Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 293 Heavy Synthetic Battalion, Instructor's Responsibilities

Chapter 293 Heavy Synthetic Battalion, Instructor's Responsibilities
293 Medium Synthetic Battalion, Instructor's Responsibilities
Fade Chen and Miao Yan welcomed the recruits together.

However, the main role of the two people is to go through the handover procedures, show their faces, meet the recruits, and get acquainted with each other. After these two people have completed the task, they can withdraw.

Fade Chen and Miao Yan walked into the office building of the First Battalion together.

At this time, the office building of the 702st Battalion of the [-]nd Regiment has been officially opened.

From now on, all company-level offices and battalion-level offices of the First Battalion will be located in this building.

According to the plan, the first battalion will develop into a synthetic battalion in the future.

In other words, the first battalion is not just a new type of infantry battalion, but also a synthetic force.

Undoubtedly, synthetic troops will become the main combat force of the Army, and the modularization of various types of synthetic battalions such as heavy, light, air assault, mountain, and amphibious will soon be embedded in the Army's combat system.

In the future, the development of the Army will be from the "small synthesis" of integrating specialties to the "big synthesis" of integrating into the system, realizing the multi-source perception of combat command, the high integration of combat elements, and the multi-dimensional expansion of the combat space. Through these methods, the mobile combat of the Army troops will be promoted. , Three-dimensional offensive and defensive capabilities to enhance.

If nothing else, the 702st Battalion of the [-]nd Regiment will be the first battalion-level unit in the entire army to complete the transition from traditional infantry to new synthetic infantry.

Combination is relative to the traditional army organization. The personnel and weapons and equipment of the division and regiment battalion in the previous four-level "Military Division and Regiment Battalion" system are fixed. The advantage of this is that it is convenient for command and management.

However, weapons in modern warfare are changing with each passing day, and various weapons are put into the battlefield, such as army aviation, electronic countermeasures, drones, etc. New weapons and equipment will inevitably bring new military tactics, so the traditional fixed organization model cannot It is suitable for the new military style of play, so there is a synthetic modular system.

In fact, the so-called integration means cross-service integration, which means integrating infantry companies, tank companies, artillery companies, support companies, and support companies.

Among them, the armored infantry company and the tank company belong to the front offensive company, and the artillery company, support company, and support company belong to the rear support company.

When the synthetic battalion participated in the battle, according to the actual combat situation, the armored infantry company and the tank company were organized into a certain group, such as 3 armored infantry companies and 2 tank companies, or 1 armored infantry company and 4 tank companies.

Synthetic battalions can be divided into heavy synthetic battalions, medium synthetic battalions, and light synthetic battalions according to equipment configuration.

The heavy synthetic battalion is the absolute core of the army's attack. It is mainly responsible for attacking and tactical breakthroughs, equipped with heavy tanks and armored personnel carriers.

The establishment of the heavy synthetic battalion is generally 3 heavy tank companies, 2 armored infantry companies, 1 artillery company, 1 support company, and 1 support company.

The medium-sized synthetic battalion is suitable for large-scale operations and is mainly composed of various light tanks. Its organization is generally 3 armored infantry companies, 2 light tank companies, 1 artillery company, 1 support company, and 1 support company.

The light synthetic battalion is a fast-moving force, requiring all weapons and equipment to be transported by air. Its establishment is generally 5 infantry companies, 1 armed helicopter squadron, 1 support company, and 1 support company.The main weapons and equipment are armed transport aircraft and armed attack helicopters.

According to the preliminary plan, the first battalion may consist of 3 infantry companies, 2 tank companies, an artillery company, a support company, and a support company. It is a medium-sized synthetic battalion.

That is to say, if nothing else happens, the first battalion will have 8 company-level establishments, which can be understood as adding 2 tank companies to the previous ordinary infantry battalion to increase its offensive capabilities, and at the same time add artillery companies, support companies, and support companies. These logistics companies gave the battalion the ability to fight alone.

Of course, it cannot be simply understood that the synthetic battalion is a reinforced battalion. The reinforced battalion is the combat effectiveness of some companies temporarily assigned by the superior troops to strengthen the battalion during combat. However, the temporary assigned companies will inevitably have communication and coordination problems. affect combat effectiveness.

Synthetic battalion is a daily military training that has been coordinated and trained in the battalion-level organization, so it must have better cooperation in combat.

Therefore, a combined battalion like the First Battalion is organized at the deputy regiment level. In addition to the battalion commander and deputy battalion commander, the military chief of the army also has a battalion chief of staff.

