Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 331 The Bandit Fade Chen

331 Bandit Fade Chen
When the first ray of sunshine shone on the earth in a new day, the infantry chariots of the Red Third Company started rumblingly.

There is a certain distance between one car and one car, neither far nor near.

This time driving, because there is no task, so the speed is not considered fast, and in order to save fuel, I dare not be too manic, tepid, drive steadily, and drive forward with the most fuel-efficient attitude.

Chen Fei and Cheng Cai were sitting in the same chariot.

Before, he and Wu Liuyi sat in the same chariot, so at this time, he had to change to another car. He had to try his best to be as equal as possible for the three platoon leaders. Resentful.

Fade Chen sat in the car and looked at the map.

What to do next, to be honest, he has no idea.

Now they have temporarily lost contact with their superiors, so they cannot receive orders from their superiors.

Last night, for safety reasons, they temporarily shut down the radio station.

They turned on the radio early this morning, but they couldn't receive anything except the whistling electric noise. For safety, they didn't dare to call the headquarters. So, at this time, they were a little at a loss, not knowing what to do, where to go.

Fortunately, they didn't have much choice at this time, they could only move forward along the valley.

Before the next fork in the road, they still have ten kilometers to think about where to go at this step.

After looking at the map for a while, Fade Chen suddenly remembered something, picked up the walkie-talkie and said, "Xiao Zhang Xiao Zhang."

"Company commander, I'm Zhang Yang!"

"You tune the frequency, like this, to the third spare channel."


Putting down the walkie-talkie, Fade Chen picked up the map and began to study it.

It's not that he doesn't know the various terrains on the map, but he wants to use the information he got before, comprehensively analyze the various distributions on the map, infer the layout of the red and blue sides, and then find the best option for them.

Looking at it, his eyes suddenly lit up.

His company-level command art suddenly gave him a bold idea.

After deliberating for about two or three minutes, he quickly picked up the walkie-talkie and ordered: "There are all companies in the company. From now on, start to speed up. Class 3, you lead the way, and the speed is controlled at about [-] kilometers. When you get to the fork ahead , turn right and take the rightmost road, is it clear?"

"Take the rightmost road at the fork in front of you, and keep the speed at [-] kilometers per hour. The company commander, the ninth squad understands."

"Okay, execute!" Fade Chen put down the walkie-talkie.

Chengcai carefully connected the walkie-talkie, hung it on himself, everything was ready, he turned his head to look at Fade Chen, and asked with a smile: "Company commander, do you want to go to District [-] by taking the road on the right?"

"Yes." Fade Chen nodded: "We are in urgent need of various supplies now, and if there is no accident, there is likely to be something we want there."

"Company commander, how do you know there will be what we want there?" Chengcai's words were about to come out of his throat, but in the end he swallowed them back abruptly. He suddenly remembered something and asked like this But it's not very good, if there is nothing there in a while, then Fade Chen will lose face, but if you don't ask, if you really meet later, it's not too late to ask.

The convoy speeded up and drove towards the place Fade Chen had mentioned.

Half an hour later, the vehicle in charge of the lead suddenly reported: "Company Commander, there are signs of fighting three kilometers ahead."

When Fade Chen heard this, his heart was shocked, and he hurriedly picked up the walkie-talkie and said, "Send drones for detailed reconnaissance immediately!"


After a while, the drone operator sent a report: "Company commander, the battle ahead is over, our side has won, and now they are clearing up the battlefield!"

"Have you found any armored vehicles?"

"Report to the company commander, yes, there seems to be a tank company ahead!"

After hearing this, Fade Chen was overjoyed, and immediately ordered everyone to move forward at full speed.

Not long after, the convoy arrived at its destination.

The tank company was very nervous at first, and put on a stance, ready to fight to the death. It was only when it was confirmed that Fade Chen and the others were their own people that they breathed a sigh of relief.

The chariot stopped, and Fade Chen got out of the car.

A man came across, the commander of the tank company.

"You are? Fade Chen?"

When the company commander of the tank company saw Fade Chen, he was startled for a moment, then overjoyed, and rushed forward in three steps at a time.

"I'm Fade Chen, may I ask who you are?"

"I am Huang Zhong, the company commander of the seventh tank company of the XX regiment of the X division."

"Captain Huang, hello, hello!"

"Company Commander Chen, hello!"

The two shook hands warmly and exchanged excited greetings.

"Captain Huang, may I ask who you are?"

"We were ordered to ambush the Blue Army's tank company here, and the battle has just ended."

"Then you should still have a lot of diesel here, right?" Fade Chen asked hastily.

"Diesel oil?" Huang Zhong was taken aback, then nodded, and said with a smile: "Of course, we don't have much, but the Blue Army has a lot of reserves."

Chen Fei turned around and yelled at his people: "There are all companies, go to the Blue Army to get oil!"


When the soldiers of the Red Third Company heard this, they were all overjoyed, and hurriedly drove the chariot towards the blue army's tank. As soon as the hatch was opened, the soldiers of the Red Third Company immediately entered the city like bandits. They started to pump oil, and some got into the cockpit, and when they saw food and drink, they immediately took everything away, even if they opened half-eaten things, they would not leave them for the blue army.

When the soldiers of the blue army saw it, they became anxious and rushed forward to negotiate: "Hey, what are you doing? Why are you stealing our oil?"

"Steal? Do you think we are stealing? We are not stealing here. We are taking it, taking it openly. Also, aren't you all dead? How can dead people talk? Go, go, go Just stay there, don’t hinder us from doing things! Huh—you’re still excited, aren’t you? Instructor—instructor—come over and have a look, these blue troops are all dead, why are you still here with me? Talk? Didn't you teach them drill discipline?"

After a while, Fade Chen's team got enough fuel.

Not only the fuel tanks of the infantry chariots were fully filled, but even the spare fuel tanks were fully filled, and weapons and ammunition were also replenished. Most importantly, they also got a lot of anti-tank weapons. Fade Chen didn't care if they were useful or not. Fake it all!

Fade Chen turned around as he walked, like a bandit, looking for loot everywhere, looking at it, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he found that there were more than ten boxes of mineral water on the control team, so he couldn't help but say, big hands With a wave: "Two people come to carry water with me in each shift!"

He brought a group of people to the guidance team, and with one look, the soldiers immediately rushed up, carrying a box of water and running away.

"Hey, that's our water? How can you take it?" A staff member of the guidance and adjustment team was dissatisfied and yelled loudly.

"Comrade, calm down, calm down, we haven't eaten or drank for two days and two nights, we are really dying of thirst, please do me a favor, give us some boxes of water to drink, okay? Good brother, Please, okay?" Fade Chen had a hippie smile on his face, even coaxing and cheating, he ran away carrying people's water, he not only plucked the blue army's wool, but even the director team did not let go.

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