Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 324 You are the company that overthrew old A

324 You are the company that overthrew old A

Fade Chen was sitting in the company command car and commanding.

The three drones took off at the same time, monitoring the battlefield from different directions.

Each UAV has an operator staring at it. Once it finds a bazooka player, report it immediately and report the position of the bazooka player. A sniper in ambush in the dark, or a precision shooter, is more appropriate to start immediately. Gun, one shot kill.

With the volley surveillance of drones and the timely communication of individual soldier information systems, the Red Third Company easily controls the entire battlefield.

The nine infantry chariots of the Red Third Company ran rampant as if entering no one's land, and sometimes even rushed towards the blue army, scaring many of the blue army away in a panic while cursing. The Type 5.8 automatic rifle slammed at the infantry fighting vehicle. Unfortunately, the [-]mm bullets could not do anything to the armor of the infantry fighting vehicle, so the infantry fighting vehicle continued to sweep unscrupulously without any damage.

In just a few rounds, the blue army was beaten into chaos, and the red army took advantage of the situation to rush out of the position. The two sides fought, and the blue army was completely wiped out in a short while.

At this time, the combat effectiveness of a company of the Red Third Company is equivalent to that of a traditional infantry battalion.

"Company commander, the battle is over, please give instructions!" The subordinate's report sounded.

Fade Chen picked up the microphone, pondered for two seconds, and said, "Send two people in each shift to overhaul and maintain the vehicles, and send three more people to the Blue Army's position to see if there are any trophies. See if there is any spare diesel oil. We are running out of oil. Try to find some. If it is not possible, extract the diesel oil from the armored vehicles damaged in battle. Others should take the time to rest. Three shifts, you are in charge of vigilance, pay attention, do not turn off all vehicles , all ready to leave immediately at any time, over!"

After Fade Chen gave the order, he hung up the microphone, jumped out of the company command vehicle, and strode towards the Red Army's position.

Zhao Jun, the commander of the Red Army, also strode towards Fade Chen.

Next to him, Chengcai followed suit. Obviously, it was Chengcai who told Zhao Jun that Fade Chen was the company commander of the Red Third Company.

The two approached quickly and stood together when they were one meter away. Fade Chen saluted first. The other party was older than him—I don’t know the real age, but judging by the face, the other party might be about 40 years old, and the other party was a captain, while Fade Chen was just a lieutenant , so Fade Chen saluted the other party first.

Zhao Jun returned the gift.

The hands of the two finally held tightly together.

"Hello, Company Commander Zhao!"

Just now, Chengcai had introduced Fade Chen.

"Hello, Company Commander Chen, thank you so much today, if you hadn't arrived in time, we might have to confess here!"

The two exchanged pleasantries, mainly because Zhao Jun expressed his gratitude.

"Company Commander Chen, thank you very much today. If it weren't for your help, we would definitely not be able to stand up today. The headquarters originally said that it would take two hours for the reinforcements to arrive, so we were just saying that we might not be able to wait today. The reinforcements arrived, where did you think of it? There is no unparalleled road! Company Commander Chen, are you performing any mission nearby?"

After shaking hands, Zhao Jun asked a little puzzled.

The superior told them before that they had to hold out for two hours, because it took two hours for the reinforcements to arrive, but Fade Chen and the others arrived an hour later, so he instinctively thought that Fade Chen and the others were not the reinforcements that the headquarters said at the beginning , but because their superiors saw that their situation was too critical, they temporarily mobilized troops from other places to support them.

What's more, the superior originally said that a battalion would be sent to support, but now it is only a company.

After hearing Zhao Jun's question, Fade Chen smiled and said, "Company Commander Zhao, we are the headquarters who ordered us to come to support your company, but it took two hours to arrive, but we are worried that you are under too much pressure. We have to speed up!"

"You mean, you will arrive in one hour for a two-hour journey?" Zhao Jun's eyes almost popped out when he heard it. He was so shocked that he forgot that there was actually another important problem. It was originally said to send a battalion, but it was a company that came.

