Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 178 Fuck Him

Chapter 178 Fuck Him
178 fuck him
Fade Chen drank two big bowls.

He also found it unpalatable, but he knew that these two bowls of rice had to be eaten, so he gritted his teeth and insisted. After eating two bowls, he really wanted to vomit when he smelled that smell again.

Lin Yu vomited after taking a mouthful and almost threw it up.

This guy was pampered and spoiled since he was a child. Where did he eat this kind of pig food, so he almost vomited after taking a bite, but this guy is also a ruthless character, so he stood up abruptly, and then swallowed him into his stomach with rounded eyes For the ones in the back, he simply squeezed his nose and poured them into his stomach.

He barely filled a large bowl.

When the other soldiers saw it, no matter how unpalatable it was, they imitated him and squeezed their noses and poured it vigorously.

Among all the people, only Xu Sanduo seemed to be fine. He ate three big bowls, and he seemed to have a good meal.

"Xu Sanduo, don't you think it's bad?" Cheng Cai was extremely surprised.

"It's a little bit, but it's still edible!" Xu Sanduo wiped it off, and grinned brightly, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

Fade Chen checked them one by one.

"How much did you eat?"

"Squad leader, I ate a bowl and a half!"

"What about you?"

"Half a bowl." Li Mu said with a bitter face.

"Eat at least half a bowl!" Fade Chen ordered in a deep voice.

"Ah?" Li Mu opened his mouth wide in astonishment, and after a second, he stammered: "Squad leader, this food is rotten, I feel like throwing up after eating it"

"You want me to pour it?" Fade Chen's face darkened.

"No, no!" Li Mu hurriedly shook his head so loudly that he had no choice but to bend over and shake the half-small bowl.

"Add another spoonful!" Fade Chen ordered.

Li Mu had no choice but to scoop up half a spoonful with a bitter face.

"Chengcai, come and watch him eat!"

"Yes!" Cheng Cai stood up and strode forward.

Li Mu had no choice but to hold his nose with one hand and eat with the other.

"Ma Chao, how much did you eat?"

"Squad leader, I have three bowls. Don't worry, I don't pick them. In my eyes, these are all high-quality raw materials for protein supplementation. I have lost a lot of protein at night recently, so I will definitely take the initiative to supplement it, and I will never procrastinate." The class's hind legs!" Ma Chao grinned.

After hearing Ma Chao's words, Chen Fei couldn't laugh or cry, and didn't bother to talk to him anymore, and turned to look at other people.

"Where are you Nangong Yuan? How many bowls have you eaten?"

Fade Chen asked them one by one.

[Ding——you personally inspected and supervised one by one, so that every soldier in the squad was supplemented with sufficient food. Everyone's physical fitness recovered quickly, and their combat effectiveness was very strong. You prepared carefully for the next ordeal, Hunter Team cohesion +2, combat power +2]

A pleasant voice rang in Fade Chen's mind.

Fade Chen looked at it intently. At this time, the combat power of the eighth squad has already reached 37 attributes, and there is still a little gap with the best third squad of the seventh steel company, but it is not big anymore.

But in order to fight against old A, Class 37 still has a long way to go. A combat team of old A has at least a combat strength of about [-], [-] to [-], the road is long——

While Fade Chen was feeling secretly, at a place not far from here, Wen Tiexin was sitting in front of a TV. He was eating a bowl of beef noodles while watching the monitoring screen on the TV.

"Look at the situation in Class [-]!" Wen Tiexin said to a corporal next to him.

"Yes!" The corporal pressed the remote control a few times, and after a while, the screen on the TV flashed, and the situation of the eighth class suddenly appeared.

"Zoom in and see how much is left in their bucket?"

Wen Tiexin watched while eating delicious beef noodles.

He stopped chewing, stood up abruptly, and moved closer to the TV.

The corporal who was debugging the screen was also taken aback. He leaned forward and widened his eyes.

"Chief, is it almost finished?" The corporal blinked his eyes, reconfirmed, and then reported in disbelief.

Wen Tiexin had actually seen it, and he also felt a little unbelievable, until the corporal reported it, and he was sure.

"This class is interesting!" The corners of his lips pulled back.

After a while, he sat back on the chair and ate the last mouthful of noodles with a bang. With a bang, he threw the bowl and chopsticks on the table, took out a piece of paper and wiped his mouth. Take a look, and throw the ball of paper into the trash can at the door with a casual throw, right in the middle.

"Fox, you are in charge of Class [-] tonight!" Wen Tiexin leaned back on his chair.

"Huh?" The corporal turned his head suddenly and looked at Wen Tiexin in disbelief.

"The earth dog may not be able to handle it, so it's up to you to do it!"

"Chief, can't you?"

