Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 318 Artillery Coverage, Precise Strike

318 artillery coverage, precise strike

The target of the red three companies - 304 highlands.

It was quiet all around.

Although this area is called a highland, the altitude is actually not particularly high, but most of the surrounding hills are only half his height, so this place suddenly stands out from the crowd.

Of course, this is a very important place. Occupying this place, relying on the convenient location, can easily resist the troops attacking from the southeast.

The valley in the southeast direction is relatively narrow, so relying on the terrain of 304, two rows here are enough to resist the attacks of two companies.

At this time, the surrounding area was quiet, only the cool wind was blowing from a distance.

The person in charge of the blue army guarding here is a second lieutenant and a platoon leader.

It stands to reason that the Blue Army should send at least one company to guard such an important place, but the Blue Army headquarters has another plan. The red army is also part of the plan, so at this time, there are only two platoons here, of course, they are all elite soldiers.

At this time, the second lieutenant was holding up his binoculars and looking towards the southeast, but his field of vision was empty and there was nothing.

After watching for a while, he put down the binoculars and picked up the walkie-talkie: "Dong Er, what's the situation over there?"

The walkie-talkie rang twice: "Report Dongyao, everything is normal here, and there is no sign of the Red Army coming."

The second lieutenant said through the walkie-talkie: "According to the normal situation, the Red Army should enter your observation range in about half an hour. Tell the brothers, cheer up and don't be careless!"

Just after the word "ha" was finished, there was a loud bang and a violent explosion at a place ten meters away from the second lieutenant, in the direction of three o'clock.

"What's going on? What do these guys in the director department do? Can this cause accidents?"

The second lieutenant was very annoyed, and turned around angrily, ready to ask the teacher for a crime.

Those hot spots were arranged in advance by the director department.

This is a strategic location where the red and blue sides must compete, so the director department made arrangements here early. There are many bombing points buried here. Once the red side is covered by artillery fire or other attacks, if it hits, the director will The staff of the Ministry of Defense will detonate some of the explosive points to simulate the real battlefield.

Of course, the charges of these bombing points will be much smaller, but even so, accidents will happen if you are not careful. When setting up this place last night, a staff member of the director department accidentally blew up a bombing point , Fortunately, the Red Army hadn't started its offensive last night, otherwise it would have been exposed.But now is a critical moment. If you make such a big noise now, aren't you reminding the Red Army that we are already ambushing here?

So the second lieutenant was very annoyed.

From the fact that the director department is still laying explosive sites here, it can be inferred that the current level of our army's exercises still needs to be improved.

There used to be many artifacts on the exercise ground of our army. They can be easily operated, improved performance, and enhanced appreciation during training and exercises.Due to the above characteristics, many troops liked to use them in the past, so these small methods are called artifacts.

However, the fundamental task of the army is to defeat the enemy on the battlefield; and the main task of training exercises is to promote officers and soldiers to adapt to the battlefield and to accumulate experience for possible future battlefield conflicts.

Therefore, those artifacts that are "beneficial to drills but harmful to war" will only distort officers and soldiers' understanding of real warfare, and then affect the improvement of actual combat skills. Therefore, in a few years, those artifacts will gradually be eliminated, but it is obvious , These artifacts are still in use, at least in this exercise.

Among these artifacts, three are the most famous, one is the small flag on the tank.For decades, large-scale tank units have often appeared in our military exercises.In the vast wilderness, dozens or even hundreds of tanks, each with red and blue flags, and steel armor interlaced, galloped fiercely, so majestic, the situation on the battlefield was clear at a glance.There are two purposes for this. One is to allow both sides of the exercise to identify the enemy and the other, and the second is to allow the referees and observer leaders of the exercise to see more clearly.

However, in actual combat, how could enemy tanks put up flags for people to distinguish?On the battlefield, it is even possible for the enemy to pretend to be our side.

And if our tanks put on the fluttering flag, it will undoubtedly provide the best aiming target for the enemy.

Therefore, after 2010, many exercises have gradually pulled out the small flags on the tanks.For example, in May 2013, the actual military exercise of a certain group army in the Lanzhou-Military-Region specifically required that everything be carried out according to the standards of war, forming a clear direction of real combat.None of the participating troops planted small flags.