"Yeah, in order to come here in time, we were driving almost at a speed of [-] per hour along the way. To be honest, this ass is almost broken. Company Commander Zhao, you have to make up for us in a while!" Fade Chen haha Laughing and joking, of course, he also slightly exaggerated the data to put money on his face.

"My mother—"

Zhao Jun was dumbfounded.

They are actually armored infantry, but the armored vehicles have been destroyed.

They originally belonged to an armored infantry battalion, but in the end, he, the company commander, had to stand up and command the overall situation.

Although Zhao Jun is only a company commander, he is the company commander of an armored infantry company, so he clearly knows how difficult it is to march in this kind of place, not to mention the speed of one hundred, even if it reaches seventy, they think it is too dangerous The car may overturn at any time, so I dare not go any faster, but the other party
The speed is more than 100 per hour, and it takes an hour to drive!
My mother--

He really didn't know how to express the shock in his heart.

"Company Commander Chen, who are you?" Zhao Jun was extremely curious about Fade Chen after recovering.

Such a strong combat power is definitely not something that an ordinary company can achieve, so the opponent may have a strong background!
"Red Triple Company?"

"Red Third Company? Are you the company that overthrew old A?" Zhao Jun was taken aback.

If what appeared in front of him at this time was Hong Sanlian, then all doubts could be explained reasonably.

Why can you march at a high speed of [-] per hour and drive for an hour?
Why did the superiors originally say they would send a battalion but in the end they only sent a company?

These questions are very simple to explain, very simple, because it is Hong Sanlian, the Hong Sanlian who can turn old A!

Fade Chen was startled.

When did they overthrow old a?
But he soon understood what was going on. They overthrew old A's pumpkin squad in a row. One platoon turned over a pumpkin squad, but when it spread to the end, when it was passed to other troops, it became a three-in-one turn over old a. so.
When Fade Chen saw Zhao Jun's appearance, he was also a little funny. He was about to make a joke, but suddenly his heart jumped wildly for no reason, and his whole body tensed up. It felt like a patient with fear of heights standing Talking on the phone on the 100-meter-high transparent glass plank road, I was comfortable and comfortable. I didn’t notice the situation under my feet at all, but when I lowered my head, I suddenly saw the glass plank road at a height of more than 100 meters. In an instant, my heart beat fast It's in the throat.

The intuition of the company-level battlefield sent out a warning.

There is danger!

Fade Chen didn't dare to be careless, and quickly picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted: "There are all companies, leave here quickly, quick! Quick! Quick! The farther the better! The farther the better! Repeat, leave here from the place where the entire company and its squads came from." , the farther the better!"

After finishing the order, Fade Chen immediately looked at Zhao Jun: "Company Commander Zhao, get your people out of here quickly, quickly—it's dangerous! Get out of here quickly!"

Leaving this sentence behind, Fade Chen couldn't help but run away, and rushed into his company command vehicle in the blink of an eye. At this time, the clerk Zhao Jun had already made all preparations, and Fade Chen got into the car without even closing the door. , he kicked the accelerator and went down.


The command vehicle left like lightning.

The other infantry chariots also hurried away from different directions, as fast as they wanted.

In fact, the fighters of the Red Third Company are very confused, I-fuck, what's going on, didn't they wipe out the blue army, why are they suddenly about to run away?
Everyone doesn't understand!

However, there is one thing that everyone is very clear about, that is, once the company commander gives an order, no matter what order, it must be unconditionally and resolutely carried out, otherwise the company commander will definitely be trained to cry father and mother, so everyone listens to the company commander Although the command was ignorant, it was like a conditioned reflex on the feet, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, rushed back into the infantry chariot after a few strides.

When Hong Sanlian flew away from here, Zhao Jun watched in a daze.

What's wrong with them?
He couldn't figure it out.

But he quickly came back to his senses. When he saw the scene where the Red Sanlian people boarded the car, his eyelids couldn't help but twitch.

"No wonder they got here in an hour!"

"No wonder they can turn old A!"

Zhao Jun suddenly realized, and understood in an instant.

Yiye Zhiqiu, he knew how strong the Red Third Company's fighting power was from this small detail.

Alas, there is really no way to compare!

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