Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 338 Red 3rd Company and Artillery Battalion Joint Operation

338 Red Third Company and Artillery Battalion Joint Operation
Fade Chen led the Red Three Company towards another target area.

They drove very fast, and the speed was kept at about eighty kilometers per hour.

The superior ordered them to go to area 07 at full speed and join the artillery battalion there.

However, regarding the specific combat missions, the superiors did not give clear instructions. They just told them to cooperate with the artillery battalion. They didn't say anything more, and they didn't stipulate what they must do. They just told them to take the initiative to find the blue army. The goal is to fight independently. Of course, the Red Army will transmit relevant information to the command vehicles of both sides in due course for the reference of both sides.

"Company commander, what is the origin of this artillery battalion? It sounds like the higher-ups attach great importance to them?"

Sitting next to Fade Chen, Gan Xiaoning couldn't bear it anymore, so he asked loudly.

This time, Fade Chen and Gan Xiaoning rode in the same chariot.

He sat down with Wu Liuyi and Chengcai, and now it's Gan Xiaoning's turn.So Gan Xiaoning smiled and was very happy along the way.

Fade Chen shook his head after hearing Gan Xiaoning's question: "I don't know either."

This red-blue confrontation exercise, code-named Chunlei, involved too many troops, a combination of multiple arms, and even cross-military operations, so he really didn't know a lot of things.

At this time, he at most knows something about the group army, and the rest is similar to other people, his eyes are smeared, and he doesn't know anything. There is no way, our army is too large, and the team is too big. Many, no one can get a rough idea of ​​the overall situation.

Fade Chen and the soldiers of the Red Third Company rode chariots and galloped all the way until the evening of the day before arriving at their destination.

"Report, we are about to enter Area 07 in ten kilometers, over!"

Chen Fei listened, picked up the microphone, and ordered in a deep voice: "There are all companies, slow down to 468.57 kilometers per hour, adjust the communication frequency to channel 475.82, and use channel [-] for internal communication. , release the drone! It's over."

There is corresponding support from the headquarters along the way, so there is no need for Hong Sanlian to worry too much, but the front has to rely on Hong Sanlian itself.

at this time.

About five kilometers away from Hongsanlian, in a bush, a scout with his face covered in oil paint put down his binoculars, and said strangely: "Why did they slow down, did they find us?"

"Probably not? We're hiding pretty well, aren't we?"

"The battalion commander said that these guys are somewhat evil, squad leader, have you observed them for so long, have you found out where they are evil?"

"No, I didn't see their wicked ways, I only saw their toughness!"


"Our division, which company's infantry tanks have you seen drive like this?"

"Squad leader, from what you said, they are really tough. How dare they drive so fast on that kind of bad road? If the armored regiments of our division, I'm afraid they can drive up to forty?"

"So you say they are tough or not?"


"Okay, stop talking nonsense, hurry up and observe, we need to collect more information for the battalion commander, otherwise we will be passive in the joint operation with them in a while, and the battalion commander will have to kill us at that time!"

In the valley, nine infantry chariots and a company command vehicle of the Red Third Company rumbled forward. Although their speed had slowed down a lot, in the eyes of outsiders, their speed was still very fast.

After a while, that is, when everyone was still five kilometers away from the target area, a strange call came from the radio: "The pheasant calls the eagle, please answer."

Pheasant is the code name of the artillery battalion, so Fade Chen quickly picked up the microphone and said, "Pheasant, Pheasant, I'm Eagle, over!"

"Eagle, I'm a pheasant. I'm here to meet you under orders. Now you follow my command. Finish!"

"Eagle understands."

The other party then gave a series of instructions, telling Fade Chen how to go, which fork to enter, a few kilometers to the left and a few kilometers to the right, etc., etc., under the command of the other party, the Red Third Company finally entered the artillery battalion camp site.


The hatch of the combat vehicle opened, and Fade Chen was the first to jump out of the vehicle.

