Chapter 143
143 really incense
The first day of field training is relatively simple and relaxed.

But the taste of hardship is already looming.

At the beginning, everyone was talking and laughing, some were singing, some were reciting poems, as if they were not here to practice, but to travel, but gradually, the singers stopped singing, and they just walked with all their strength, reciting poems. People are also a little tired, and they don't have the heart to do those fancy things anymore.

The team moved forward slowly.

In the evening of this day, Class One finally arrived at the first assembly point.

"It's here! It's here! I see the squadron leader!"

Yang Feilong, who was the temporary squad leader, looked down and was immediately overwhelmed with excitement. He waved down again and again, but it was a pity that Luohua didn't mean it. Zhou Ming below didn't even look at him, and couldn't hear his voice.

Arrive at the garrison point, report, set up camp, set up camp, everything is ready, the next thing is the most critical thing, looking for food.

"I propose that we leave one person behind to start a fire, set up a tent, and dig a stove to avoid light and smoke, and the others, in groups of two, all spread out to look for food." Fade Chen looked at his watch: "We will come back here in an hour , and discuss what to have for dinner."

For this training session, everyone brought rice, but the amount was not much, so the best way is to save the rice and find something else to eat first.

"Good!" He Jianping nodded.

"Second!" Zhao Zhigang said.

"I also second!" Several other people also said with a smile.

Everyone dispersed, and started searching in groups of two.

Chen Fei and Zhao Zhigang are in a group.

However, Fade Chen was not in a hurry to leave with Zhao Zhigang, but said to Yang Feilong who was in charge of lighting the fire and boiling the water: "You can try a few ways to start the fire in a while, and when we come back, you can tell everyone."

The best way to make a fire in the wild is naturally matches or a lighter, but these two things are not often available, and as a field soldier, you should also learn to start a fire by yourself. In the absence of matches and lighters, although there are many ways to start a fire , but it can be said that none of these methods is easy.

The easiest way is to use a method called the method of shooting fire with bullets to obtain the source of fire.

This method is very simple. Soldiers have guns on their bodies. According to the real battlefield, they must also have bullets.

Just find a cracked tree, snap the bullet in, then press hard on the casing of the bullet, loosen the bullet while trying not to damage the bayonet of the casing, and then remove the bullet.

Inside the cartridge case, there are some small black particles of propellant powder, as long as a mass of primer, usually some dry weeds, bird nest materials or even feathers, is mixed with these propellants, then reloaded into the cartridge case, and then the The bullet hit the barrel of the gun, and firing a shot at the haystack on the ground immediately ignited the fire.

In addition, there are many ways to ignite the fire, such as the method of igniting the fire with a convex lens, and the method of igniting the fire with a flashlight, but none of them are suitable for current use.

For the rest, only the most difficult and primitive three methods can be used now.

But whether these methods will work or not, you have to try them out. Fade Chen hopes that everyone can try them out, but everyone doesn’t have much time to verify them one by one, so let Yang Feilong find the best method and tell you about it later. This is the best choice!

"Okay!" Yang Feilong nodded, eager to try.

When everything was ready, Fade Chen and Zhao Zhigang got in towards the three o'clock direction.

It's almost August at this time, and the wild fruits have begun to mature. If you can find some fruits, it will obviously be of great benefit to alleviate everyone's food crisis.

"You go there, I'll go down here, don't go too far, just call out from time to time." After walking for a while, Chen Fei turned his head and said to Zhao Zhigang.

"Okay!" Zhao Zhigang was eager to try, and immediately sneaked into the jungle like a monkey, leaving only one sentence floating slowly: "Bandai, let's have a whole fruit feast tonight!"

"A whole fruit feast?" Fade Chen couldn't laugh or cry: "It would be nice to have something to eat at night."

Although the mountain looks huge and the forest is deep, it is not easy to find a few wild fruits, so Zhao Zhigang's talk of holding a feast of all fruits is completely wishful thinking.

After searching for more than ten minutes, he finally found a big tree with some bright red fruits on it. Fade Chen carefully identified it and found that it was a kind of fruit mentioned in the class. It was edible, but the taste was not good, sour There are scum, but now I can't control so much, it's good to have something to eat, so Chen Fei immediately climbed up the tree and picked it.

He picked one first and took a bite, his face was deformed by sourness immediately, his facial features were severely distorted and squeezed together.

But this thing is refreshing.

If anyone is tired from walking and can't walk anymore, eat this one, and you will be alive and well, and your spirits will be lifted.

