Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 120 Zhao Zhigang Feeds Fade Chen

Chapter 120 Zhao Zhigang Feeds Fade Chen
120 Zhao Zhigang Feeds Fade Chen
Under the blazing sunlight, Fade Chen narrowed his eyes.

The sun in June is so damn vicious, even the eyes can't stand it, the light is too strong and too harsh.

The surrounding flowers and plants are all already bald, with their heads down, shriveled, and lifeless from the sun.

The ground was a little hot.

The members of the bombing commando team were all drenched as if they were fished out of the water.

"Smash! Smash me hard!" Hei Xuejun is like a demon god, pacing around the students expressionlessly, and when he sees a movement that is not good enough, or a little lazy, he immediately swishes It was ejected to the back of the student, and his mouth was close to his ear, and he bombarded directly with a loud voice: "Do you want to throw another hundred times? If you want, I will be happy to help you!"

Every student's heart is in suspense, and everyone feels that there is a pair of eyes staring at them anytime, anywhere, just like the vicious capitalist's supervisor, who sees whoever is lazy, and immediately whips him up.

Fade Chen also practiced hard with the others.

Whoosh!He threw one with his left hand.Then he leaned over and picked up a coach bomb with his right hand, and threw it out again with a whoosh.

His posture of throwing bombs is weird, and the people next to him are amused. They want to laugh but dare not laugh, so they can only hold back.

Although he tried his best every time, the grenade he threw was not far away, not as far as half the distance of others. However, Hei Xuejun didn't jump and curse because of it. At most, he just felt that there was something wrong with his posture or exertion. Only then will it be pointed out.

The other students glanced at Fade Chen from time to time, and whenever they were scolded again, they couldn't help but want to yell, "Fade Chen only shot at such a short distance, why don't you say why he keeps staring at my father's throwing distance?" Is it already twice as much as his?" Fortunately, no one dared to say this sentence, otherwise he would definitely be ravaged by Black King Kong again.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, Fade Chen voted one after another, and when one box was finished, Hei Xuejun immediately brought him another box. A little sore, then numb, and later, I lost all consciousness, I just felt that the two arms didn't belong to me anymore, and I couldn't control them at all.

[Ding——you have been practicing diligently in accordance with the requirements of Hei Xuejun, and the way of exerting force of your Tongbei Fist has gradually formed a mechanical memory. Your understanding of Tongbei Fist has deepened, and your Tongbei Fist+ 3. Your stamina +1]

This noon, he didn't know how many grenades he dropped. In the end, he didn't even bother to count them. There were so many that he couldn't remember.

However, what was even more terrible was that this afternoon, the teaching team arranged a gun training, that is, holding the gun in a standing position and hanging a few red bricks from the barrel.

Steel Seventh Company has long since stopped playing this trick. Gao Cheng has already put the concept of scientific and hard training into practice. It is said that he made a few trips to the Army Academy for this purpose and learned a lot from the experts there, so Steel Seventh Company has already done it. Never hung a brick.

But the teaching team still plays this trick.

Fade Chen wanted to say a few words at first, but fortunately, he was thoughtful and not in a hurry, so he held back and planned to see the situation first.

But the other students who came out of the Seventh Company were not as calm as he was. When one student heard that the teaching team had to hang bricks, he immediately protested, saying that this method was too backward and unscientific. He was eliminated, but what he didn't expect was that what he got in exchange for his kindness was the terrible fury of the monitor and the teacher. That afternoon, he not only had to hang bricks with other students, but also hung more bricks than others, and had to spend more time. longer.

After hearing the news, Fade Chen naturally didn't dare to mention that again, and practiced honestly.

This day's training was completed and after the dismissal, when he returned to the dormitory, he raised his hand and grabbed the small stairs to climb up, but with a bang, he fell directly.

In the past, he would jump up directly, but today he knew that he was definitely going to die, so he honestly wanted to climb up the stairs, but when he tried to lift his hands up, he couldn't use any strength .

With a bang, he fell directly to the ground.

Fortunately, Zhao Zhigang, his lower berth, was also sitting on the bed. Seeing this, he hurriedly grabbed him.

"Fade Chen, what's wrong with you?"

"I have no strength in my hands!"


"I lost hundreds of grenades at noon today, and hung bricks for two hours in the afternoon. My arms were cramped and I lost all strength!" Fade Chen explained weakly.

"Alas—the wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it!" Zhao Zhigang patted Fade Chen on the shoulder and sighed.

Next to him, another team member said: "Poet, your complaint is wrong. Black King Kong didn't mean to punish Fade Chen on purpose. He placed high hopes on Fade Chen and specially trained him. If you haven't seen him throwing bombs, his posture is different from ours." It is the same?"

"Ah? Really?" Zhao Zhigang took his gaze away from that guy and turned to Fade Chen.

Chen Fei didn't hide it either: "I learned Tongbeiquan from the squad leader, and he asked me to use this method to practice strength!"

"Tongbei? Is it the one that Zhao Wenzhuo plays best? I want to learn too?" Zhao Zhigang's eyes lit up, but soon he smiled: "But forget it, I have to throw so many grenades every day , I don't have that ability!"

This day's dinner, Fade Chen was very old. His two arms seemed to be useless. He tried to pick up a piece of meat with chopsticks, but he didn't hold it firmly, and the piece of meat fell into the bowl with a snap.

"Damn!" Fade Chen couldn't laugh or cry, so he couldn't even eat dinner.

He continued to work hard and picked it up with chopsticks, but still failed. Pata, the piece of meat had just been picked up, and before it was brought to his mouth, it fell off again. He changed the soup spoon, but he couldn't hold it steadily.

This scene was seen by Zhao Zhigang who was sitting on the side. He was a little surprised, and then asked with concern: "Fade Chen, you can't even pick up the food, can you?"

Fade Chen didn't answer, but smiled wryly.

"Alas—poor child—" Zhao Zhigang took a few mouthfuls of food, then put down his own bowl, took Fade Chen's bowl over, found a spoon, and fed it to Fade Chen mouthful.

"Thank you." Fade Chen was very grateful.

"Thank you so much, we are brothers!" Zhao Zhigang smiled and fed Chen Fei, and then he said: "After returning to the dormitory in a while, I will take the good safflower oil for you to push, make sure You'll be alive and kicking again tomorrow!"

"Where did you get the safflower oil?" Fade Chen was a little curious.

"Bring it! I'm well prepared. I've brought all the safflower oil Yun-Nan Baiyao."

(End of this chapter)

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