After several hours of continuous high-speed marching, the bumps made his whole body feel like it was about to fall apart. After landing on the ground, he shook his hands, kicked his legs, took a few deep breaths, and slowly relaxed his whole body.

The first thing he did was look around.

I have to say that the place chosen by the artillery battalion is really ingenious. Standing against the mountain, it is difficult to detect. In addition to the ingenious camouflage of the artillery battalion, even if a drone flies from the sky, it may not be visible.

But what he wanted to see most was the configuration of the artillery battalion.

After looking at it, he realized that the opponent was not an ordinary artillery battalion. They were equipped with new vehicle-mounted howitzers, also known as truck guns.

This 122mm vehicle-mounted howitzer is a vehicle-mounted howitzer independently developed by our army. It uses a large number of off-the-shelf technologies and products. It has a fast fire response, a large fire coverage, and can independently and quickly locate and orientate. The position is fast, with strong maneuverability and dynamic rapid strike capability.

Modern warfare is changing from mechanized warfare to high-tech information warfare, and the army's information capabilities play an increasingly important role in winning wars.As the main force of the army, ground suppression artillery is still one of the main weapons and equipment on the ground battlefield in the future, and it is an important means to eliminate the opponent's vital force.

Traditional towed artillery has poor maneuverability and low survivability on the battlefield. Even if it undergoes information transformation, it is difficult to fully adapt to information warfare under high-tech conditions.The emergence of tracked and wheeled armored vehicle chassis self-propelled artillery has better solved the shortcomings of towed artillery, such as poor mobility and insufficient battlefield survivability, but the purchase and use costs are relatively high, and it is difficult to equip them on a large scale.

The emergence of the wheeled vehicle-mounted gun, a product of the "combination of truck and howitzer", has achieved a better unity of performance and cost, and created favorable conditions for the development of mechanization and informatization of artillery units under the condition of limited military expenditure.

This new type of vehicle-mounted howitzer has a high degree of automation, eliminating the need for the old-fashioned equipment to manually open the frame, adjust the level, and manually assign the shooting direction. It is very convenient. The crews worked closely together to complete the shooting preparations in a short period of time.

Chen Fei was feeling secretly, a major strode over, surrounded by a group of people.

"Company commander, they are here!" Secretary Zhang Yang reminded in a low voice.

Zhang Yang, the soldier, is getting more and more thoughtful. With him by his side, Fade Chen really saves a lot of worry.

Fade Chen quickly retracted his gaze, and strode forward to meet him.

The battalion commander of the artillery battalion was a 30-year-old man with a dark complexion, a square face, and a burly figure. The first thing I felt when I saw him was that this guy was very sturdy.

The two saluted each other and finally held hands together.

"Hello, Battalion Commander Li!"

"Company Commander Chen, hello!"

The battalion commander of the artillery battalion is called Li Ming.

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, Li Ming introduced the relevant situation here.

This artillery battalion is the trump card of the Red Army. It has been hidden and useless. Now, the headquarters thinks it is time to bring him out. It is a mule or a horse. Maximize the effectiveness. Today’s joint operations between the Red Third Company and the Tank Company inspired the Red Army Command, so the higher-ups immediately decided to send the Red Third Company here to let the two sides unite to see if we can make something out of it. Sparks.

However, to be honest, although the superior sent the Red Third Company here, the higher-ups didn't know what to do to maximize the combat effectiveness of both sides, so they gave an order, called They fight independently, and the higher authorities are only responsible for notifying them of the most important information.

"Company Commander Chen, I heard that you fought with the tank company before and did a great job, can you tell me more about it?"

After walking into the headquarters of the artillery battalion, Li Ming couldn't wait to ask.

"Of course." Fade Chen didn't hide it, and started talking directly.

Next, if the two sides want to cooperate and do a good job in joint operations, then the first thing is to quickly establish mutual trust, and to establish mutual trust in such a short period of time, there is only one way, to be honest, sincere, and to gain the other party's approval.

So Fade Chen didn't hide anything, and immediately explained it in detail.

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