Fade Chen didn't care about 21, and hurriedly picked a bag full of them.

He wanted to pick more, but there were none.

As soon as he got down from the tree, he heard a scream not far away.


Fade Chen's heart tightened, and he shouted hastily.

But no response.

"Is there something wrong?"

Fade Chen's heart trembled, he didn't dare to be careless, he hurriedly picked up his pocket and ran towards the place where the sound came from.

"Poet—" Fade Chen shouted while running.

But still no response.

Fade Chen's heart beat faster, and the speed on his feet was a little faster.

He ran wildly for about 1 minute, and came to a depression, like a small dam.

"Poet—" he called again.

"Ban Dai!" Zhao Zhigang's voice finally came back.

Following the sound, Fade finally found Zhao Zhigang at eleven o'clock.

The guy was lying on the tree, so nervous that he couldn't be more nervous.

Looking down, it was a young wild boar, about [-] jin, staring at him.

Wild boar?

Fade Chen's eyes lit up instantly.

This is delicious!

"Poet, are there any other wild boars nearby?" Fade Chen asked loudly.

Wild boars are generally herd animals. If there is a group, it will be troublesome. If you encounter adult wild boars, even wild animals are afraid, let alone humans.

Therefore, although Fade Chen was agitated in his heart, he was still very careful, and he had to figure out the situation first.

Zhao Zhigang heard this, and hurriedly replied loudly: "I didn't see any others, but I saw this one."

"I'm afraid they got separated or left behind?" Fade Chen frowned.

Soon, he yelled: "Poet, let's work together and catch him!"

"Okay!" Zhao Zhigang agreed very cleanly.

Fade Chen immediately put the things in his hands on the ground, trotted all the way, and rushed towards the little wild boar, howling.

Hearing Fade Chen's voice, the little boar suddenly turned his head to look at Fade Chen. After a while, he let out a strange cry and rushed towards Fade Chen.

This little wild boar has quite a temper, and it seems that his brain is not very bright. Of course, the pig's brain is not very bright.

The little wild boar screamed strangely and rushed towards Fade Chen.

Fade Chen didn't dare to be careless, he waited in full force, his spirit was highly concentrated, and all his strength was gathered at one point. During this period of time, he practiced his fists day and night, and at this moment, it finally came in handy. After coming over, Fade Chen turned sideways fiercely, and the slap in his hand was like an iron plate, and it slapped on the little wild boar's ear with a bang. Fade Chen exhausted all his skills in this blow, and the little wild boar suddenly felt his head The melon buzzed, staggered, bumped into two trees, and finally fell down.

Fade Chen swooped forward and suppressed it heavily with his body.

"Poet—" Fade Chen shouted.

"Come here" Zhao Zhigang suddenly realized that he was still lying on the tree.

"Come down quickly!"

Zhao Zhigang slid down from the tree with a slither, but he only slid halfway, and immediately let out a scream.

"What's wrong?" Fade Chen was shocked.

He fell from the tree, clutching his lower body, howling in pain.

Fade Chen was taken aback, and hurriedly straightened up, but as soon as his body loosened, the wild boar almost jumped up and escaped, so he hurriedly pressed on it again: "Are you injured?"

"No injury, just a poke!" Zhao Zhigang said in a muffled voice, still grinning in pain.

"It's okay if you're not injured, hurry up and help!"

"Ban Dai, do you still have any conscience? I almost can't be a man, and you still tell me to hurry up." Zhao Zhigang cursed, but he still struggled to stand up, and walked over slowly, When he walked to Fade Chen's side, most of the pain finally disappeared: "Bandei, what should I do?"

"Take off your armed belt and tie him up!"

"Okay!" Zhao Zhigang hastily followed suit.

The little wild boar howled in mourning, but under the ravages of the two young and strong men, it could only let out mournful wails.

"Ban Dai, we have oral intake tonight!" Zhao Zhigang laughed, his saliva was about to flow out, the misery just now had disappeared.

"Night?" Fade Chen smiled and didn't answer. After thinking about it, he glanced at Zhao Zhigang and asked, "Are you okay there?"

"Damn, I forgot to check!" Zhao Zhigang jumped up quickly, turned around, opened his trousers to look at it, checked it over and over again, and finally heaved a sigh of relief: "It's okay, it just punctured the skin a little bit." , fortunately, fate!"

"Go, go back!"


