Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 292 White Iron Army, Assignment of Recruits

Chapter 292 White Iron Army, Assignment of Recruits
292 White Iron Army, Assignment of Recruits
It was afternoon, the most dazzling time of the day.

Then Bai Tiejun only felt that his eyes were white, and he even felt an inexplicable sense of dizziness. It wasn't really dizziness, it just felt like a dream, everything was so unreal.

"Bai Tiejun!" Gan Xiaoning elbowed Bai Tiejun's waist hard, Bai Tiejun felt a sharp pain, turned his head suddenly, and looked at him in surprise.

Gan Xiaoning joined the army a year later than him. At that time, the two of them were in the same squad, both in the third squad, and they both served under Shi Jin.

At that time, Gan Xiaoning's training performance was better than his Bai Tiejun's, but to be honest, there was no substantial difference, and it was only a gap of 70 points or [-] points. In the past, the relationship between the two was pretty good, and they often fought. trouble, but Gan Xiaoning abducted him at that time, he would definitely not feel such heart-rending pain like this time, but now
Did this dog-day learn some magic tricks?Why is there so much strength?
Bai Tiejun was secretly surprised.


Gan Xiaoning abducted him again, and said in a low voice, "Bai Tiejun, you still haven't said hello to the instructor!"

"Oh!" Bai Tiejun finally came to his senses. He is a veteran, and he is enlisting for the second time. Although his physical fitness is definitely not as good as before, he has already engraved some basic things into his bones, so Quickly snapped to attention, saluted, and said loudly, "Hello, Instructor Chen!"

Fade Chen wasn't angry either, and returned the salute without haste or slowness, and said with a smile: "Comrade Bai Tiejun, hello! Welcome back to the 702 regiment."

The two shook hands.

Bai Tiejun had thousands of words in his heart, but he knew that at this moment, it was not the time to speak, so he quickly retreated to the line and stood still, waiting quietly.

Military trucks don’t just send recruits to the Red Third Company. Except for the Third Company, other companies have recruits. This year, the 702 Regiment directly recruited a new barracks, which expanded more than 300 people. The lack of personnel, the soldiers are all replenished. , Obviously, the real Nirvana rebirth of the 702nd Regiment is about to begin. The officer transporting the recruits talked to Fade Chen for a few words, went through the relevant procedures, and immediately jumped on the truck, and disappeared after a while.

The next thing is to go through the process.

First of all, the recruits lined up. The company commander Miao Yan and the instructor Chen Fei spoke. Both of them spoke concisely and very briefly. The company commander's speech has always been like this. The company commander is a mother-in-law, so
To everyone's surprise, the instructor Fade Chen's speech was also very concise, just a few simple words, first of all, welcome to Hongsanlian, and then hope that everyone will train well and live well, and integrate into the big family of Hongsanlian as soon as possible , and finally made a promise that if you have any difficulties or problems, you can go to him directly. He will listen carefully and solve them with your heart. All in all, Chen Fei gave the recruits a good impression.

Then there is the division of troops.

"The recruits will be allocated below, and the recruits who read their names will immediately pick up their things and gather in front of the corresponding squad leader."

"First of all, it is one row and one shift. Here I would like to introduce to you that the original platoon leader of the first row was Comrade Chen Fei, but now, Comrade Chen Fei has been transferred to the political instructor of the Red Third Company, so the platoon leader of the first row is now temporarily Comrade Gan Xiaoning acts as an agent, and at the same time, Comrade Gan Xiaoning is still the squad leader of the first class, Comrade Gan Xiaoning, please meet everyone."

The officer on duty nodded to Gan Xiaoning, and Gan Xiaoning stepped out with a snap and saluted everyone.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Bai Tiejun felt dizzy again.

He was a little dumbfounded.

The guy who was joking with him back then is now the platoon leader?
Wu Liuyi is the platoon leader, Cheng Cai is the platoon leader, Gan Xiaoning is also the platoon leader, and he, Bai Tiejun, is just a new recruit who just joined the company!

Damn, why is the gap so big?
For a moment, he suddenly doubted whether his choice of enlisting in the army for the second time was correct.

Before enlisting in the army, how much he wanted to go back to the army, chat and fart with his brothers back then, charge forward, eat meat in big bowls, and blow beer bottle after bottle
How eager he was to return to the old army at that time, the kind of eagerness that he didn't want to delay for a second, but when he came back, he realized that, in fact, things had already changed. His immediate boss is now an instructor, and those brothers who chased and fought together back then are now platoon leaders, and at least one squad leader has been mixed in, and he is the only one.
The gap is too big, can we still play together?
In a trance, Gan Xiaoning said loudly: "Comrades who will be named after a while and assigned to a row and a class, come to me to gather!"

The officer on duty picked up the list and read: "The following comrades, go to a row and a row! Zhao Hua, He Bin, Bai Tiejun!"

"What?" Bai Tiejun was taken aback.

Isn't he assigned to three rows and nine classes?

Before the recruits go to the company, the assignment of the recruits has been completed, and the relevant lists are in place. The other recruits don't know, but Bai Tiejun is a veteran, bold, and has many channels, not to mention his own nickname. Where is it assigned? It's three rows and nine classes, but why is it temporarily adjusted now?

He quickly looked at Gan Xiaoning.

But Gan Xiaoning was talking to a recruit at this time, so he quickly moved his gaze to Fade Chen. Fade Chen seemed to feel his gaze immediately, smiled at him slightly, nodded, and delivered a With comprehensible eyes, Bai Tiejun understood in an instant, and he immediately understood what Fade Chen meant. This adjustment was made by Chen Fei after he found out that Bai Tiejun had come to the Red Third Company. This adjustment must be of great significance. Deep meaning, moreover, this adjustment is the foreshadowing laid in advance for his future development.

"Fade Chen is really interesting!"

Bai Tiejun was secretly excited, and his heart was surging. The frustration and grievance in his heart just now disappeared instantly. He found the feeling of squatting with Fade Chen back then, and he was very happy.

When he was very excited, the watchman was dissatisfied: "Comrade Bai Tiejun, hurry up and get out!"

"Yes—" Bai Tiejun answered loudly, then leaned over, grabbed the bag on the ground, and strode to Gan Xiaoning to stand up. He nodded, but Bai Tiejun was very satisfied. After he stood up, he started, looked around this strange but somewhat familiar camp, and shouted in his heart: "Regiment 702, I'm back -"

(End of this chapter)

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