Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 142 Judging the direction, the ultimate move

Chapter 142 Judging the direction, ten tricks

142 Judging the direction, ten tricks

White belly spit out from the sky.

The ground can already be seen roughly.

In 2002, the teaching team of Division T taught for the first time in the field. The team of more than 300 people collapsed on the road with high spirits.

The students are fully armed.

Because they have to camp in the wild, they carry a lot of weight, and each person weighs more than 40 kilograms.

Coming out of the teaching place, the ground is flat and the road is wide, so walking is very easy, but after two or three miles, the various troops began to go up the mountain one after another. In summer, the mountains are lush with trees, deep forests and long grass. If people stand in the forest, it is difficult to go outside. turn up.

The most frightening thing about living and marching in the wild is getting lost. The continuous mountains and lush jungles will make people unable to find the north. Once separated from the brigade, it will be troublesome. , In a class, only the class leader brought a small horn and a flare gun, and the students had nothing. If they walked into a mountain depression, it was really—it was useless to shout.

According to the requirements of the teaching team, everyone in this training has to be the squad leader, taking turns to sit in the village, and change every hour. Some people thought it was troublesome and asked to change every half a day, but the captain refused. The captain had a good reason and changed every hour. , everyone has the opportunity to experience various situations. If you change every half a day, then there will be no such benefits. Then there will be some people who have a difficult journey while others have a smooth journey. Change every hour. This situation will not arise.

Of course, when encountering complicated situations, everyone still needs to discuss together, democratically centralize, and brainstorm.

"He Jianping, you are the squad leader now." After walking into the forest, Fade Chen looked up at the majestic mountain, then turned his head and said to the team members behind him.

"Okay!" He Jianping was already eager to try. After hearing what Fade Chen said, he immediately trotted forward, put down his backpack, took out the map, looked up at the sun, and looked down at the ground, then opened the compass On the map, I shook it for a long time and turned the map around a few times, but I didn't seem to find North.

After pondering for a while with the map, he pointed to the direction of three o'clock: "Bandai, is it here?"

"Don't ask me!" Fade Chen flatly refused, and said seriously: "From now on, you are the squad leader, and we are all your soldiers. We don't know anything, we can only follow you, and we will go wherever you say." Where, we will go as you say, if we go wrong, we will all die together!"

He Jianping was taken aback, and quickly straightened up and looked at Fade Chen: "Ban Dai, what do you mean everyone died together? Your words are too scary! Can you stop talking like this? You say that, I dare not be the squad leader anymore! Pressure too big!"

"If this is a real war and we followed you into the enemy-occupied area, then naturally we have to end together, you choose, you are responsible!" After finishing this paragraph, Chen Fei turned around and looked at the others: "The people behind It’s the same! The class leader chooses, and the whole class obeys unconditionally. If you make a mistake, we will die together!”

As soon as Chen Fei's words came out, there was a moment of silence in the venue. Everyone was joking and joking, but at this moment, they all became excited and serious.

"Walking in the field, the first level of using a map is to judge the direction." Fade Chen glanced at the students in Class [-] and said in a deep voice. He planned to explain it again, first to remind everyone, and second to understand what he had learned and Do a tidy up.

"Now that everyone has a compass, it's easy to judge the direction, but if you don't have a compass and nothing, how can we judge the direction?" Fade Chen asked everyone.

"Squad leader, I know a way!" Yang Feilong said.

"Okay, tell everyone!"

"My method is called the sun judgment method. I can use a straight branch and insert it vertically on the ground. The position of the top of the shadow of the branch is A. After 10 minutes, the position of the top of the shadow is B. The direction of A→B is west→east. direction. In the northern hemisphere, the end perpendicular to the line AB and facing the sun is south."

"Besides this method, do you know anything else?"

No one answered!
"Okay, let me tell you about my experience. If there is no compass, besides the sun judgment method, I have ten methods to judge the direction. The first method is the watch method. Place the watch horizontally and subtract the time indicated by the hour hand. The half-back position faces the sun, and the direction indicated by the 12 o'clock scale on the dial is roughly north. If the time is 16 o'clock, the 8 o'clock scale of the watch points to the sun, and the 12 o'clock scale points to the north. In summary, one sentence is: When the number of hours is halved to the sun, 12 refers to the north."

Fade Chen explained one by one.

"After determining the correct direction, to calibrate your position is not only to compare the terrain and features, but also to pay attention to any wild objects marked on the map, such as stones, trees, houses, and, look at the contour line, and determine your current approximate How many meters above sea level, besides, have you forgotten the visual distance method I taught you? Didn’t you forget that there is a compass?!”

"For example here." Fade Chen raised his thumbs up, first closed his left eye and opened his right eye, then opened his left eye and closed his right eye again: "There is a mark of that big tree on the map, mark the distance, and find another The reference object, and then calibrate the distance. As long as the distance is estimated, we can estimate the distance between our point and the big tree. Just measure it with the compass ruler on the map, so you can determine your position? "

Chen Fei taught on the spot, operated on the spot, and taught everyone a solid lesson.

[Ding——you combine theory with practice, and use effective methods to teach everyone how to determine the direction and measure the distance. The brothers in your class have benefited a lot and talked a lot. Your own theory and practice, too. It has been further sublimated, your field survival +5, squad leader +2]

After Fade Chen talked about it, He Jianping finally confirmed that there was no problem with his judgment after listening to it. His face was happy and his heart was relieved, and he said immediately: "Bandai, I'm sure, it's the direction at three o'clock!"

"Don't call me the class representative, you are the class leader now!" Fade Chen said with a smile.

"Yes!" He Jianping straightened his body, then turned around, and shouted to the people behind him: "At three o'clock, let's go!"

"Yes, monitor!" Everyone answered loudly.

He Jianping grinned happily after hearing this.

"and many more--"

Just when everyone was about to set off, Zhao Zhigang suddenly shouted, and just when everyone was wondering, he trotted to the front, jumped onto a rock, with one hand on his hips, condescending and pompous: "In this situation, we should Sing a poem!"

Before everyone came back to their senses, he started reciting in rhythmic rhythms.

"The Red Army is not afraid of the difficulty of the expedition,

Thousands of waters and thousands of mountains just wait and see.

The five ridges meandering fine waves,
Wumeng walks the mud ball in a majestic manner.

Sands water beats clouds and cliffs to warm,
The Dadu Bridge crosses the iron cable cold.

I prefer the snow in the Minshan Mountains for thousands of miles,
The three armies were all happy afterward. "

The last word "Yan" made Zhao Zhigang passionate and generous, and his voice shook the sky.

"it is good--"

I don't know who yelled first, and soon everyone cheered, and the applause was crackling.

(End of this chapter)

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