Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 317 Plan No. 2, the infantry chariot is stuck

Plan No. 317, the infantry chariot is stuck

Fade Chen made several plans to capture the 304 Heights before.

The best plan is naturally to gallop all the way along the road we took before, rushing directly to the 304 highland, and rushing to attack before the blue army arrives.

The best situation is of course that the blue army has not arrived at this time, because even if the blue army maneuvers over by helicopter, it may take about the same time as Fade Chen and the others. If they are a little slower, Fade Chen's Red Third Company may take the lead , if that is the case, it will be easy to win the 304 highland, all they have to do is to hold the 304.

But it is estimated that this is impossible. Under the favor of the director department, the blue army's helicopter may be turned into a freak by magic, and the normal maneuvering speed is [-] kilometers per hour.

So, apart from this one, Fade Chen also made other preparations.One of them is the second plan.

The so-called No. 304 plan is that when they find that the Blue Army has set up an ambush in front of the 304 Heights, or after reconnaissance, the 304 Heights is difficult to attack head-on, then they will detour and go ten kilometers away from the 304 Heights in advance. Detour in a valley and go around to the back of the [-] highland.

There are difficulties with this plan. First, the road to go is rough and difficult, even for a company known for driving infantry chariots like the Red Third Company, it is very challenging; A program at least three times as long.

Fade Chen made several plans to attack Height 304. Plan No. [-] is more laborious. Among the original options, he is the last choice. In other words, this plan can only be chosen unless other methods are impossible.

But at this time, after seeing the road conditions ahead, Fade Chen immediately decided to implement the second plan. His battlefield instincts also told him so, so he chose immediately without hesitation.

Although he has not had any contact with the Blues at this time, but from a small detail before, and his intuition told him that this time the opponent is very strong, this bone is difficult to crack, so he has to do It's the worst plan, so plan No. [-] is the best choice.

At this time, the team had already missed the entrance of the second plan, so the team had to turn around and drive back for a certain distance, and then entered the route of the second plan from the fork.

"Lead the way, Bai Tiejun, you drive the car yourself!" Fade Chen ordered.

Bai Tiejun's driving skills are the best in the entire company, the road ahead is dangerous, it is best to let Bai Tiejun go out to explore the road, so that the speed can be very fast.

"Yes!" Bai Tiejun replied.

Sure enough, with the leadership of the White Iron Army, although the speed of the infantry tanks of the third company dropped a lot, it still reached more than 60 kilometers per hour, faster than the average company on the road just now.

After driving for a while, the chariot stopped abruptly with a bang.

It stopped for more than ten seconds, but there was still no movement.

At this time, the infantry vehicle that Fade Chen was sitting on was located in the back section, so he quickly looked through the observation hole, and after a while, the infantry vehicle in front still did not move, so he simply opened the door and got out of the vehicle.

At this time, a soldier came in a hurry.

"What's going on in front?"

"Company commander, the first car is stuck and can't get out."

After hearing this, Fade Chen shook his head, feeling a little helpless, but he didn't swear at anyone. This road is inherently difficult. To make this choice, one must be prepared to encounter various problems and troubles.

At this time, there was a group driving the infantry chariot to explore the road ahead, and Bai Tiejun drove the car himself.

Bai Tiejun's driving skills are very good, and he can't avoid it in person, so it is obvious that this part of the road is really difficult.

Fade Chen hurriedly followed the soldier and strode forward.

"Bai Tiejun, what's going on?"

"Company commander, this section of road looks fine on the surface, but how could you know that the bottom is full of sand, and a wheel is stuck in it, and you can't get out!"

Fade Chen went to the sunken wheel and took a look. Before that, Bai Tiejun had ordered several soldiers to dig away some sand and put some stones on it, but it still couldn't get out.

"Dig a little more and find a few stones to back it up!" Fade Chen ordered.

A few soldiers in the first class hurried to work.

When everything was ready, Fade Chen personally directed: "Get ready—start—come on—add more!"

The infantry chariot rumbled, a puff of black smoke shot straight into the sky, and the wheels spun at high speed, throwing out the sand, but no matter how hard we tried, the wheels couldn't get out of the bunker.

"Stop, stop!" Fade Chen had no choice but to stop.

