Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 374 Wu Zhe, You Come to Be the Leader of the Drone Team

374 Wu Zhe, You Come to Be the Leader of the Drone Team
The brigade meeting didn't last too long.

This task was quite sudden, and the superior also needed time to coordinate other things, while Chen Fei and Qi Huan needed to hurry up and make other preparations. Everyone was busy, so the matter was dispersed immediately after talking.

Five minutes after the meeting, with a creak, Dongfeng warriors stopped suddenly at the 5st Battalion building.

The car came to a complete stop, the driver quickly opened the door and got out of the car, opened the doors of Chen Fei and Qi Huan respectively, and Chen Fei and Qi Huan got out of the car without haste.

Before going to the brigade headquarters for a meeting, both of them got out of the car before it stopped, but at this time, they returned to 101, so there was no need to be in such a hurry.

The two of them went up the stairs and came to the meeting room of 101.

At this time, the conference room was full of people. The company chiefs, company commanders and deputy company commanders, instructors and deputy instructors of each company, and of course, the deputy battalion commander, deputy instructor, and chief of staff, all came. a room.

"Battalion commander, instructor!"

Fade Chen and Qi Huan walked in, and everyone stood up one by one, but neither Fade Chen nor Qi Huan was in the mood to greet everyone, but went straight in and sat down at the main seat.


Everyone also sat down.

"Put this down!" Qi Huan handed an encrypted USB flash drive to Chief of Staff Li Hanshan.

Li Hanshan hastily inserted the USB flash drive into the military laptop, found a file from it, opened it and played it.

The relevant background is played out from the video material, and everyone can understand how serious the matter is at a glance.

Let it sit for 3 minutes.


Qi Huan turned off the video.

He looked around and said in a deep voice: "Everyone already knows the background of this mission. From the video, we can know that this mission is very dangerous and the situation is very complicated. Our mission can be summed up in one sentence. Take back the airport, protect the airport.

The relevant terrain data of the mission area will be distributed to each company in a short while. Therefore, everyone's task at this stage is to make corresponding preparations based on the previous relevant training. If there is no accident, we will set off by plane tomorrow morning. "

Qi Huan conveyed the relevant orders one by one. After he finished speaking, he turned to look at Fade Chen: "Instructor, you can also say a few words."

"Okay." Fade Chen nodded, and then turned on the microphone in front of him. He knocked, and the deep echo echoed in the small conference room. After looking around, he said: "Comrades , this task is the first appearance of our 101. This appearance is related to the impression of our 101 in the eyes of the superiors. This appearance is related to the future and future of our 101. Therefore, anyone, in this Everything has to be taken seriously.”

Fade Chen didn't talk too much. At this moment, talking too much would be a waste of energy, and everyone couldn't listen to it. He believed that at this moment, the minds of many company chiefs must be buzzing, so He said it clearly and concisely.

"Okay, since everyone has nothing to say, let's end the meeting and go back to get ready."

Qi Huan announced the dismissal order.

Not long after, the meeting room was empty, except for a few chief officers of the battalion.

"Old Chen, can you tell me?" Qi Huan rubbed his temples wearily.

"Me?" Fade Chen was stunned.

The next thing is actually a military job, which should be presided over by Qi Huan.

Qi Huan sighed and said: "Old Chen, the two of us must be connected in the next period of time, so the division of labor that I care about military affairs and you care about politics is definitely inappropriate. In the future, we must be divided into two. We are in charge of one piece alone, and the political and military affairs will not be separated."

"Okay!" Fade Chen looked at Qi Huan and saw that he didn't seem to be joking, so he nodded and said.

Fade Chen dragged the chair, sat forward a little, first looked at Chief of Staff Li Hanshan and said: "Xiao Li——"

"Instructor!" Li Hanshan hastily straightened his body.

"You have two important tasks now. The first is to collect relevant information and formulate two sets of combat plans. One is a normal combat plan, and the other is that you have to prepare for the worst!"

"Yes, instructor!"

Fade Chen issued combat orders one by one.

After the meeting, Fade Chen returned to the office, quietly waiting for the arrival of another person.

He is waiting for Wu Zhe.

Not long after, the assistant instructor Xue Jingzhe brought Wu Zhe in.

"Report—" Wu Zhe shouted loudly.

"Come in."

Three people sat down one after another.

Fade Chen and Xue Jingzhe sat aside, and Wu Zhe sat opposite.

Wu Zhe was a little nervous and a little excited.

This guy is indeed a smart person, and he may have thought of something.

Fade Chen originally planned to lay the groundwork, but seeing Wu Zhe's appearance, he knew that there was no need to say those nonsense words, even unnecessary words, so he went straight to the topic and said, "Wu Zhe, we want to 101 You must have noticed the establishment of a drone team. This matter was originally scheduled to start next month, but a mission suddenly came today. The situation is urgent. We must start this work immediately. I want you to be the leader of the drone team, Wu Zhe, do you have any questions?"


Wu Zhe stood up at once, and said loudly: "I promise to complete the task!"

Fade Chen signaled Wu Zhe to sit down.

After Wu Zhe sat down, he said: "The role of drones, I think you are the person in the 101st Battalion who understands the most besides me, so we let you take charge of this work. We hope you will live up to expectations and do it." Produce a result that satisfies everyone, and, Wu Zhe, from now on, you will be directly responsible to me and the battalion commander."

"Yes!" Wu Zhe was overjoyed and hurriedly expressed his opinion.

"Your UAV team has three tasks, one is monitoring, the second is calibration, providing calibration services for the mortar team or other teams, and the third is to directly control the UAV to strike ground targets. Different The missions require different personnel, and here is my initial list of drone crew members."

Chen Fei handed a handwritten paper list to Wu Zhe.

Wu Zhe took a quick glance, and then raised his head to look at Fade Chen. Obviously, he had already remembered all the names of those people in his heart.

This guy's memory is really awesome.

Fade Chen smiled with satisfaction, and then continued: "I will give you the maximum authority as the team leader, and you alone have the final say on the work of this team, including who in this list wants to and who doesn't. It's up to you, I just have one request, your drone team must be able to send us the most timely information, and you must be a good eye for the shelling and running team. Wu Zhe, can you do it?"

Wu Zhe didn't say a word, he just stood up and raised his hands in salute: "I promise to complete the task!"

"Okay—" Fade Chen patted Wu Zhe on the shoulder: "Go get ready—"


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