Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 223 Old A Came to Sneak Attack

Chapter 223 Old A Came to Sneak Attack
223 Old A Came to Sneak Attack
in the dark jungle.


Fade Chen pointed a gun at the two old A's soldiers and threatened them viciously.

"I'm a corpse, I've been shot dead, how do I get out?"

The old soldier of A said angrily.


Fade Chen was so angry that he laughed.

This is what you asked for.

He strode up, grabbed the opponent and carried it on his shoulders. He deliberately jumped up and down while walking, and the guy's internal organs were about to turn upside down a few times. It was so uncomfortable that he finally had to beg: "Brother , I was wrong, you better let me down, I will go by myself!"

"You said it yourself. If you are dishonest, don't blame me for being rude!"

Seeing that Fade Chen was aggressive, the other party didn't dare to act recklessly, and obediently walked over to Gaocheng and Hong Xingguo.

"Squad leader, is this the tongue you caught?" The soldiers of the eighth squad hurriedly gathered around, observed and chattered under the faint moonlight.

"I shot this one! This guy is the one I shot!" Cheng Cai also jumped out, pointing at one of them, and said excitedly.

"Don't get in the way! Don't get in the way!" Fade Chen shouted.

But more and more people came to watch.

Although the 702 regiment has been fighting with the blue army for a day, no one knows what the blue army is, and they have never even seen what kind of person they are.

"Huh? It also has two eyes and one mouth!" Someone said in surprise.

"The clothes they wear are different from us. Look, the clothes they wear are different from us!" Some people seem to have discovered a new world.

"Guns are different! Why are their guns so much shorter than ours?"

"This is a Type [-] automatic rifle. I know it. I know it. It appeared on the TV when it returned in [-]!"

With difficulty, Fade Chen escorted the two guys to Gao Cheng and Hong Xingguo.

"Company commander, I grabbed a tongue for you!" Fade Chen showed off a little proudly.

Gao Cheng and Hong Xingguo, like the other soldiers of the No. [-] Steel Company, were extremely curious about the two soldiers of Old A. , looked around, looked left and right.

"Which unit are you from?" Gao Cheng asked one of the soldiers.

"I've already been shot dead by you, don't ask me!" The soldier snorted disdainfully.

Hong Xingguo and Gao Cheng looked at each other in surprise.

"Which unit do you belong to?" Hong Xingguo asked the other one.

But that guy paid no attention.

"Hey—what can I ask you? Answer—" A platoon leader was dissatisfied, and scolded with his eyes wide open.

But old A's soldier just snorted disdainfully, and immediately found a chair and sat down, with that air, it seemed that the steel [-]th company was the one that was captured.

"Okay, okay, everyone, don't ask, these guys won't tell!" Fade Chen pushed away from the crowd and came to stop him: "They are all trained, don't scare them, you just torture them, and they don't know what to say." can speak!"


Everyone looked at Fade Chen.

Even the two old A's soldiers looked at Fade Chen together.

"Fade Chen, how do you know?" someone asked.

"Guess, look at how they look, Bitter is as big as a turtle-son-son is still arrogant, I heard from the group of extra-large people before, they have special anti-torture training and anti-interrogation training Yes, I guess they have done it before, otherwise it would be impossible to be so arrogant."

Everyone nodded, basically agreeing with Fade Chen's speculation.

"Come two people, send them to Gan Xiaoning, let Gan Xiaoning and the others take care of them, this is our prisoner!" Gao Cheng ordered loudly.

The Seventh Steel Company was in a little commotion, and soon entered a state of strict defense again.

"Fade Chen—" Gao Cheng shouted.

"Company commander?" Fade Chen turned around.

"Tonight's situation seems to be similar to what you guessed. Just now they were just testing. The real attack will start after midnight. Fade Chen, I'll see you from Class [-] tonight!"

"Don't worry, company commander, Class [-] will never let you down!"

"Okay, then I'll wait for your good news!"

"Company commander, just wait and hold a celebration banquet for us!"

"Haha, I love hearing your words! If you get off to a good start tonight, when the exercise is over, I will personally hold a celebration banquet for you!"

"Company commander, what you say is what you say!"

"a man of his words!"

This night, late at night, very deep at night, not far from dawn, it is the most sleepy time in the night.

Without seeing his fingers, a vigilant sentry from Steel Seventh Company was suddenly covered by someone's mouth and pushed down to the ground.

"Don't move, you're dead!"

A cold voice threatened fiercely, and at the same time, a cold dagger rested on his throat.

The sentinel was already very vigilant before, because he had been repeatedly told by Gao Cheng that the blue army would definitely come tonight, so he almost widened his eyes, pricked up his ears, and was vigilant without blinking his eyelids. But who knew, he was still touched.

After confirming that he had been touched, the sentry relaxed and stopped resisting. He turned his head slowly, wanting to see what this group of blue soldiers who appeared and disappeared at night looked like, but his vision was dark. Can't see anything.

After the blue army pushed him down, he saw that he was still cooperative, so he didn't care about it. He turned around, pressed the launch button of the individual radio station, and said in a low voice, "No. [-] solves it, it's over!"

After a while, the blue army disappeared, soundless, like a ghost in the night.

The sentinel of the No. [-] Steel Company lying on the ground wanted to see if there was any Blue Army in other places, but even though he widened his eyes, he still couldn't see anything. He sighed and murmured: "The Blue Army is really powerful. I wonder if the company commander and the others can withstand it?"

At this time, several slight gunshots sounded, slap, slap, like clapping hands, very light, it was a special gunshot after the silencer was installed. In this strange gunshot, the steel The sentinels sent out by the Seventh Company were killed in battle.

In the darkness, a Blue Army soldier raised his hand and slashed forward, giving a combat order.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

A dozen Blue Army soldiers rushed into the camp of the Seventh Steel Company.

In an instant, the bright headlights of the car were turned on, and the dark forest was like daylight in an instant.

The soldiers of the blue army used to have night vision goggles, but now when the headlights were turned on, everyone felt blind and blank for a moment.

bang bang bang-

The Type [-] automatic rifle rang out.


The vehicle-mounted machine guns roared in unison.

Behind the Seventh Company.

Hong Xingguo put down the infrared binoculars and said excitedly, "I must have cleaned up four or five! This time, I've dealt with them hard."

Gao Cheng didn't speak, but let out a long sigh of relief.

After being aggrieved for so long, I was finally able to vent my anger.

But the result did not make people too happy.

The soldier in charge of the search returned empty-handed: "Company commander, there is not a single corpse, they all carried them back!"

Gao Cheng and Hong Xingguo looked at each other, and smiled helplessly: "Don't give up, don't give up, this style is quite like us."

Hong Xingguo said: "Carry one alive and kill the other. Anyway, it can be regarded as indirectly weakening their combat effectiveness. If this is the case, then let's make more corpses for the blue army."

(End of this chapter)

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