Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 323 Red 3rd company's firepower interspersed

323 Red Three Company Fire Interspersed Tactics
Fade Chen acted immediately after receiving the order.

Not long.

On the endless Gobi, nine infantry combat vehicles and a company command vehicle drove side by side, speeding forward at high speed.

The terrain near the 304 highland is criss-crossed and hilly, and the geography is complicated. However, after more than ten kilometers away from there, the terrain changes drastically.

Puffs of smoke and dust flew into the sky, and it was very spectacular to watch from behind.

In the commander's car, Fade Chen held the handrail with one hand and a map with the other, watching intently.

The speed of the car was fast and the bumps were extremely high. He would jump up from time to time, almost knocking his head on the roof of the car, but even so, his eyes still did not leave the map.

After watching for a while, he raised his head and asked Zhang Yang, "What time is it?"

"Eleven o'clock!"

"Eleven o'clock?" Fade Chen frowned, and after a while, he asked again: "What's the speed of the car now?"


After thinking for a while, Fade Chen picked up the vehicle's microphone and said, "There are all companies, increase the speed to [-]!"


The drivers of all the infantry vehicles were all jumping in their hearts.

The speed of [-] per hour is not high in terms of numbers, but what kind of terrain is here?
So the speed of [-] per hour is really a bit fatal!
But the company commander has already given the order, and even if it can't be done, you have to do it with all your might. What's more, it's not impossible for the pilots to do it, but it's just a bit tricky?

"The whole car is there, grab it, we're going to speed up—"

The infantry tank driver yelled at the top of his voice.


The engine roared.

Black smoke from burning diesel billowed into the sky.

Moments later, the infantry chariots moved forward ferociously with an even more violent attitude.

From 304 to 233, it would have taken about two hours to drive between the two parties, but Fade Chen hoped to compress it as much as possible and try to arrive in an hour.

Their next task is to provide support, so the sooner they arrive, the better.

Of course, it is not easy to achieve the goal Fade Chen mentioned, but if you don't try it, how do you know it is impossible?
As a soldier, we want to create possibilities where others say it is impossible!

One after another infantry chariots flew across the desolate Gobi like lightning.

Driving so frenziedly, if I change another company, I am afraid that the vehicles will go on strike several times, but the red third company maintains and repairs frequently under the request of Fade Chen. There is less luck attribute, so the movement of the whole company is fairly smooth.

At some point, Wu Liuyi reported: "Company commander, we are only ten kilometers away from the target, and we are going to enter a narrow valley road section, slow down!"

Fade Chen immediately ordered: "There are all companies, slow down to [-], each row and each shift enter the valley in order, one shift, release the drone!"

After a while, Fade Chen came to the command platform and clicked a few times. Soon, the screen lit up, and the aerial picture of the drone appeared.

The drone advanced rapidly, and it reached the top of the battlefield in a short while.

At this time, the red and blue sides are fighting fiercely. The red side occupies a favorable terrain, but the blue side has a large number of people, so the two sides are fighting inseparably, and the battle is difficult to end for a while.

The drone flew over everyone's heads, so Fade Chen soon knew what the battlefield was like.

"This battle is not easy to fight? If you want to win a quick battle, you can only use a slanted sword?"

Fade Chen frowned, staring at the aerial photography, but his thoughts turned sharply, and one idea after another jumped out and disappeared.

"Fire penetration?"

After thinking about it, an idea suddenly popped up in Fade Chen's mind.

At this time, the red and blue sides are fighting offensive and defensive battles. Both the offensive and defensive sides are struggling. The red three companies only have a total of more than 100 people. Such a small number of people are placed on such a large position. In fact, it is not that big. Therefore, if Sanlian wants to play an important role, there is only one way, and that is to intersperse with firepower.

The third company has infantry combat vehicles, which can move quickly. Although they are only wheeled and not tracked, they have limited passing ability, but in the current battlefield, as long as the driver chooses carefully and avoids trenches as much as possible, then most places on the battlefield All chariots can be driven straight in. In this way, the infantry chariot has a good passability, and the machine guns and machine guns on the infantry chariot are very strong firepower, so the firepower interspersed tactics are eligible for execution.

Of course, someone on the blue side might want to use a bazooka, so...
Fade Chen needs to send out some snipers, or precision shooters, to ambush in some key places, and send out multiple drones to monitor the battlefield in an all-round way. Once he sees the blue army's bazooka shooter, he will shoot immediately, then the red army's infantry combat vehicles will be like nothing. It's a place for people, and they can abuse the Blue Army as much as they want.

After thinking about it again, Fade Chen finally made a decision. He picked up the microphone and issued a combat order.

233 territories.

The fierce battle between the red and blue sides is in full swing.

The commander of the red side is a company commander named Zhao Jun, a big man with a beard.

"Company Commander, our battle damage is too serious. If we continue to fight like this, we may not last for two hours!" A squad leader ran over suddenly, crying in his voice.

Zhao Jun's face was ugly.

Although this was just a drill, at this moment, both sides were angry, and it was no longer like a drill, but more like a desperate effort.

Zhao Jun slapped the edge of the trench with a slap, gasped for breath twice, and then he cursed: "Damn it!"

"Company commander, let's fight them!" The squad leader's eyes were bloodshot, as if he was about to breathe fire.


The loud roar of the engine suddenly came.

Zhao Jun and the squad leader hurriedly turned their heads and followed the sound. In an instant, an infantry fighting vehicle rushed out of the valley behind them like a monster. Before the Red Army could react, that one An infantry tank has already killed the blue army's position.

Soon, second, third, fourth
One after another infantry fighting vehicles came out.


The machine gun on the car roared, and after a while, white smoke rose from more than a dozen people in the blue army.

"Get him out of here! Quick—get out of him—"

Someone from the blue army shouted angrily and hurriedly directed.

A warrior knelt on the ground with a [-]mm gun and aimed at the infantry vehicle, but before he could lock onto it, there was a chirping sound, and smoke billowed from his helmet. He was killed by someone and was eliminated!
"Yang Lin, you go! Yang Lin, you go—"

The commander yelled.


There was another gunshot, and smoke billowed from the commander's head, and he was also killed.

"what happened?"

Zhao Jun looked at the monitor.

"I do not know either?"

The squad leader was also staring at him, inexplicably.

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