Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 330 The next task is to find oil

330 Next task: find oil
Wan Dao Xiaguang appeared in the sky.

The most beautiful scenery gradually appeared.

But in the hall of the Blue Army Command Center, the heart of the Blue Army Commander was extremely gloomy, darker and more depressing than the sky before the typhoon of Category [-] was about to land.

He is a Confucian general, but at this moment, his heart is as tyrannical as a tyrant. He just wants to get angry, he just wants to curse people, and he even wants to smash things. I don't want it anymore.

He was very angry.

The sound of pattering footsteps sounded, approaching from far away.

He raised his head, looked away from the undulating sand table, and looked at the captain.

The captain stood at attention in front of him with a snap, perhaps feeling the rage in his heart, the captain's salute was not standard, and his expression was a little abnormal.

"Sir, I still haven't found it!"

"Haven't found it yet?" The blue army commander's pupils shrank suddenly, and a fierce aura burst out from his eyes. The captain's face changed with fright, and his eyes were full of horror.

Fortunately, at the moment when the explosion was about to erupt, the commander's reason finally defeated the tyrannical emotion. He raised his head, closed his eyes, and kept this posture silently for 13 seconds. After that, he exhaled and lowered his head , opened his eyes, and returned to the large electronic screen: "Call me the battlefield situation map!" He said in a calm voice.

A female officer who stood aside and waited for a long time quickly raised the remote control pen in her hand and clicked it. After a while, a map of the situation of the enemy and the enemy appeared in front of her eyes.

Looking at the huge distribution map, the head of the blue army frowned again.

At this time, they and the Red Army presented a dog-tooth posture, and the offense and defense were quite fierce. Generally speaking, each had its own gains and losses, and the strength of both sides was generally evenly matched.

The blue army has an advantage in firepower and equipment, but the red army has an advantage in terrain and numbers.

If according to the current situation, we are going steady and advancing step by step, then the possibility of the Blue Army winning the final battle is still very high.

But now there is one big uncertainty, the Red Army unit that killed a very important military target of their blue army is missing.

I don't know the number of that troop. According to the relevant data obtained before, there are not many people. One company to two companies should not reach the level of a battalion. A reconnaissance company went out to search until now, but they can't find any clues. This also shows that their scale cannot be too large, otherwise it would be difficult to hide so well in the mountains. The more people there are, the easier it is to be exposed. They couldn't be found until now, so there is only one possibility, they are not many, but they are small and good, so the Red Army's unit, the biggest possibility, is a company.

A company, the number of people is not too many, but they are dying here. Judging from the fact that they can kill such an important target of the Blue Army so quickly with one company, the combat effectiveness of that company is no worse than that of a battalion. To be stronger, so, most likely, that company is a special operations force!
If that's a special operations force, it's in trouble.

For special operations forces, a team can have an immeasurable impact on the battlefield situation, let alone a company?

Therefore, the intervention of that company can change the situation of the battle at any time. As long as they move a little somewhere, the current strategic balance will soon be broken, and the Red Army may take the opportunity to turn around.

But the two strongest companies on their side have been sent out, and after searching for so long, they still can't see a trace of them!

Where did the company of the Red Army go?

The head of the blue army was thinking hard.

Fade Chen woke up leisurely and turned around.


He groaned, and the corners of his mouth twitched. At this moment, he felt uncomfortable all over. He slept in the car last night, and his muscles were sore from the uncomfortable sitting position. However, his energy was much better.

Last night, he didn't dare to sleep in the first half of the night. He stared at it himself until the second half of the night. He was sure that there should be nothing serious. He arranged every detail, and then he lay down and took a nap. He had slept about four hours in all, but it had done him a good job mentally, and now he was alive and well again.

"Company commander, are you awake?" Clerk Zhang Yang turned his head from the driver's seat and grinned.

"How is the situation now?"

"Everything is normal." Zhang Yang said with a smile, his eyes were full of light, and his face was full of pride.

Obviously, yesterday's battle made every soldier of the Red Third Company feel honored, proud in their hearts, and have more face when they go out.

How many tasks they accomplished that were impossible for others yesterday!
The most powerful point is that they slept under the eyes of the enemy last night, haha, this is really awesome, and they can go back and brag for the rest of their lives.

Therefore, at this time, the soldiers were very proud, very proud, and felt that they were awesome because they were soldiers of the Red Third Company, and a strong sense of pride naturally arose.

Seeing the light in Zhang Yang's eyes, Fade Chen was also very happy. He could clearly feel that Hong Sanlian's spirit was different from before.

"Sure enough, the spirit of a company still depends on fighting to fight!"

There was another epiphany in his heart.

"An excellent political cadre should first be an excellent military cadre!"

During this period of time, Fade Chen has been working in the military and administration of the Red Third Company. He was very tired while working on the military and political work. But it also made him grow fast. The military work promoted his progress in political work, and the progress in political work accelerated. his growth in the military.

Therefore, he gained a lot.

"Xiao Zhang, is there any water?"

"Yes!" Zhang Yang hurriedly unscrewed a bottle of mineral water and handed it to Fade Chen.

Fade Chen raised his head and gulped down a gulp, then opened the car door, jumped out of the car, trotted a few steps, rushed to a hill, faced the multi-colored rays of light, opened his crotch, and urinated warmly.

He was peeing happily, Wu Liuyi, Chengcai, Gan Xiaoning, the three also ran up together, imitating his example, like him, releasing water against the sun.

"How is it? Did you sleep well last night?"

"Okay!" Cheng Cai grinned and grinned.

"It's okay." Wu Liuyi said.

"Commander, what are you going to do today?"

Fade Chen trembled and didn't answer in a hurry. After a while, he asked, "How many kilometers do we have enough fuel to run?"

"Not much more, about seventy kilometers!" Wu Liuyi said.

"Then our most important task now is to find oil!" Fade Chen smiled.

"Company commander, where can I find it?"

"I don't know where to look for it, I can figure it out myself!" Fade Chen said angrily.

The three platoon leaders looked at me, and I looked at you. Finally, they laughed together.

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