Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 316 The director department is too bad, Fade Chen's intuition

316 The director department is too bad, Fade Chen's intuition

In the uninhabited valley, one after another eight-wheeled chariots were speeding at high speed, and the dust rolled up filled the valley, making it gray everywhere.

The speed of the chariot has reached [-] kilometers per hour, which is already very fast, but there is still a big gap from the previously scheduled goal of [-] kilometers per hour.

People often say that the ideal is full-full, but the reality is very skinny. This time, Hongsanlian encountered such a thing. Judging from the map, the road from the Hongsanlian resident to 304 is really very It's easy to go. It's not a problem to drive the eight-wheeled chariot to [-] kilometers per hour. It's possible to go as high as [-]. But when I really came to these places, I realized that the director's department is too fucking I’m no longer a person. Although most of the maps I sent out are correct, some details are deliberately wrong. From the map, there is no problem with the speed of [-] per hour on this road, but in reality, it is almost Impossible to do.

Therefore, at this time, the infantry chariots of the Hongsanlian Company could not reach the speed of 70 kilometers per hour, and they could only travel more than [-] kilometers per hour.

This is because Sanlian's training on weekdays is very violent, and his movements are very wild. He has driven on even more difficult roads than this. Otherwise, when ordinary troops come, their speed will be directly suppressed to within [-] kilometers.

As soon as he encountered this situation, Fade Chen knew that the Red Army had been played by the director department again, so he immediately wanted to report this information to Fang Hong's headquarters, but he tried the radio, damn it, it was all buzzing With the sound of electric current, the Red Army's communication was suppressed, and the Blue Army's electronic countermeasures brigade was activated.

In fact, the Red Three Company had conducted a drill specifically for this situation before, so although it was surprised, it was not panicked, calm and steady, and had a variety of ways to deal with it, so after discovering that the Blue Army had engaged in electromagnetic interference, the five Liu Yi reported to Fade Chen: "Company commander, the electromagnetic suppression of the blue army, our communication has been severely disturbed, please instruct whether to jump to the first backup channel!" Fade Chen thought for a while, vetoed it, and ordered instead: " All connected, radio silence!"

Radio silence means turning off radio contact before the start of a major military operation to prevent the enemy from detecting its own existence through radio, prohibiting any radio signals, and only receiving signals without sending out signals.

At this time, Fade Chen planned to adopt this method.

Because electromagnetic interference and electromagnetic interception are often integrated, if they communicate too frequently, they will be discovered. Who knows if the Blue Army will ambush an electronic countermeasures force near Height 304.

For this exercise, Fade Chen specially drove a company command car, which was loaded with radio stations and command terminals. According to the regulations of his superiors, Fade Chen had to sit in the car to command during wartime, but Fade Chen was cunning, so he ran to In an infantry vehicle in the third row, I sat with Wu Liuyi, and the command vehicle was driven by the clerk Zhang Yang. There was also a communicator in the vehicle who specialized in operating the command terminals. What orders came from inside? Inside, the correspondent contacted Fade Chen through the radio.

At this time, Fade Chen was sitting in the infantry chariot, with serious eyes, silent without saying a word, just staring at the picture sent back by the drone without blinking.

When I just set off from the station, the first ones rushed to the front line, and each team went a certain distance to be responsible for pathfinding and reconnaissance.

But at this time, Squad One had retreated to the middle position, and now Squad Six was in charge of going forward and reconnaissance.

Going out to reconnaissance is very tiring, so stick to it for 15 minutes at most, and then you have to change people.

Moving forward at such a high speed in such a terrain, and scouting the enemy's situation, this is really not a job that ordinary people can do. If Chen Fei hadn't led everyone to practice hard during this period, Sanlian would not be able to do this level.

Such a high-intensity march, not to mention people, even drones, are facing huge challenges.

