Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 339 The Battalion Commander's Shock and the Magical Use of Drones

The Shock of the Commander of the 339 Battalion and the Magical Use of Drones
Fade Chen spoke seriously, while Li Ming listened attentively.

"Wait! Company Commander Chen, wait!" When Fade Chen finished speaking and they used drones to calibrate the tank company, Li Ming stood up suddenly, his voice was loud, and his face was flushed: "Company Commander Chen, you just said that you Fly the drone over the Blue Army"

"Yes." Fade Chen nodded.

"I understand! I understand!" Li Ming's eyes glowed, he shook his fist excitedly, and almost jumped up in excitement.

He keenly grasped the key point, that is, Fade Chen used drones to help the tank company calibrate and shoot Zhu Yuan.

Fade Chen didn't go into details about this matter, he just mentioned it in a few words, he did it on purpose, he just wanted to test how well the battalion commander of this artillery battalion is.

Others may only think of Fade Chen using drones for reconnaissance, but Li Ming grasped the key point at once, which is the calibration of drones, which is the core and the key.

Or, to be more precise, for artillery, this is the most terrible thing.

"Drone calibration! Haha, I understand!" Li Ming slapped the table with a slap, his excitement was beyond words.

This Li Ming is a bit awesome, and this is the key to the artillery revolution.

Fade Chen had to admire the other party.

UAVs cooperate with artillery, which is called the revolution of artillery. This statement was only widely spread in 2022. Although this statement is exaggerated, there is no doubt that the summary is quite incisive.

The traditional artillery is to send artillery scouts to infiltrate the target area to perform reconnaissance and measurement, and then send the results back to the artillery command center, and the commander will issue shooting elements. After the test firing, the artillery scouts will conduct observations and calculate corrections Quantity, and then send the relevant information back to the artillery command center, adjust again, again and again, complicated and complicated, the OODA cycle is very long.

Therefore, the traditional artillery needs a powerful artillery scout squad. It can even be said that the artillery unit is as good as the scouts.

These scouts must not only be capable of armed reconnaissance and latent infiltration, but also must have powerful computing capabilities. Artillery scouts must be able to quickly measure a coordinate in the distance based on a nearby coordinate, and then calculate the shooting elements.

However, no matter how good the Artillery Scout is, he also has a ceiling, so this mode naturally has its shortcomings.

But the use of drones has changed all that.

For artillery to show off its power, the combination of trust and fire is very important. Fire refers to firepower equipment such as barrel artillery and rocket launchers, while trust refers to improving the situational awareness of firepower equipment through information technology and shortening the OODA cycle;

The artillery reconnaissance drone is an important means, even a revolutionary means, to improve the informatization capabilities of artillery.

In the original trajectory, the artillery reconnaissance drones dedicated to our army are only equipped with the artillery brigade of the group army; while the brigade artillery units of the combined brigade do not have drone equipment themselves. Man-machines provide target reconnaissance, precise strike instructions and calibration, and damage effect assessment and confirmation, which need to be used by seconding the reconnaissance battalion or combat support battalion of the brigade;
There is no doubt that this lengthens the OODA loop and reduces the strike efficiency.

The role of drones has been noticed by our army a long time ago, but the drones have not been sent to the battalion level. It is not that our army is incompetent, but that there is no way.

The main force of our army’s reconnaissance and shooting drones in the past is JWP-02, which is a vehicle-mounted medium-sized drone that requires specialized maintenance support and control forces, as well as related auxiliary personnel;
This kind of thing has exceeded the support capability of the synthetic brigade artillery battalion itself, and it is not easy to use if it is decentralized. Moreover, the range and airborne time of the dedicated fixed-wing artillery reconnaissance drone are too redundant for the brigade artillery.

Therefore, for a long time, if the brigade artillery wants to use drones, it has become the norm to apply for coordination with the brigade headquarters.


Li Ming keenly noticed that the quadrotor UAV used by Hong Sanlian was completely different.

He overcomes the shortcomings of all medium-sized drones, and perfectly integrates with grassroots troops like the artillery battalion.

This new UAV is essentially a large four-axis. It does not require a special support vehicle, nor does it require special personnel and equipment. It is also much simpler and cheaper to maintain than traditional artillery reconnaissance aircraft.

Undoubtedly, this new UAV, which takes off and lands vertically and does not require special launch vehicles and recovery devices for deployment, has certainly improved the level of our army's artillery and letter-fire integration significantly and excellently;
Li Ming just listened to Fade Chen's general introduction, and immediately understood the key point.He excitedly grabbed Fade Chen's hand and said, "Company Commander Chen, can you let me see your drone?"

"Of course!" Chen Fei replied with a smile, then turned around, and shouted to a soldier in the third squad: "Yang Bin, take your drone over here!"

"Yes—" the soldier agreed loudly, and immediately trotted over with his things.

"Yang Bin, show Battalion Commander Li your drone!"


Yang Bin showed off the drones one by one.

"My God——" Li Ming's eyes widened and he was too shocked to speak. After recovering, he grabbed Fade Chen's hand: "Company Commander Chen, can you give me one?"

"Li Battalion Commander, this is the property of the army. I just want to send it, but I have no ability! Moreover, our drone is too small, and it can only search for shallow-depth targets within 10 kilometers of the battlefield and conduct fire-guided strikes. For Deep targets hidden at longer distances lack effective means of search and fire guidance."

Li Ming chuckled and scratched his head, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Li Battalion Commander, our kind of drone is okay for occasional use, but it is not suitable for your artillery battalion in the long run, but if Li Battalion Commander is interested, I can introduce Li Battalion Commander Li a suitable drone. , and I can also ask the technicians of their manufacturers to debug the appropriate program for you."

"Really?" Li Ming's eyes lit up.

Fade Chen nodded.

At this time, drones have just begun to develop. Although the military factories have developed a large number of products, they are still in the exploratory stage and have not yet entered the military application. The special status of Hong Sanlian, on the other hand, is the request of Fade Chen. Of course, there is another important point. He is very familiar with the manufacturer and can directly customize it.

"Li Battalion Commander, I know a drone that is a little bigger than ours, but it is still small, even inconspicuous, but it may become your force multiplier."

"Really? Company Commander Chen, tell me first?" Li Ming became more interested.

"The length of this drone is 1.2 meters, the wingspan width is 3 meters, the endurance time can be as high as 25 hours, and the endurance distance can reach 1500 kilometers;
Moreover, he is equipped with advanced visible light and infrared cameras, as well as a laser irradiation indication system, and its communication control distance can reach 100 kilometers, which is enough to cover most targets at the front of the theater. "

Fade Chen said that Li Ming was more excited, and finally, he held Fade Chen's hand tightly: "Fade Chen, I won't call you Company Commander Chen anymore, it seems too natural, I call you Fade Chen, from now on you will be me Brother, Fade Chen, my good brother, when the exercise is over, you must help my brother, okay, I beg you? As long as you help my brother, what do you want me to do? Whatever it is, go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire, and you will die!"

Li Ming grabbed Fade Chen's hand tightly.

"Li Battalion Commander"

"Don't call me Battalion Commander Li, call me Brother Li!" Li Ming still held Fade Chen's hand: "Fade Chen, I must help my brother with this, okay, please?"

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