"Be careful sailing for thousands of years, this Fade Chen in Class [-] is a bit evil, so you should go there yourself!"

The corporal took a serious look at Wen Tiexin. Seeing that he didn't seem to be joking, he straightened himself up and replied loudly, "Yes, chief!"

at this time.

Fade Chen and the others were already full.

Two second lieutenants came over, one took away the bowls and chopsticks, and the other said to Fade Chen and the others: "Just now we just pulled out the weeds in the camp area, next, everyone will continue to clean the dormitory building, you are in charge of this building !"

Everyone was full of resentment, but there was no good way to do it, so they had to work honestly.

This work lasted for a long time, until six o'clock in the evening.

Don't underestimate this guy, after a day of work, everyone is so tired that they are more tired than a day of training.

It was still pig food at night.

After eating, the two second lieutenants came again, one left after carrying something, and the other said to Fade Chen: "It's getting late, let's go, I'll take you to rest!"

Everyone followed the second lieutenant to a room on the third floor.

"This is your dormitory, and you will live here from now on."

Fade Chen entered the room first.

He first walked to the end of the dormitory, opened the window and looked down. There was a drain pipe hanging near the window. Fade Chen leaned out and grabbed the drain pipe, and shook it vigorously. Well, it’s not bad, it should have been installed not long ago Yes, very solid.

In fact, he had observed it before, and now he just confirmed it again.

Climbing drainpipes is not the strong point of Steel Seventh Company, because Steel Seventh Company is an armored reconnaissance company, not an armed reconnaissance company, but since the word reconnaissance is included, it can still climb, but it is not as skilled as those guys from the armed reconnaissance company. .

"Squad leader, what are you looking at?" Cheng Cai came over and poked his head out to have a look.

"Ma Chao, has anyone left?" Fade Chen asked Ma Chao who was standing at the door.

Ma Chao went out to take a look: "Let's go, it's all on the ground!"

clap clap.

Fade Chen clapped his hands, and everyone put down what they were doing and looked at him.

"Tell me." Fade Chen looked around: "From now on, the whole class will enter a wartime state!"

Wartime status?
Everyone, you look at me and I look at you, but you don’t understand why.

"Didn't you pay attention to the slogan on the stairs?" Fade Chen asked.

"Slogan on the stairs?" Everyone was startled for a moment, then frowned, and their expressions became serious.

This building is very old and has been abandoned for many years. Today, everyone cleaned up and did it for a long time. But in such a building, especially on the stairs, there are brand new slogans. There are many slogans, but there is only one theme , that is "always ready"

Fade Chen nodded in satisfaction when he saw that everyone looked serious.

"If there is no accident, they will attack us tonight!"

"Squad leader, is it like in the movies and TV shows, secretly opening the door and throwing a tear gas to overturn everyone, then pulling them out with a car and throwing them into the wilderness!" Lin Yu asked in a deep voice.

Fade Chen nodded: "It's almost the same, with minor differences."

"Squad leader, what should we do?" Ma Chao was startled.

"Fuck him!" Fade Chen replied.

Fuck him?

Everyone's hearts jumped, some were extremely excited, some were surprised, and some were terrified.

"Squad leader, is this not too good?" Xu Sanduo asked weakly.

"Xu Sanduo, you're the one who talks too much!" Cheng Cai glared.

Chen Fei didn't answer Xu Sanduo, but said seriously: "Tonight, the battle is on duty, which changes every hour. Now it's [-]:[-], we wash up quickly, go to bed at [-]:[-], and Lin Yu is on duty at [-]:[-]. At ten o'clock, Xu Shuai is on duty; from ten to eleven o'clock, Ma Chao is on duty; from eleven o'clock to twelve o'clock, Xu Sanduo is on duty; Chengcai is on duty at [-]:[-] a.m., and Chengcai is also on duty for two hours, and by four o'clock, it should be about the same."

"Squad leader, what about us?" He Jun asked anxiously.

"You four recruits, sleep a little longer, you don't need to be on duty!"

"Squad leader, we can do it!" He Jun said.

"Yes, squad leader, we are not the same as when we first got off the company!" Nangong Yuan said.

"That's right, squad leader, you can't still look at us with old eyes!" Xiao Zhigong said.

"I know that you are not what you used to be, but you are still recruits after all, and you are still not as good as us veterans in all aspects. Admitting your own shortcomings is the basis for progress. Okay, that's it. Want to Prove yourself, there is plenty of time tomorrow, the last thing, everyone look at the drainpipe outside the window, if they really broke in, then we will climb down the drainpipe!"

"Squad leader, what happens after climbing down?"

"After climbing down, it's free. As long as we get down to the ground safely, it proves that their first step has failed. If they win the first battle, our eighth class will win. Let's talk about the rest at that time!"

(End of this chapter)

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