Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 224 Fade Chen, I Give You a Mission

Chapter 224 Fade Chen, I Give You a Mission

224 Fade Chen, I have a task for you

Fade Chen led the eighth class of fighters to chase after them.

The Blue Army was very decisive. When Gao Cheng turned on the headlights of the car, they immediately knew that they were ambushed and got a full set, so they evacuated immediately without hesitation and without any delay.

That kind of tough fighting style is very similar to those top special forces in film and television dramas, which makes Fade Chen have to admire.

Therefore, Chen Fei personally led the brothers in Class [-] to hunt down and kill them.

The greatest respect for the enemy is to kill them all.

Bang bang bang bang!
Fade Chen chased and fought at the same time, all shooting.

chug chug-

Ma Chao carried a squad machine gun and fired.

To deal with the old A, you can't be one-on-one with others, you just want to kill chickens with a sledgehammer, saturated attack, throw a grenade if you can throw a grenade, use a machine gun to sweep if you can, and if it doesn't work, then shoot with a rifle.


White smoke billowed from the helmet of one blue soldier, then a second, and a third.

Under such a powerful and heavy firepower, Old A's soldiers couldn't bear it anymore, and most of them were damaged in battle.

Fade Chen was about to lead people to chase after him, but a grenade was thrown over there.

"Grenade, lie down—" Fade Chen shouted.

The eighth class all lay down together.


The grenade exploded, and white smoke burst out, but it was a flash bomb.

When everyone chased them out again, the other party had disappeared.

"Squad leader, where did they go?" Someone asked.

Fade Chen narrowed his eyes, but he was also a little undecided.

At this time, Cheng Cai put down the night vision goggles.

Steel Seventh Company is also equipped with night vision goggles tonight, but the number is very small, and only snipers carry them. For example, in the eighth squad, only Cheng has one.

Moreover, this kind of night vision device is relatively old, and it cannot be compared with the advanced equipment of the blue army.

Cheng Cai put down the night vision goggles and pointed in one direction: "Squad leader, they evacuated from the direction of three o'clock!"

"At three o'clock, chase!"

Fade Chen rushed out first.

The moment he rushed out, Ma Chao fired a flare forward with a bang.

That's right, Steel Qilian used flares.

Since the night vision equipment of Gang Qilian is seriously insufficient, flares should be used instead.

Of course, there is only one gun in a squad that can fire flares, which is very limited.

call out--

The flares flew out, and a bright strip of light appeared in front of him instantly.

"There they are—"

Someone with sharp eyes spotted the blue army in front of him first, and immediately roared, and at the same time pressed the gun in his hand, and pulled the trigger.

bang bang bang bang-

chug chug chug——

Gunshots sounded again.

Type [-] rifles, Type [-] rifles, machine guns, and several different gunshots intertwined together, like several musicians fighting for music.

Squad [-] reacted quickly, and there was no loss for the time being, but the fighters of other squads were not so lucky.

"Squad leader, are you still chasing?"

Ma Chao asked Fade Chen after he fired one magazine.

"Stop chasing, withdraw—"

Fade Chen had a vague feeling that if they chased again, they would chase to the place where old A's soldiers were ambushing in the TV series.

The eighth class stopped the pursuit, but the morale of the other classes became more and more courageous.

But just after chasing to a river, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, flash bombs were thrown out one after another.

Bright lights burst through the jungle.

That kind of light and flares are two different things. The violent light made Gang Qi even those who wear night vision goggles and those who don't wear night vision goggles.

bang bang bang-

Chen Fei shot at the place where the strong light shone.

Others in Squad [-] also fired decisively there.

But it doesn't help.

In the bright light, the last thing Wu Liuyi could do was to close his eyes, fire violently, hold the Bayi Barrel, and shoot with all his strength in the expected direction. After finishing one magazine, he immediately took out a brand new one. He replaced the magazine, pulled the trigger, and fired again. He wanted to thwart his opponent as much as possible.


When the second magazine was about to run out, a puff of white smoke shot out from Wu Liuyi's helmet, and at the same time, his trigger could no longer be pulled.

"Haha——" Wu Liuyi suddenly laughed out of nowhere: "Hahaha——"

"Squad leader, what's the matter with you?" Bai Tiejun walked up cautiously and asked strangely.

Bai Tiejun was not killed in battle, and he was still able to fight. This guy's combat effectiveness is not strong, but his life is terrible, and he barely avoided several dangers.

But Wu Liuyi didn't speak, just sat down in front of him, then lay down, he turned over the white card on his body: "This is the result. I foresee it."

"Squad leader! This is fake, it's just a drill." Bai Tiejun breathed a sigh of relief and said disapprovingly.

"I'm dead!" Wu Liuyi said word by word.

"Squad leader, what are you talking about?"

But Wu Liuyi looked at the sky blankly, as if he had a mental problem, and murmured: "I'm dead! I, Wu Liuyi, am dead!"

At this time, Gao Cheng's order was conveyed.

Gaocheng's order had actually been issued long ago, but it still took a long time to convey it layer by layer, and it took a long time to reach the chaotic soldiers on the front line.

"Pause the attack and withdraw to the position!"

The members of Steel Seventh Company stopped chasing and killing the Blue Army, and pulled back in an orderly manner.

This battle was the first time that the Seventh Steel Company had close contact with the Blue Army. The two sides exchanged fierce fire and each suffered casualties, but overall, the Seventh Steel Company suffered almost twice as many casualties as the Blue Army.

This was after Steel Seventh Company had made full preparations.

Everyone finally realized the strength of the Blue Army.

When all the squads and platoons were withdrawn, and after careful counting, the Seventh Steel Company had already lost one-third of the battle, and some squads even lost two-thirds, and the best squad also lost two-thirds of the battle. One, of course, there are exceptions, so far Class [-] has been intact.

The ten people in the eighth class were intact, without any damage, not even a hair fell out.

But the soldiers in the eighth squad were not happy either.

Everyone finally felt the strength of the Blue Army, so everyone was a little lost in the next battle and how to fight it.

"Fade Chen——" the correspondent trotted over: "Fade Chen, the company commander is looking for you!"

When Fade Chen came to Gao Cheng, Gao Cheng's face was gloomy, very ugly.


"Fade Chen, I'm going to give you a task for Class Eight!" Gao Cheng didn't beat around the bush, and just got straight to the point.

"Guaranteed to complete the task!" Fade Chen stood at attention with a snap and saluted.

He has been waiting for this day for a long time, he has been waiting for a long time.

"You don't know any mission yet, so you dare to complete the mission?"

"Company commander, no matter how difficult the task is, our hunter team will do our best to complete it!"

"Okay—" Gao Cheng was very happy, he walked to Fade Chen, raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder: "This task is very difficult, so I don't ask you to make any guarantees, I just want to You hunter team can go all out, as long as you do your best, as for the result. You have always claimed to be hunters, this time, let you really be hunters, all the blue troops on this battlefield are you Prey, you can go hunting to your heart's content!"

"Guaranteed to complete the task!" Fade Chen stood at attention with a snap and saluted.

(End of this chapter)

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