Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 175 Wu 61: Fade Chen, tell me about it

Chapter 175 Wu Liuyi: Fade Chen, tell me about it
175 Wu Liuyi: Fade Chen, tell me about it
The east wind galloped on the country road bang bang, rolling up puffs of dust.

At the beginning, everyone was still in high spirits, and the sky was full of awesomeness, but after more than an hour, even the most talkative people were too lazy to speak. He fell asleep on his shoulder, and the saliva trickled down the corner of his lips.

But Fade Chen didn't feel sleepy, he kept looking outside silently.

The cold wind kept rubbing his face, and it turned red in a short while, and the withered and yellow world kept receding from both sides.

After staring blankly for a while, Fade Chen turned his head, only to see Wu Liuyi, who had closed his eyes before, opened them again.

"Why, can't sleep?" Fade Chen asked.

"The ass is almost rotten, how can I sleep?" Wu Liuyi complained helplessly.

The position where the two of them sit is just above the rear wheels, so the bumps of the car can be transmitted to their buttocks without any leakage. The soldiers sitting next to the two of them couldn't stand the bumps here and moved elsewhere, but Fade Chen and Wu Liuyi stubbornly sat there, too lazy to move, letting the bumps torment their buttocks.

"It would be great if there was a Warrior! It's only comfortable to sit in that car!" Wu Liuyi glanced out and said with emotion.

"With so many people, how many Warriors do you get?" Fade Chen couldn't stop laughing: "Besides, that thing is for leaders, so where is your turn!"

"I heard that the company commander is going to change warriors, is it true?" Wu Liuyi changed the subject.

Gaocheng usually drives a Warrior. It has been a product for many years. It is surprisingly old. In some places, the rust has leaked out. Although the Warrior is also a military vehicle, it is really not as good-looking as the Warrior. No matter how you say it, the Seventh Steel Company is also a front-line combat force. , and it is still the sharp knife company, it stands to reason that it should have been equipped with warriors long ago.

A real warrior should be assigned to the Seventh Steel Company.

"Even if it is equipped, it will not be your turn to sit. All battalion-level vehicles are managed and used in a small convoy. Although our Seventh Steel Company is a reconnaissance company directly under the regiment, the management must be the same as other battalions. After all, resources are limited. It can be managed centrally. I talked with the captain of the small team when I went to the office. In fact, our chief officer’s car allocation has been short for a long time, and the shortage is very serious. Even our T divisions don’t have so many cars. "

"You bastard. You know a lot!" Wu Liuyi sighed.

"If you meet someone, talk to them, and you'll know a lot!"

"I'm not as capable as you!" Wu Liuyi smiled wryly.

"It's not that you don't have that ability, you just can't hold back your face."

"I" Wu Liu opened his mouth, but he didn't say a word in the end. He naturally knew his fault, and he also knew that this thing was very bad, but he just couldn't hold back his face. What did he do? Method.

"Hi—" Wu Liuyi abducted Fade Chen: "Fade Chen, you know a lot, tell me about it!"

"say what?"

"Anything is fine. Those things in the agency, the future military development, or what do you think I will do in the future? As long as you want to talk, you can talk about it. Anyway, this journey is quite boring."

"Won't you listen when I tell you? I ask you to hug someone's thigh, and you still look disdainful?"

"Where do you talk so much nonsense? You can tell it if you are told. Whether you tell it or not is your business, and whether you listen or not is my business!"

"All right, all right, you're right, okay, can't I listen to you? Then I'll tell you what I know. Listen or not, it's up to you."

Fade Chen didn't hide it, he sorted out his thoughts, and started to speak.

"Wu Liuyi, if you want to develop in the army, then I think you must pay attention to the reform of the army.

The reform of the military has been going on, but now it should be entering the deep water area. Now, the main problem we face is Wu Liuyi. What do you think is the main problem we are facing now? "

"The main problem?" Wu Liuyi frowned: "I seem to have heard the company commander say that the main problem we are facing now is the lack of informatization!"

"Actually, I don't think that's the main problem we're facing right now."

"Ah?" Wu Liuyi turned his head and looked at Fade Chen in surprise.

"I think our most important trouble now is the serious lack of actual combat."

"Practical combat?" Wu Liuyi frowned.

"Practical training, this should be our most important direction in the future!"


"The first manifestation of the serious lack of actual combat is the lack of formation! Our Seventh Steel Company is not bad, and the 702 Regiment is also not bad. In fact, the T Division and the C Army are also barely passable, but other units... lack The organization is very troublesome, how many people are there in the infantry company, how many people are in office, most of the troops are seriously short of organization, those who are temporarily on duty, study and study, and intensive training, there is a serious shortage of staffing. "

"Of course, in fact, most troops are like this in peacetime. It is impossible to maintain a full-strength state for a long time. The main problem is military expenditure. However, the biggest problem caused by this situation is that it is impossible to conduct actual combat training, or the actual combat training is not in place. You Did you read last week's newspaper, the one inside our army?"

Wu Liuyi shook his head.

"The newspaper said that the future goals of our Army Group C are two without construction."

"Without construction?"

"There is no supplement during the war, and there is no pre-war training. In fact, these two things are just one word, actual combat, how the war is fought, and how the training is practiced. When the war really starts, the troops can be pulled out in the first second. You can fight when you go out! But to achieve this, first of all, our troops must be full!"

"However, our Group C Army is basically fully staffed. After all, it is a key construction force. If there is still a lack of staff to defend the capital, it will be too serious!
But the problem now is that there are two problems of shortage and redundancy. On the one hand, there are many redundant personnel, which not only wastes resources but also causes internal friction, but on the other hand, some troops are short of staff. How many should be, how many vehicles, especially how much is the most suitable data under the current informatization conditions, no one knows, especially our infantry units, which are seriously lacking relevant data.

Therefore, this time our training camp is likely to be related to this, and we will explore the most suitable set of data.With the most suitable data, those with redundant personnel can be abolished, or instead of being abolished, they can be reorganized, quickly replenish combatants, and then quickly carry out actual combat training. "

Chen Fei muttered, and Wu Liuyi listened attentively.

In this kind of communication and collision, time flew by like flying, and at some point, someone exclaimed: "It's here! Is it here?"

Fade Chen and Wu Liuyi hurriedly turned their heads to look outside.

Sure enough, a large camp area came into view. The layout of the camp area was almost the same as that of Steel Qilian. The barracks were exactly the same. They were all three-and-a-half-story concrete buildings. , just looks updated.

"This place is quite beautiful!"

"I think it looks better than our Qilian, at least update!"

Most of the soldiers gathered around, watching and chattering.

(End of this chapter)

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