Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 174 Mysterious Special Training

Chapter 174 Mysterious Special Training

174 Mysterious Special Training

After breakfast this morning, three army trucks drove into the No. [-] Steel Company.

"Class [-], Class [-], Class [-], Car No. [-]! Class [-], Class [-], Class [-], Car No. [-], Class Six, Class [-], Class [-], Car No. [-]!"

Gao Cheng shouted loudly in front, directing.

"Car No. [-]?"

When Fade Chen heard Gao Cheng's password, he was stunned for a moment, then turned his head and looked at Cheng Cai, very surprised.

The distribution of Gaocheng is obviously based on the grades of each class, and those with similar training grades are assigned to the same car.

Gaocheng assigned Class [-] to Car No. [-], what does that mean?
Gao Cheng has already tacitly agreed in his heart that Class [-] and Class [-] are on the same starting line?

"Squad leader, did the company commander make a mistake?" Xu Shuai whispered.

But Fade Chen didn't answer, he just took the lead and climbed into the No. [-] truck.

Wu Liuyi stood at the rear of the carriage and looked at Fade Chen.

Judging from his expression, he also seemed to think that Gao Cheng had made a mistake, but he didn't go to Gao Cheng to ask.

"Get in the car?" Fade Chen winked at Wu Liuyi.

Wu Liuyi looked up at Gaocheng in the distance, then pulled the brim of his training cap, turned around and boarded the military truck one step at a time. After he got on the truck, he leaned over and stretched out his hand. Fade Chen took his hand and held it for a while. Jumped into the car.

The two found the outermost seats and sat down next to each other.

With a bang, the shutter was closed.


The man below gestured to the driver.


A puff of black smoke came out, and soon, the military truck drove out of the Seventh Steel Company with a bang.

This is the second time that Fade Chen has left Steel Seven Company in a truck.

The last time he went to coach the team for training in June last year.

This time.
He didn't know where they were going!

The arched gate with the three big characters of "Steel Seven Company" gradually moved away from sight, and it disappeared after a while.

Fade Chen withdrew his gaze, hugged the Bayi Bar tightly in his hand, and asked Wu Liudao: "Did you find out anything?"

"No!" Wu Liuyi took out a pack of cigarettes from his body, took out one and put it in his mouth, but he didn't light it up. He said in an indistinct voice while smoking the cigarette: "But I guess this special training can It’s not the company commander’s whim, it’s probably related to the reforms often mentioned above!”

Fade Chen was very surprised when he heard this. Wu Liuyi's analytical ability is good. He only thought about it for some special reasons, but Wu Liuyi could think of this just by intuition, which is amazing.

Fade Chen abducted Wu Liuyi with his hands: "Your military instinct is good, it's a pity not to develop in the army in the future!"

"It's up to you!" Wu Liuyi rolled his eyes: "If I don't want to stay in the army, why am I working so hard?"

Fade Chen chuckled, and abducted Wu Liuyi again.

"Why?" Wu Liu took the cigarette out of his mouth and stuffed it back into the cigarette case.

"This time is a good opportunity."

"What good opportunity?"

"That Wen Tiexin has a lot of background!" Fade Chen whispered in his ear.

Wu Liuyi turned his head and looked at Fade Chen with strange eyes.

"This thigh is so thick, hug it, and the future is bright!" Fade Chen whispered: "Although he is from special operations, I guess he should be working in conventional operations now. He came here to specialize in military reform, he has great energy, follow him, and the future is boundless—so his thigh is very thick, hold it tight!"

"Cut——" Wu Liuyi didn't speak, just snorted from his nose, he sneered at what Fade Chen said and what he did, and dismissed him: "I want to hug you, don't pull me!"

"Hey, you guy—" Fade Chen pointed at Wu Liuyi, but he didn't know what to say.

While speaking, the military truck roared out of the main gate of the 702 regiment, turned to the right, and drove in an unfamiliar direction.

"Where is this going?"

In the truck, everyone stretched their necks, looking around like a giraffe, and one soldier exaggerated, sticking his head out of Wu Liuyi: "Fuck, where are you going? After he opened his mouth, the saliva flew down and landed on the face of Wu Liuyi who had just taken off his training hat, Wu Liuyi wiped his face, a little dissatisfied: "Go back, go back, what's so interesting? You can't see anything!"

As soon as I said this, a military truck happened to drive through a big pothole. With a bang, the truck jumped up and landed heavily, so there was a moment of wailing in the compartment.

Ma Chao's scolding voice was unique among the scolding voices of "Fuck".

"Ha ha ha ha--"

There was a roar of laughter in the carriage.

"Huh? What about cars No. [-] and No. [-]?"

Wu Liuyi suddenly frowned.

Fade Chen turned his head sharply, and looked back through the billowing dust behind the car, but after looking for a while, the back was empty, not even a truck.

"Where did car No. [-] and car No. [-] go?"

When I went out, the three trucks were lined up in a row, and the distance between each car was at most 50 meters, but now, the road is straight, but three kilometers away are empty.

"Aren't we going to the same place?"

Chen Fei and Wu Liu looked at each other, both of them were full of surprise.

After a while, Wu Liuyi said: "It seems that they want to divide us into three groups. The best grades are in one group, the middle ones are in one group, and the worst grades are in one group alone."

Fade Chen listened, and smiled: "So, you also admit that our hunter team is still good, on the same level as you!"

Wu Liuyi gave Chen Fei a blank look, and was too lazy to answer.

The eighth class has been practicing scientifically and hard during the period between the new recruits and the Spring Festival, and the performance has improved very obviously. In addition, Fade Chen still has a system, so their performance has improved so much that it is staggering.

It's just that there was no assessment and no confrontation during this period of time, so the reputation of Class [-] was not obvious. Even Gao Cheng and the instructors didn't know the current situation of Class [-], but Wu Liuyi often trained with Fade Chen, and he knew it.

After a while, Fade Chen suddenly let out a long sigh: "Have we really become guinea pigs?"

"What do you mean?" Wu Liuyi was puzzled.

"Three vehicles, one vehicle goes to one place. Obviously, it should be one vehicle and one training plan. Finally, we will summarize and compare them to find the best one! We have really become little ones exploring the infantry reform of the Continental Army. White rat!"

Wu Liuyi's eyes widened, and he stared blankly at Fade Chen. After watching for a while, he suddenly turned his head and looked out of the carriage, but the straight avenue was empty, and only strands of dust were crushed and flew up.

(End of this chapter)

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