Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 179 Huge failure, everyone ran away

Chapter 179 Huge failure, everyone ran away

179 extraordinarily failed, everyone ran away

Fade Chen first talked about the general possibility of this training camp, and then issued the orders one by one.

Everyone's heart suddenly became like a mirror, and everything was understood in an instant.

Why do you want to do this?
What should I do if I encounter a situation?

Everyone has a direction in their hearts, and they may not be able to achieve it, but at least they know what to do.

The first step is to wash and sleep.

Fade Chen also washed it quickly, then climbed up on the bunk bed and lay down. In order to save time, no one took off their clothes.

He fell asleep within a minute or two. One is that he is really tired today, and the other is that he must fall asleep as soon as possible to recover his strength. As a professional soldier, he can sleep when he wants to sleep and wake up when he wants to wake up. basic skills.

At some point, someone patted Fade Chen on the shoulder and called in a low voice: "Squad leader, get up and be on duty!"

Fade Chen opened his eyes and looked outside. It was pitch black outside. The moonlight was not very good tonight, and he couldn't see his fingers. It felt like it was going to rain.

Fade turned over and sat up, and got out of bed gently.

After completing the basic handover, he came to the door and stood against the wall.

The door cannot be opened, otherwise it will make people vigilant, but it is not completely closed, leaving a small gap, which can just peek into the direction of the entrance of the gate.

Observation and listening are enough to be vigilant.

Chen Fei stood quietly, with his ears pricked up, listening vigilantly to the sounds outside.

The dormitory was quiet, except for the uniform breathing of the soldiers. Of course, there were also some other noises, such as Ma Chao's teeth grinding, Xu Sanduo's muttering in dreams, and Lin Yu's smug smiles without warning. The night is more warm.

Fade Chen stood quietly for about an hour. There was nothing wrong with him. He carefully opened the door and looked outside, but there was still nothing wrong. So he slid along the wall and sat on the ground. He stood for a long time. , his legs were a little sore, so he just sat down cross-legged, and took a rest while watching. His ears were still listening vigilantly, and his eyes glanced out along the narrow gap from time to time.

Time passed minute by minute.

But nothing that Fade Chen was worried about happened.

Before I knew it, two hours passed.

Fade Chen looked at his watch, came to the Chengcai window, and woke him up softly.

Chengcai woke up with a jolt.

"Squad leader?"

"It's time for you to be on duty!"

"En." Cheng Cai rubbed his eyes, yawned, and got up carefully.

"There is nothing going on ahead, it is estimated that they are most likely to strike at your time, so—"

"Squad leader, don't worry, I will definitely find them in advance!" Cheng Cai patted his chest, very confident.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you!" Fade Chen patted Chengcai's shoulder, turned on the bed, his clothes were still on, as it was agreed before, in order to ensure the speed, all of them would sleep with their clothes on, and Fade Chen turned on the bed to sleep.

He lay down for a while and fell asleep.

And he also had a dream, he dreamed that a beautiful girl was walking towards him, at this time, he was standing guard, and the girl was walking towards him with a smile. "Comrade, what's the matter with you?" Fade Chen said, but the girl just laughed and walked towards him, getting closer and clearer. Fade Chen seemed to smell the manic smell on her body. Aroma. "Comrade, please stop!" Fade Chen reminded, but the girl didn't stop, she continued to walk over, and finally hugged Fade Chen, and hung her two long legs around his waist. "Girl, you!" Fade Chen was shocked.

At this moment, Chengcai's voice sounded, depressing and sharp: "Get up, get up, they are here!"

He slapped everyone while shouting.

Fade Chen opened his eyes.

"Hurry up, they're at the gate!" Cheng Cai shouted in a low voice.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!
The soldiers in the dormitory immediately threw off the quilt and jumped out of the bed, then got out of the window with lightning speed and crawled down the sewer pipe. They didn't even have time to put on their shoes. They hung them around their necks before they fell to the ground , One can increase the speed and the other can reduce the sound. This was discussed before. Everyone knows how to do it, and the speed is extremely fast.

At this time, downstairs.

A tall warrior raised his fist, and the people behind him stopped immediately.

He stood downstairs and looked up. At this time, the clouds were scattered and the moon was bright, and the situation on the ground was still vaguely visible.

After watching for a second, he cut forward the forearm, which was perpendicular to the forearm at 180 degrees, so that the whole arm presented a straight [-]-degree angle.

As soon as the order was given, several soldiers rushed up the stairs like ghosts, silently, like lightning, and soon came to the dormitory of the eighth class.

The leader took a shock bomb from his body, grinned, and pulled it away with a click.

His companion quietly opened the door.

The shock bomb was thrown into the dormitory and rolled along the floor clangingly.

Moments later, there was a loud bang, bright light and noise filled every cubic centimeter in the dormitory.

The guy in the lead silently counted the time: "One, two, three"

When the time came, he immediately yelled: "Work!"

The dormitory door was pulled open heavily.

Several soldiers in combat uniforms filed in and went in to take people.

"Huh? What about people?"

"What about people?"

"Why is there no one?"

"Turn on the lights, turn on the lights!"

"Fuck, no one!"

"Is this the dormitory? I'm afraid I made a mistake, why is there no one there?"

As soon as the lights came on, everyone immediately understood that this was the dormitory, the quilts were still on the bed, and they were still warm when touched, and the traces of people who lived here were clearly visible, but——

What about people?

"Damn, they ran from here!"

Someone finally noticed the clue, looked out from the back window, and cursed.

"How to do?"

Everyone looked at the leader in unison.

The leader's face was ashen, extremely ugly, the breath coming out of his nostrils was humming, and there was a violent emotion in his chest that was about to explode him.

Gritting his teeth, he turned and walked out the door, striding down.

When he went downstairs, Wen Tiexin had just finished dealing with other matters and walked over briskly.

"How about it, Fox?"


The fox's answer was actually just a beat slower, but with such a small change, Wen Tiexin knew what was going on. He immediately raised his head and glanced at the team members behind the fox. Behind the fox, several special forces members had already Everything was in place, but apart from them, there was no one else. Fade Chen and the others had gone to nowhere, and there was no sign of them.

"Chief, they found us in advance, climbed out of the window and followed the drainpipe to the first floor!"

Although the fox's lungs were about to explode, he was honest and reported seriously in front of Wen Tiexin.

After hearing this, Wen Tiexin was neither angry nor overly emotional. He just said: "Now you know how powerful it is?"


The fox's face instantly turned a liver color.

(End of this chapter)

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