Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 227 Meeting Old A Unexpectedly

Chapter 227 Meeting Old A Unexpectedly
227 Meeting Old A Unexpectedly
The hunter team rested for about half an hour.

"Okay, it's almost time, let's move." Fade Chen stood up from the ground, picked up the Bayi Bar, and carried an avant-garde one on his shoulder.

The others also stood up one after another, each equipped.

The sun is starting to go west.

On the side facing away from the sun, the sky has begun to darken.

"Become a talent, explore the way!"

"Yes!" Chengcai handed his avant-garde to Ma Chao, and rushed out with a whoosh, like an arrow leaving the string, incredibly fast.

"Let's go—" Fade Chen waved his hand.

Lin Yu took the lead and followed Chengcai, and the others followed one by one, still in the same way, with veterans at the head and tail, and recruits in the middle.

This time, Fade Chen was in charge of breaking the rear.

He is also carrying an avant-garde individual anti-aircraft missile.

An avant-garde weighs [-] kilograms, less than [-] kilograms.

Except for Avant-Garde One, they were just some normal loads, so the total amount was basically less than 27-[-]kg and [-]kg. Fade Chen didn't pay attention to such a little weight, and it was easy, as if he didn't carry anything.

Everyone's task today is to climb to the top of this mountain, look for a suitable opportunity, and see if you can find a chance to behead the Blue Army helicopter.

If nothing else, tonight, the blue army will launch a new round of attacks on the 702 regiment's position.

Because today during the day, the 702 regiment reinforced the position of the headquarters, but it has not been fully completed, just a prototype.

The 702 regiment now seems to be engaging in shrinking tactics.

So the Blue Army will definitely not let the 702 regiment succeed.

Because once the 702 regiment really can't shrink back, then the blue army will have nothing to do. After all, the blue army is not good at attacking fortifications, so they must take advantage of the cover of night and take advantage of their night vision equipment to attack the 702. The regiment attacked.

If this is the case, then the command post of the blue army will definitely fly to the front line and command in time.

Therefore, if luck is good, tonight, the hunter team will have the opportunity to beheaded.

Everyone climbed up the mountain for about half an hour, when Xu Sanduo, who was exploring the way ahead, suddenly turned around and ran back, and reported in a low voice: "Squad leader, at three o'clock, we found a blue army team walking towards us 500 meters away. By accident, we will meet!"

"What?" Fade Chen was startled.

How could there be a blue army here?
But Fade Chen was only stunned for a moment, and soon he handed Qianweiyi to Li Mu who was next to him, and then quickly followed Xu Sanduo to a hidden position.

"Squad leader, look, it's in that direction!" Xu Sanduo handed the telescope to Fade Chen.

Fade Chen searched for three or four seconds before he found the figure of the other party in the dense jungle. It was not very obvious, and he had to focus on observation to see them. Most of the time, they were hidden in the dense forest, and they could only sway according to the swaying of the trees. to judge.

After observing for more than 30 seconds, Fade Chen finally saw the small army in an open place, about 12 people in size, all of them were Type [-] automatic rifles. It should be the Blue Army without a doubt. He touched Fade Chen and the others.

"Squad leader, what should we do?" Xu Sanduo looked at Fade Chen anxiously.

After thinking for a moment, Fade Chen ordered decisively: "Chengcai, you take everyone to plug in from the direction of five o'clock, go around for a while, try to avoid contact with them, and proceed as planned in other respects."

"Squad leader, what about you?" Cheng Cai asked.

"I am here to ambush and see their situation. I am worried that if they go down the mountain along the way we came, they will find our car!"

Although the hunter team was very careful along the way, trying not to leave any traces, but how could there be no traces left by the geese? The old A's people are all human beings, and if they don't pay attention, they will be caught by them Find.

So Fade Chen will lie in ambush here. If it doesn't work, he will entangle with the old A's team, hold them back, and gain time and space for the hunter team's mission.

"Squad leader, I'll stay with you!" Cheng Cai said.

"If you stay, who will lead the team?" Fade Chen glared at Cheng Cai.

Chengcai was embarrassed and stopped talking.

"Squad leader, let me stay!" Lin Yu said.

"You can't do it either. Our most important task today is to look for opportunities and beheaded directly. You can't do without one of the rest of you. What's more, it's useless for you to stay. None of you are opponents of the Blue Army. You just stay. would distract me."

The soldiers of the eighth squad opened their mouths, as if they wanted to say something, but they were all speechless.

What Fade Chen said was the truth. In terms of individual combat effectiveness, the eight squads combined could not beat Fade Chen. If they stayed, they could only hold back.

Chen Fei glanced at everyone one by one, and said in a deep voice: "During the time I was away, Chengcai was in charge of commanding, if something happened to Chengcai, Lin Yu, you will take over, you are the third heir, and the fourth heir is Xu Shuai, fifth is Ma Chao, sixth, Xu Sanduo, seventh, He Jun, eighth, Xiao Zhigong, ninth, Li Mu, if something goes wrong with Li Mu, Nangong Yuan, you will fight alone!"

"Understood!" everyone whispered.

Fade Chen's meaning is self-evident. In this battle, even if you are the last person in the battle, you must persist in completing the task.

"Okay, let's act now!" Fade Chen waved.

"Xu Sanduo, you explore the way, the rest of the hunter team, follow up!" Cheng Cai waved his hand.

The soldiers of Class [-] quickly disappeared from Fade Chen's sight.


Fade Chen pulled the trigger of the Bayi Bar, loaded the bullets, and was ready for battle.

He found a hidden place to hide.

Not long after, a 12-member team arrived as scheduled.

Upon closer inspection, I realized that they were all old A's. Although their faces were painted with oil paint and their faces could not be seen clearly, judging from their clothes and temperament, they were exactly the same as the old A's in the film and television dramas, and there was no difference.

Click, snap, snap.

The sound of military boots stepping on the ground kept coming. Some fluffy dead leaves were stepped on the soil, and some dead branches were crushed into two pieces.

Although Old A was already very careful, it was impossible for a person to walk in the jungle without making a sound.

Fade Chen exhaled slowly, his body sank as much as possible, and curled up behind a huge bush.

After a while, the group of soldiers came to five meters in front of where Fade Chen was hiding.

The leader raised his right fist, and the people behind immediately stopped moving forward, each turned to the same direction, and each was on guard. Some pointed their guns at the treetops, some pointed their guns at the treetops, and some pointed their guns at the place where Fade Chen was hiding. direction.

The leader was a tall old soldier A. He squatted down and looked around on the ground. After a while, he pressed the radio and reported in a low voice: "Dong Yao Dong Yao, I am Dong Er, everything is normal, over !"

(End of this chapter)

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