Chapter 226
226 Qi Huan Shot
Class [-] was hurrying to take a break.


A helicopter boomed and circled low in the sky.

The hatch of the helicopter was open, and at the door, a lieutenant was searching carefully with a telescope in hand.

Beside him, another captain was holding a reconnaissance instrument and was also staring at the ground.

After looking at it for a while, the guy holding the reconnaissance instrument put down the device, and said to the people next to him: "Qi Huan, I didn't notice, maybe the higher up made a mistake, I don't think they can come here."

"Be careful." The lieutenant named Qi Huan said.

"Okay, then be careful." The other captain picked up the reconnaissance device again: "After all, he is also the team with the strongest combat effectiveness in the 702nd regiment?"

After hearing what the captain said, Qi Huan put down the binoculars: "Old Zhang, what you said just now has a strong sense of belittling them?"

The guy holding the reconnaissance instrument asked lightly while reconnaissance: "Really?" Then he said: "I don't think so! But, so what if we underestimate it, in the eyes of our old A, there are no decent troops! "

"But several of our brothers have fallen into their hands!" Qi Huan said lightly, and then raised the binoculars again.

The captain's expression froze, and his movements froze. For a moment, he was a little unconvinced and said: "Our brothers fell into the hands of Gangqi Company, but not all of them fell into the hands of those two squads, maybe other people Woolen cloth!"

"My intuition tells me that it's probably because of them!" Qi Huan said flatly.

"." The captain finally stopped talking and didn't make a sound, but started to observe seriously with his reconnaissance device.

After watching for a while, Qi Huan put down the binoculars and said to a second lieutenant next to him: "There seems to be something wrong in the direction of three o'clock, lower the altitude, go down and have a look!"

The second lieutenant hurried into the cockpit and told the pilot what Qi Huan had found, and the pilot then drove the helicopter and flew steadily to the place Qi Huan said.

The helicopter hovered, and Qi Huan jumped to the ground.

The huge wind from the propellers blew the ground into dusty places. Qi Huan narrowed his eyes and ran back carefully. After running for more than ten meters, he stopped. He turned around, looked around, and then squatted down to observe carefully. .

"Qi Huan, did you find anything?" The captain also came over.

look by youself!

Qi Huan pointed to a trace on the ground.

The captain squatted down and looked, his eyes widened for a moment, then he raised his head and looked at Qi Huan in surprise: "They really came here before!"

"It's interesting!" Qi Huan licked his lips and smiled silently.

"Qi Huan, what should we do now? Are we really going to send people to search the mountain?"

"Search mountains? What mountains are you searching for?" Qi Huan asked back.

"If you don't search the mountains, why don't you let them roam the mountains and plains, looking for opportunities to ambush us?"

"Let's search the mountains, that's their purpose!" Qi Huan said flatly, "I won't be fooled by them!"

Just when the 702nd Regiment's communication was deciphered, the Blue Army knew nothing about the 702nd Regiment's stinger plan, and was only faintly apprehensive. However, the headquarters discussed it for a long time, but still unanimously decided to ignore it.

Because the Blue Army speculates that the biggest possibility of the 702nd regiment is to use a stick to stir up the situation. In other words, the two so-called strongest teams are just a shit-stirring stick. consider.

Of course, the Blue Army didn't do nothing, they still made some responses within their ability, but this kind of response could not disrupt the previous combat deployment, so they sent Qi Huan to take a few people and take a helicopter to quickly search.

After watching for a while, Qi Huan turned around and returned to the helicopter first.

"At five o'clock, the altitude is fifty, and the speed is a little slower than before!" He shouted to the pilot when he got on the plane.

"At five o'clock, the altitude is fifty, and the speed is a little slower than before, understand!"

The tail of the helicopter cocked up, its head slightly tilted, and it soared into the air in an instant, flying in the direction Qi Huan said.

15 minute later.

Chen Fei, who was resting, suddenly moved his ears, and he heard a faint sound of a helicopter.

"The helicopter is coming, everyone be careful."

He yelled, and the other soldiers heard it, and quickly stood up, each looking for a hidden corner to hide, carefully looking outside.

Sure enough, after a while, a helicopter flew over at low altitude and passed in front of everyone.


Everyone was relieved to see the helicopter fly away.

"These guys are amazing, can they be found here?" Xu Sanduo muttered to himself.

"This is the unit with the strongest combat effectiveness in our military region. If you have a chance in the future, go and stay there for a while!" Fade Chen patted Xu Sanduo on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"Ah?" Xu Sanduo turned his head in astonishment, and looked at Fade Chen in confusion.

But Fade Chen smiled and didn't explain.

He was about to sit down when he heard the sound of the helicopter coming again. His eyelids twitched and he hurriedly shouted: "They are back again. I'm afraid they found something, so hide it quickly! Xu Shuai, Lin Yu, hurry up and put the ground on the ground!" Clean up the traces, others, hurry into the woods!"

Everyone hurriedly took their things and got into the jungle, hiding them carefully, not daring to let out their breath.

"Shuai Lin Yu, hurry up!" Fade Chen shouted in a low voice.

Lin Yu and Xu Shuai hurriedly swished twice and jumped into the jungle.

Everyone squats down together and hides carefully.

Just when he squatted down, the sound of the rumbling helicopter filled his ears. After a while, the helicopter that flew out just now flew back again. Moreover, he turned his head outside the mountain stream, and then flew straight towards the mountain stream come.

"Fuck, monitor, you won't find us, will you?"

Fade Chen thinks it shouldn't be so, but he still can't be too careless. He suppressed his voice and said: "Ready for battle, Ma Chao, Xu Sanduo, open the front guard!"


Everyone's heart hangs.

The helicopter flew all the way to the entrance of the mountain stream.

Of course, because the mountain stream was too narrow, the armored vehicle had to be careful and cautious before entering. The helicopter would definitely not be able to enter, but there were two people sitting on the hatch of the helicopter, both holding binoculars and observing.

"Squad leader, shouldn't our car be found?"

"No!" Regarding this point, Fade Chen was very sure.

First of all, they have made elaborate camouflage, and secondly, the armored vehicle is parked in a blind spot, which cannot be seen from the outside.

Of course, if the people on the helicopter jumped out of the plane and went into the mountain stream, then there would be nothing to hide, and it would have to be a fight to the death.

But Fade Chen felt that they shouldn't do that.

The helicopter hovered, and the two Blue Army soldiers watched for a while with the scouting device, and then the helicopter flew out.

"It's dangerous—" Everyone heaved a long sigh of relief.

"Squad leader, if you hadn't told us to clean up the traces on the ground just now, we might have been exposed?" Lin Yu said with lingering fear.

"So, scouts must be careful!"

"Squad leader, can you go out now?" Ma Chao asked.

"Wait a little longer!"

Everyone wait quietly.

After 3 minutes, when Ma Chao got a little impatient waiting, the helicopter that flew out just now flew back suddenly, and he flew straight to the outside of the mountain stream, hovered for a while as before, and saw nothing unusual, then Unwilling to fly away.

"Fuck, the Blue Army is really insidious, almost got caught just now!"

"The head of the team has already said that the blue army is very insidious, it's just that you don't take it seriously!"

Everyone was muttering and discussing.

"Okay, rest for another 10 minutes, and then start working!" Fade Chen waved his hand, and was the first to jump out of the jungle.

(End of this chapter)

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