Xuejun was not joking, so he straightened himself up and answered loudly.

"Fade Chen, thank you! Seeing what happened to you, I suddenly feel better!" Zhao Zhigang patted Fade Chen on the shoulder, walked out with a smile, and went to find his five-kilometer commando.

Chen Fei walked out quickly and met Hei Xuejun.

When he stood shoulder to shoulder with Hei Xuejun, Hei Xuejun said: "When you throw the bomb later, don't use the old method, use the way I taught you to exert force with the Tongbei Fist!"

"Huh?" Fade Chen was taken aback.

"Using bombs to train the strength of the arm punch, this is the training method I summed up last year, it is very useful for you to learn the back!"

Chen Fei's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly replied with a smile: "Thank you, monitor."

The fighters of the bombing commando quickly assembled, and then each of them carried a box, each of which contained more than 30 training bombs for Type 67 grenades.

After arriving at the destination, Hei Xuejun pointed to a long hillside: "This is the place where you practice bombing. Use your most correct posture and maximum strength to smash the grenade on the hillside. Don't stop, just keep hitting it. , until I say I am satisfied. Every day after the bomb is dropped at noon, a real drop will be organized. After 55 meters, you will officially withdraw from the bombing commando team. If you fail to meet the standard for a day, you have to come here every noon until you are kicked Go until you leave the teaching team!"

After training the others, Hei Xuejun turned to Fade Chen: "Fade Chen, don't even think about quitting. Whenever the bombing commando team stops, you can keep practicing until that time. Moreover, you have to throw bombs with both hands every day, and the left hand Throw half, right hand and then half, is it clear?"

Fade Chen straightened his body: "It's clear!"

(End of this chapter)

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