Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 375 Fade Chen's Ultimate Move

Chapter 375 Fade Chen's Ultimate Move

375 Fade Chen's Ultimate Skill

The 101st Battalion didn't sleep much that night, the lights were brightly lit, and they prepared all night. It was not until the middle of the night that they reluctantly packed all the things they needed.

Fortunately, Fade Chen and Qi Huan had already organized many training sessions, so although there were some unsatisfactory aspects of this night's action, overall it went smoothly.

Early the next morning, several large transport planes roared and flew to Old A's airport.

There are many airports in Old A, and besides the helicopter airport, there are also airports for large transport aircraft.Those transport planes were parked on the largest runway in Old A.

All the equipment of the 101st Battalion has been transported to the vicinity of the runway. As soon as the plane landed, various materials and equipment were continuously transported onto the plane and then fixed.

After the equipment was fixed, each company began to organize soldiers to board the plane.

At about nine o'clock in the morning of this day, all the work was finished. The large transport plane roared along the runway, and after a while, it soared into the sky, rushed into the sky, and disappeared from the field of vision of the ground personnel in the blink of an eye.

After a long flight, the transport plane finally landed firmly on the ground.

Because it is a temporary field airport, the conditions are very difficult. Fortunately, the local area is dry and rainless all year round, so the ground is relatively solid. In addition, this used to be a parking lot for large trucks. It is relatively wide and the inside is relatively flat and hard, so a little With additional modification, it can be used as a temporary airport for transport aircraft, and this transport aircraft is very powerful, and it can take off on a simple runway, otherwise the take-off and landing of the aircraft will still be a hassle.

The transport plane taxied for a long distance before coming to a steady stop.

With a bang, the rear hatch of the transport plane opened, and Fade Chen and Qi Huan walked out first.

Fade Chen and Qi Huan looked at each other, exhaled together, and got off the plane together.

On the ground, an official named Sun Yang had been waiting for a long time.

"Director Sun, hello, I'm Fade Chen, and this is Battalion Commander Qi Huan." Fade Chen strode forward and greeted the official first. Qi Huan always had to be passive in dealing with people.

"Instructor Chen, Battalion Commander Qi, hello!"

The two sides exchanged a few simple greetings, and soon entered the topic.

"Battalion Commander Qi, Instructor Chen, this is the latest map and other intelligence data I got from the relevant local departments, please take a look first."

"it is good!"

Fade Chen and Qi Huan quickly took it, and found a flat place near the airport to watch it.

After watching for a while, Fade Chen and Qi Huan frowned.

"Battle Commander Qi, Instructor Chen, you guys?" Sun Yang hesitated to speak. He is a person with very keen observation skills, otherwise he would not be a diplomat. He could feel the emotions of Fade Chen and Sun Yang immediately. .

Qi Huan glanced at Fade Chen and motioned for Fade Chen to speak.

Fade Chen then said: "Director Sun, the information shown on your map is somewhat different from what we got before."

Fade Chen still had some reservations. He didn't say that some things were completely opposite.

After hearing this, Sun Yang's expression darkened. He cursed in a low voice, very annoyed. After a while, he raised his head, looked at Fade Chen and Qi Huan and said, "Commander Qi, Instructor Chen, then use your For the Lord, use this as a reference!"

"Okay!" Fade Chen and Qi Huan nodded together.

"Battle Commander Qi, Instructor Chen, the rest is up to you. If you need me to coordinate, you can call me. I will try to coordinate as much as I can. But you also know that this place is now." He Shaking his head, he smiled helplessly.

Fade Chen and Qi Huan naturally understood what it meant, and didn't take it to heart.

Not long after, Sun Yang left, leaving only one staff member as a guide.

Therefore, Fade Chen and Qi Huan had to figure out the next thing by themselves.

An hour after the plane landed, each company came to report one after another, saying that their respective companies were ready to go and everything was ready.

After hearing this, Fade Chen and Qi Huan looked at each other, Qi Huan let out a deep breath, then waved his hand and shouted: "Everyone is there, let's go—"


The convoy roared and drove out of the airport in an instant.

In the command vehicle, Fade Chen picked up the microphone and called the leader of the reconnaissance team: "Wang Jun, have you found anything?"

As soon as the plane landed, Fade Chen asked the reconnaissance team to act immediately. First, they reconnoitred whether there were any special people or other things in the airport. Fade Chen felt that someone must be watching them in the airport.

Sure enough, after hearing Fade Chen's question, Wang Jun, the leader of the reconnaissance team, immediately reported: "Instructor, I found a few suspicious people, but the distance is too far to observe them closely, so I can't confirm them!"

Fade Chen listened, with a calm expression, not surprised: "Okay, I see, proceed as planned!"


After hanging up the phone, Fade Chen looked at Qi Huan and smiled coldly: "As expected, we have been targeted."

"This is for sure!" Qi Huan sighed, a little helpless, and after three or four seconds, he turned his head and asked Li Hanshan: "Xiao Li, how many kilometers is this section of road?"

"28." The chief of staff stared at the map and replied without raising his head.

"28?" Qi Huan narrowed his eyes.

The distance is not long, but it is dangerous, because no one knows where there will be an IED, so this is definitely a huge test for 101.

The IED is simple to make, even fool-like, but it is extremely powerful. There is no pressure to overturn the main battle tank. With a bang, millions of main battle tanks will be scrapped, so let alone the 101st battalion. Light armored vehicles and infantry fighting vehicles.

But Fade Chen has his own way.

The current IED tactics are nothing more than a continuation of mine warfare. Using the remote control to control the purposeful bombing of targets is actually the same as the old saying "If you don't see devils, you don't hang strings".

Chen Fei's solution is the signal jammer.

The big deal is to cover all frequencies within a certain range.

This trick was learned by Fade Chen from the experience of later generations. It has not been popularized at this time, and even Laomei doesn’t know this trick. Armored vehicles, but the effect is not particularly noticeable.

After a while, Fade Chen saw that he had already left the airport for a long distance, so he picked up the microphone and ordered: "Wu Zhe, get on the drone!"


The drone is the secret weapon of the 101st Battalion. After it is released, it can monitor the bottom at a suitable distance from the ground. At this time, Chen Fei asked someone to release a drone. First, it can monitor the situation ahead in advance, and second, it can assist Determine whether there is an IED on the ground. If there is an IED, there must be people hiding nearby. It will not be too close, but it must not be a few kilometers away. It must be near the main road, so as long as you see someone, you must be careful. up.

After driving forward for a while, Fade Chen gave the order again.

"Li Hanshan, turn on the signal jammer!"


PS: For the sake of safety, the opponents will be regarded as the blue army in the following actions.

(End of this chapter)

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