The endurance and maneuvering speed of this quadrotor UAV are not very strong, and it is also at the limit of flight at this time, so it has to be retracted after a period of time and replaced by other ones. First, the power is not enough, and the battery needs to be replaced. If this kind of extreme flight time is too long, the drone will be scrapped directly. Although these drones of Hongsanlian are specially produced by military manufacturers, they can't stand Chen Fei's toss.

Fade Chen stared at the picture sent back by the drone without blinking, and compared what he saw with the map issued by the headquarters one by one. After watching it for more than half an hour, the corner of Fade Chen's lips twitched, Laughing, he found out the rules of the map made by the director department.

It is true that the headquarters made some mistakes on purpose, but these mistakes are not irregular or random. Their mistakes should be set by the computer, changing one type of geographical parameters and changing them into another , but other aspects have not changed. After all, the director department does not have so much manpower and material resources to modify the map one by one and randomly.

"It turns out that the director department is also a bunch of slackers!" Fade Chen secretly laughed.

After discovering this rule, Fade Chen secretly rejoiced. He felt that he could completely squeeze the wool of the director department!
At some point, there was a buzzing sound on Fade Chen's radio, and then the squad leader of the seventh squad in charge of reconnaissance reported: "Dongguai calls Dongyao, Dongguai calls Dongyao, please answer!"

Fade Chen connected immediately: "I am Dongyao!"

"Dongyao, the road conditions ahead have improved significantly, you can increase the speed, Dongyao, if you mentioned the scheduled speed, please instruct!"

Road conditions improved?

Fade Chen hurriedly looked over at Wu Liu. Wu Liu understood what Fade Chen meant in an instant. He spread out the map with a bang, and Fade Chen looked over. Everything was as expected. All the places are marked as bad road conditions, and all the places with bad road conditions are marked as good road sections.

Fade Chen quickly glanced at the map, and roughly estimated the distance of the better road in front of him. It is not too long, but there is one disadvantage of this section of road, that is, the terrain is complex and easy to set up an ambush.

Although there is still some distance from here to 304, Fade Chen was worried that the Blue Army would be cunning and collude with the director department, and would cheat people here, so after thinking about it, Fade Chen ordered: "Although the road conditions ahead are better, but The complex terrain makes it easy for the blue army to ambush, so the following section of the road should still be driven at the original speed, and reconnaissance must be strengthened to be careful of the blue army's ambush, over!"

"Dongguai received, it's over!"

The chariot continued on its way.

At some point, the radio that had been silent rang again: "Dongyao, it's only 304 kilometers away from [-], it's over."

Fade Chen had kept his eyes closed before, thinking silently. Now, after listening to the previous reconnaissance report, he quickly opened his eyes and looked at the map. !"


At this time, the distance to 304 is not far away. According to this speed, we will arrive in a short time. The terrain ahead.
He looked at the footage captured by the drone.

At this time, there is still a distance from the 304 highland.

He looked at it, and suddenly his eyes widened.

"This section of the road is a bit abnormal, as if it has just been dug."

Fade Chen quickly zoomed in on the screen, and the more he looked at it, the more suspicious he became.


Wu Liuyi hastily spread out the map.

Fade Chen looked at the coordinates of the drone's overhead shot, and then looked at the markings on the map.

"If I were the Blue Army, I would definitely set up an ambush here. One is to strengthen reconnaissance, and the other is to kill the first few infantry vehicles in the narrowest place, obstructing traffic and delaying time."

"If we move forward at normal speed, when we get here, the traces of the road being dug can hardly be seen. The weather at this time is enough to dry the road in 10 minutes, but the Blues did not expect that, We were much faster than the average army."

After thinking for more than 30 seconds, Fade Chen had come to a conclusion, but he didn't rush to give an order, but closed his eyes and silently sensed it with his battlefield intuition.

After such a long period of accumulation, his company-level battlefield intuition is already very strong, and his intuition is very keen. After perceiving it for a while, he became more and more sure of his judgment just now, so he quickly picked up the microphone and gave an order: "All companies are on the battlefield!" Yes, stop moving forward, implement the second plan, over!"

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