Fade Chen was carrying the wild boar, and Zhao Zhigang was carrying two bags of fruit, and the two of them walked back to the campsite happily and swaggeringly.

"Fuck! Wild boar!"


"I'm lucky tonight!"

"We survived well in the wild this time. We ate meat on the first day!"

When everyone saw Fade Chen coming back with a wild boar on his back, their eyes glowed, their mouths were drooling, and they rushed over with a grin.

"Go, go!" Fade Chen hurriedly pushed away those plotters: "We won't eat meat tonight, and we will keep taking this pig with us!"

"Take it with you all the time?" When the others heard this, their eyes widened in disbelief.

"Ban Dai, what did you just say? You want to take this wild boar to live in the wild?" Zhao Zhigang and the others also widened their eyes.

Chen Fei nodded: "Yes. We will kill him now, at most we will have a full meal tonight, but what if we can't find food in the future? So, I think it over, we will take him with us from now on, this thing As long as there is grass, we will not die of hunger, as long as he is still alive, we are equivalent to carrying more than 20 catties of meat, and we will not die of hunger."

After hearing what Fade Chen said, the others were a little dumbfounded when you looked at me and I looked at you.

I don't know how long it took before someone nodded: "Bandai's idea is actually good. If you eat it now, you won't get anything, but as long as you take him with you, we will always have meat to eat!"

"Yes, I agree, even if we kill him, the unfinished meat will go bad within two days, but as long as he is alive, he is a natural refrigerator, and the quality of the meat will not go bad!" He Jianping also said.

"But the problem is—this thing probably weighs twenty catties, and it's not easy to hug?"

"We take turns to recite!" Zhao Zhigang said.

"Then it's decided?"

"That's it!"

Several people in class one glanced at each other and nodded.

So everyone tied up the wild boar with a strong belt and tied it beside the tent.

At the beginning, the wild boar was very scared and howled, but after a long time, he relaxed, and when he was hungry, he began to eat the weeds and omnivores that everyone fed.

From the second day onwards, when marching, a group of people took turns to carry the little wild boar.

In order to prevent wild boars from biting people, before carrying him, a simple sheath was used to cover his mouth, and then he was tied on his back with a rope.

In the first two days, everyone could find food, so most of them still liked the little wild boar. Some even treated him as a pet, especially Zhao Zhigang, who came to pet him from time to time, but after a day or two, everyone's The food was obviously not enough, and I was often hungry. At this time, the wild boar became a delicacy exuding a tempting aroma. When I tied him to the tent at night, people sneaked over from time to time, trying to steal him. Killed.

The brothers in class one planned to eat him sometime, but when they saw the other class being so mad, they were all angry: "Bandai, we have to take care of our baby, we can't let him be murdered by others!" Zhao Zhigang said viciously that he had come to tease this little wild boar every day for the past two days. After a long time, the little wild boar became familiar with him, and he took this little wild boar as his pet, so seeing him now, Very annoyed.

So, from this day on, the soldiers standing guard every day have another task, which is to watch wild boars.

Zhao Zhigang was reluctant to eat at first, and wanted to keep it all the time, but later, he gradually developed feelings for the little wild boar, and he really couldn't bear to do it. Therefore, when the students in class one completed the five-day training and returned to the teaching team, The little wild boar was also carried back to the coaching team.

"Hey, little wild boar, have we taken it orally? How about our roast suckling pig tonight?"

When the cooking class saw the little wild boar, their eyes lit up.

Zhao Zhigang was the first to jump up: "He is my pet, he cannot be eaten!"

"Pets, the teaching team can't keep pets!" The squad leader of the cooking class was a veteran, and he immediately turned his face down and said displeasedly.

"You?" Zhao Zhigang was so angry that he wanted to jump, so he turned around and looked at Fade Chen: "Ban Dai."

Fade Chen sighed: "Squad Leader Li is right!"

"Bandai, you."

That night, the teaching team had a dinner, and one of the dishes was roast suckling pig.

"Poet, eat meat!" Fade Chen handed a piece of meat to Zhao Zhigang.

"Don't eat!" Zhao Zhigang turned his head aside: "This is my pet, but you ate him, you are too cruel!"

"If you don't eat any more, they'll eat it up! You've worked so hard to carry him back, and if you don't eat a bite, it's useless—"

"." Zhao Zhigang hesitated for a moment, then angrily picked a piece and stuffed it into his mouth. In an instant, his mouth was full of oil, his eyes were shining, and he chewed faster than anyone else.

"It smells so good——"

(End of this chapter)

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