Without the small flag, it means that both sides in the war are forced to identify enemy tanks by themselves, and even see through the enemy's camouflage.This is also more in line with the actual situation on the battlefield.As for the evaluation and observation departments, they used to observe both sides with naked eyes. Now they have a real-time monitoring system. Through the computer screen, the exercise director department can clearly see the red and blue sides participating in the exercise. Of course, there is no need to insert red and blue tanks on the battlefield. flag up.

The second artifact is slogans and slogans. Needless to say, this time, the resident is everywhere in the exercise.

The last artifact is the fried point.

During the exercise, in order to render the atmosphere of the battlefield, some "simulated bombing points" are often set in advance near the shooting target.

In this way, once these targets are shot at during the exercise, and the simulated explosion points are detonated at the same time, it can be seen that the explosion will shake the sky, the flames will be everywhere, and the smoke will fill the air, which is really beautiful.

However, the design of this kind of simulated explosion point is only "good-looking".

On the real battlefield, the enemy will certainly not pre-bury explosives near their own facilities and equipment.At the same time, many of the simulated bombing points are controlled by the director department.The location of some explosion points is unreasonable, and the timing of the explosion is not accurate, which will damage or mislead the progress of the exercise.

With the popularization of electronic and informatization methods, the only factor that needs to be paid attention to is to judge whether the shooting hits based on the weapon performance, distance, shooting technique, weather and landform, etc. As for the explosion flame after the hit, there is no need to deliberately simulate it at all.In this way, energy and financial resources can also be avoided from being scattered on unnecessary performances.

But obviously, this exercise at this time does not have that kind of advanced conditions, and there are still simulated bombing points.

So when he heard that sound at this moment, the second lieutenant became dissatisfied, thinking that you guys in the director department are just working for nothing, why can't you do such a little job well, what use are you for?
He just raised his foot and prepared to take the second step. Boom, boom, boom, the bombing points that the director department had laid in advance exploded one after another.

"Damn it, it's the artillery coverage of the Red Army!"

The second lieutenant's eyelids twitched, and he finally realized what was going on.

He glanced at a staff member of the director department, and sure enough, that guy gave him an urgent wink.

"Conceal! Conceal—"

The second lieutenant yelled hoarsely, and at the same time jumped into the trench with a whoosh.

The artillery coverage at this time is not real coverage, but a simulation.

The Red Army fired special shells for exercises in the distance. Every time a shell was fired, the computer would immediately and accurately calculate the trajectory of the shell, calculate the impact point, and then calculate the damage effect based on relevant parameters. Finally, the result was transmitted to the staff of the director department at 304 Heights. On the terminal, the staff manually gives the damage situation based on the calculation results, such as this one was killed, that one was injured, how many people quit the battle, and so on!


On the 304 high ground, one after another, the soldiers of the Blue Army jumped into the trenches and hid, yelling and shouting.

The Red Army will carry out artillery strikes in this area, which they have long thought of, so they have already prepared a countermeasure and dug "solid" fortifications.

But at this time, the soldiers of the Blue Army can only resign themselves to whether they will be killed by the bomb or not. The artillery coverage at this time is not real, but just a simulation, so they cannot intuitively feel whether they will die or not.

Secondly, the director department only gave the conclusion of how many people were killed by the red army's artillery coverage this time, but which blue army was killed was randomly designated by the on-site staff. If they are lucky, they will survive. If you are accidentally caught by the tuner, you will die, so the blue army jumped into the trench and hid as soon as they heard the "covert" command. Everyone was worried that they would be caught by the tuner if they moved too slowly. Go be a ghost.


Explode points one after another.

The soldiers of the Blue Army were not nervous, and entered the trenches in an orderly manner, each finding a place to hide.

The fortifications they dug were very ingenious and their distribution was very scientific, so it was impossible to wipe them all out with ordinary artillery coverage, so the soldiers of the blue army were still full of confidence.

But just a few soldiers squatted down, a staff member of the guidance team rushed over and shouted: "You are all killed by the bomb, put down your weapons first, and don't come out when you squat on the ground!"