When the wheels sink into the sand, you should first remove the sand accumulated behind the tires, then get on the car and put it in reverse gear, try to back up along the rut, when the car backs up enough distance, try to move forward again, remember not to suddenly refuel in the middle, otherwise It may get stuck in the car again, or even get deeper and deeper.But Bai Tiejun has tried many times according to these techniques, but he still hasn't solved the problem.

Fade Chen looked around.

It's relatively narrow here, this infantry vehicle can't move anymore, it blocks other places, and there is no place for another infantry vehicle to drive forward.

After thinking for a while, Fade Chen made a decisive decision and said loudly: "Look for a rope, you can only pull it backwards! Li Jun, you can dig it with a shovel, dig behind it, and put a few more stones in it! Find a smaller one, and put a few more stones in it! indivual!"

Fade Chen has always been trained in vehicle maintenance and handling of special situations, and the relevant equipment is always ready. In order to prevent the infantry vehicle from getting stuck in the mud and unable to move, Fade Chen installed the front and rear of the infantry vehicle. There is a pull hook, and each car also has a pull rope.

At this time, there was obviously only one way, and let the car behind pull Bai Tiejun's car backwards.

After a while, a soldier reported: "Company commander, the rope has been hung up!"

Once again, Fade Chen went into battle in person and commanded himself. He shouted loudly, while the two soldiers stood in front of the two infantry vehicles and directed the drivers with sign language.

"Kill to the right!" Fade Chen said to an infantry vehicle behind.

A soldier hurriedly signed in sign language, and the driver beat the steering wheel to death.

"Bai Tiejun, you also beat the direction to the right!"

The car in front also hurriedly swerved.

"In reverse gear! Slow down first, don't slam on the accelerator! Slow-slow-add some gas-add a little more-depress the accelerator to the end-"


The second infantry vehicle retreated quickly, and quickly dragged the first infantry vehicle back.

Bai Tiejun slammed on the gas pedal.

The infantry chariot finally exited the pit with difficulty!

"Stop, stop!" Fade Chen shouted hastily.

The two two-step chariots stopped suddenly at the same time.

The pothole was filled and the road was resurfaced before the convoy started moving again.

But this time, Fade Chen personally came to drive the first infantry tank, and personally found a suitable way for everyone to get out.

His infantry combat vehicle driving experience is very rich, and his level is also very high, so even though the road is still rough, under his leadership, the speed of the convoy is faster than before, basically maintained at about [-] yards, but he Because of this, I have to do two things at once, calculating the command of the entire company while driving, which is very tiring.

At some point, Wu Liuyi's voice sounded on the channel: "Company Commander, we are only five kilometers away from 304! It's over."

Fade Chen stopped the car, put it in neutral, put on the handbrake, then changed places with the driver, and returned to his own seat.

At this time, the drone has already flown to the vicinity of the 304 highland, but for safety, there is still a distance.

"Fly a little further."

"Yes!" The operator carefully drove the drone forward for a certain distance, and after a while, the situation on the 304 high ground could basically be seen.

But the height is very high, and many things are not very clear.

"Company commander, do you want to descend a little?"

"No, the Blue Army is very cunning, be careful to be discovered by them."

Fade Chen looked at it for a while, and secretly rejoiced that on the 304 highland, facing the direction of the road they were going to take before, the blue army had built many strong fortresses. If they launched a strong attack from the front just now, they would probably suffer heavy casualties.

Judging from the situation of the position built by the blue army, they must have come here yesterday, otherwise, such a strong position could not have been built in such a short period of time.

The director department really has nothing to fear from the blue army's partiality. Yesterday the director department strictly prohibited the red army from moving ahead, but let the blue army come here to establish a position last night. Hurry up, the speed of ordinary transport planes is more than 200 kilometers per hour, but the helicopters of the blue army can easily reach [-]. The blue army is simulating a foreign army.

Fade Chen shook his head, a little helpless and a little funny.

After watching for a while, he already had a rough idea. First, he sent a team to advance quickly and enter the back of Height 304. The main purpose was to accurately measure the coordinates of the Blue Army's position. As long as they have accurate coordinates, they will call for artillery support in a while. When the time comes, they will be able to carry out precise damage to the blue army. When the artillery coverage is over, Sanlian will immediately launch an attack and catch the opponent by surprise. In this way, Height 304 will be successfully taken down!
"Wu Liuyi!"


"You personally led Squad 303 to infiltrate [-], precisely positioned the forward position of the Blue Army, and then guided our artillery to strike precisely!"


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