In the future, the synthetic battalion will become the smallest combat unit in the Chinese Army, and each synthetic battalion will have about 1000 personnel.

Of course, all of this is just a preliminary plan, and there will definitely be changes and corrections in the subsequent implementation process.

It is precisely because the First Battalion of the 702 Regiment has such important exploratory significance that the higher authorities attach great importance to the construction of the First Battalion's office building and take care of all aspects.

At this time, Fade Chen was naturally assigned to an office.

Sanlian's office is arranged on the second floor, Miao Yan's office is 202, and Chen Fei's office is 203.

Fade Chen pushed open the door of Room 203.

The unique smell of the newly renovated room hits the nostrils at once.

Fade Chen fanned it with his hands, took a step back, and instead of rushing in, he let the air circulate and purify the polluted air first.

The windows in the office are actually open, but not very wide, so when the door is opened, there will be convection between the front and back, and the air will soon be fresh when the wind blows.

After waiting for four or five seconds, Fade Chen walked into the room.

The room is not big, about [-] square meters, but for Chen Fei at this time, it is already very good, he is very satisfied, after being a soldier for so many years, he finally has his own independent office up.

Of course, he will also be allocated an independent dormitory, and it is a small suite, the kind with two bedrooms and one living room.

The dormitory is also newly built. All the officers in the first battalion have a set of staff above the company level.

Fade Chen's office is not big, and the decoration is relatively simple, not luxurious, and there are not many things inside. There is a desk, a computer, a bookcase, a set of sofas in front, and a coffee table in front of the sofa. Others talk or discuss something.

There is a plaque on the wall that states the duties of the instructor.

Fade Chen focused on the duties of the instructor.

Our army has always had a dual-chief system. A military unit has two top leaders at the same time. One is in charge of military affairs and the other is in charge of politics. The two are called the military and political chief officers of the army. In the case of a company, the company commander is the chief military officer, the instructor It is the chief political officer. The two are jointly responsible for the management of the company and are responsible for the affairs of the company. They have the same level and authority, but the division of labor is different.

Many people like to discuss which is better, the company commander or the instructor. This is completely military blindness. They don't know anything about our army's dual-head system, so they ask such questions. The military chiefs and political chiefs of each unit of our army , the power is exactly the same, but the content of the work they are responsible for is different, and there is no question of the size of the power at all.

For any important matter, the military chief and the political chief are all discussed, and neither party is allowed to make a decision on an important matter unless it is an emergency.

If there is a disagreement between the military chief and the political chief because of an important matter, a party-committee (party-branch-department, party-general-branch) meeting needs to be held, and the leadership team will decide who to listen to.

If the situation is urgent and there is no time for a meeting to discuss, then the military chief has the final say on military matters, and the political chief has the final say on political matters.

This situation is also the same at the company level. The company commander also serves as the party-branch-department-deputy-secretary-secretary, and the instructor concurrently serves as the party-branch-department-secretary-secretary. The deputy company commander and deputy instructor are both party-branch-department member.In terms of working relationship, the company commander and the instructor are partners, and they work together to lead the troops well.

Of course, these are theoretical regulations. In actual situations, there will definitely be differences. For example, the Seventh Steel Company in the past mainly had the final say on Gaocheng. Calculate.

As for who will dominate the Red Three Company in the future, this will depend on the subsequent development.

Of course, Fade Chen hopes that he has the final say, at least, he is the main one.

But it's too early to think about that.

At this moment, he just raised his head, carefully looked at the duties of the instructor, and read them one by one. After reading, he focused on a few of them.

"Article [-], do a good job of regular ideological work. Be familiar with the personal experience, family situation, personality characteristics and hobbies of the officers and soldiers, master the ideological situation of the entire company, often talk to the officers and soldiers, do a good job in ideological work in a targeted manner, and guide the officers and soldiers Correctly deal with issues such as joining the party, promotion, enrollment, transfer, rewards, love, marriage, family, resignation, and job transfer, and help officers and soldiers solve their vital interests and mobilize positive factors; establish and cultivate a backbone team of ideological work, and give full play to their regular role in ideological work."

[Ding——you have carefully studied the job responsibilities of an instructor, you have carefully analyzed the current situation of Hongsanlian, and you have carefully planned for the future work. Because of your efforts, Hongsanlian will soon take on a new look and change its appearance, yours Command art +3, the mental outlook of the Red Three Company you lead +5]

A pleasant voice rang in Fade Chen's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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