Several Blue Army soldiers stared wide-eyed.

Our fortifications are so concealed, how could the artillery of the Red Army hit them?

"Comrade, did you make a mistake?" Some Blue Army soldiers were dissatisfied.

"The headquarters ordered that you are already dead. Stay with me well and don't move around, or you will be deducted points from the Blue Army!"

"No, comrade, our fortifications are very hidden, the location is so tricky, how could the Red Army bomb it?"

"Then how do I know? The headquarters said that the Red Army is a precision strike, and they know your coordinates, so you are all dead! Stay well, and I will deduct points if you shout again!"

The staff member of the steering team scolded, he was also very surprised, why the red army's artillery could hit so accurately, most of the fortifications of these blue army soldiers were destroyed, he couldn't figure it out, but he didn't understand the command of the headquarters Dare not to follow.

How did he know that at this time, a drone was hovering over the 304 Heights. Wu Liuyi knew exactly where the Blue Army soldiers were going and where they were hiding. It was teleported back, so the Red Army's artillery units hit every target accurately, and the Red Army troops knew exactly what type of shells to use. Although the blue army's fortifications were strong, they could not withstand the attack of special ammunition.

Fortunately, the artillery units of the Red Army are still the same. If Chen Fei commanded them, after a few rounds of saturation attacks, the hills would be flattened by you. How could the soldiers of the Blue Army survive?

However, the artillery coverage at this time was not too severe, only destroying one-third of the blue army's strength.

Just when the blue army was hiding in the fortifications and was nervous, the nine infantry vehicles of the Red Army and the Red Third Company rushed up the slope from the rear of the 304 Heights from different angles.

On the 304 high ground, the bomb site laid by the tuner in advance was still rumbling and exploding, so the roar of the infantry vehicle was not so conspicuous, and it was even completely submerged in some periods of time.

Every infantry chariot seemed to be crazy, roaring and roaring, like a tiger out of its cage, killing towards the top of the mountain.

The earth trembled.

In the fortification, the person in charge of the Blue Army vaguely heard a strange sound, and felt that the ground was shaking.

"Did you hear any strange noises?" He elbowed a monitor next to him.

"No? No sound? Oh, the sound of an explosion. Hey, no, there seems to be some real sound? It seems to be the sound of an engine?"

"Engine?" He frowned a little, then hurriedly picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted: "Dong Er, what's the situation with you over there? Is there any Red Army vehicles coming?"

"Report Dongyao, everything is normal here, there are no vehicles!"

"Damn it!" The second lieutenant cursed loudly and slammed his fist on the ground.

"Platoon leader, I'll go and have a look!" The squad leader next to him gritted his teeth and said.

At this time, it is still covered by artillery fire. If you go out, you will probably be judged dead by the coordinator. Although the director department is biased towards the blue army, if you go too far, it will cause unnecessary trouble. So, go out at this time, The danger is still great.

"Okay! Go and have a look! Be careful! Report any situation immediately!"


The squad leader stood up at once, trotted a few steps, and jumped out of the trench one by one.

"Oh shit--"

He just stood still, looked behind him, gasped, and couldn't help but cursed: "Platoon leader, the Red Army is charging up from behind us! Nine infantry chariots!"


Before he could finish his words, gunshots rang out suddenly, and before he could make any more warnings, a puff of colored smoke sprayed out from his helmet, he was shot dead, and he opened his mouth , I wanted to say something more, but was stopped by the mediator's fierce eyes.

In the fortification, the second lieutenant gritted his teeth. He never thought that the Red Army would come up from behind their ass, and he never thought about it.

In fact, it is not unexpected.

He still thought that the Red Army would go around their buttocks, but according to calculations, if the Red Army wanted to go around their buttocks, it would take at least two hours to get there, but——

At this time, the time is still very early, how could the Red Army rush behind their buttocks?
The second lieutenant is also a ruthless character. After thinking about it for a little more than a second, he made a decision: "Everyone is there, ready to fight—"

It is no longer possible to control the coverage of artillery fire, otherwise the Red Army will all rush up, and they will all be finished.

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