411 The director department also failed

That night, after night fell, Fade Chen, who had eaten a big bowl of braised pork, returned to the underground bunker.

At this time, the underground command post has been fully constructed. Although the command post is busy and lively, from the outside, no matter whether it is with the naked eye or with a reconnaissance device, nothing can be seen.

The engineers of the 101st Battalion are still very powerful.

"Old Chen—" Fade Chen walked into the command post, and Qi Huan's voice came over: "Come here."

Fade Chen walked to a large electronic screen that was more than one meter long and half a meter wide. At this time, all the data were displayed on the LCD screen, and it was very intuitive. What was being displayed at this time was a map. The data sent back by the current reconnaissance teams are marked.

"What's the matter?" Fade Chen walked over, glanced at the map, and quickly raised his head, looking at Qi Huan solemnly.

The map shows the data sent back by some frontline reconnaissance teams.

Those data are too abnormal.

At this time, the Blue Army, which should not have appeared, had already appeared.

The superior said that this exercise will only start tomorrow, and the task of the 101st Battalion is to attack Area [-] with all its strength immediately after the exercise starts, and strive to win Area [-] in the shortest possible time.

Of course, opposite them is the Blue Army, and the task of the Blue Army is also to take down Area [-].

At this time, the area where Battalion 101 was stationed was [-] kilometers away from Area No. [-].

According to the previous report, the blue army's station is at least [-] kilometers away from area [-].

However, in order to win tomorrow's battle, Chen Fei had already sent a reconnaissance team to the area around No. [-] to conduct reconnaissance.

To be honest, if he was strictly investigated, he would have violated some rules.

But just now, the reconnaissance team sent a report that a large number of blue army targets were moving towards area [-] about ten kilometers away from area [-]. It seemed that they wanted to occupy area [-] tonight.

But doesn't it mean that the drill will start at noon tomorrow?

How did the Blues get to Area Nine so quickly?
If according to the maneuvering speed of the polar bears, the Blue Army should have started maneuvering a few hours earlier than the 101st Battalion if they wanted to reach a place only ten kilometers away from Area No. From area nine.

Fade Chen always thought that his side was already unruly, and he let the scouting team out before the exercise started, but who would have thought that the Blue Army would be even more unruly than them, so they directly pulled the team to nine tonight? area.

The superior stipulated that the drill would start at noon tomorrow, and the red and blue sides would launch an attack on the [-]th area from almost the same distance, but at this time, the blue army took advantage of the darkness to occupy the [-]th area first.

what's up?
Of course, the more important point is, what about the 101st Battalion?
Do you want to watch the Blue Army occupy the No. [-] area, or do you preemptively attack the Blue Army first?
Qi Huan was caught in a tangle, and when Fade Chen saw it, he also frowned fiercely.

The atmosphere in the command post suddenly became tense.

If you launch an attack on the blue army now, it is actually too late. Moreover, if you launch an attack now, it does not meet the requirements of the superiors. It's not honorable to win.What's more, the reason why the Blue Army did this may be the intention of the director department? On Pla's side, the director department is blatantly partial to the Blue Army. No matter how wronged or helpless the Red Army is, there is nothing they can do.

At this moment, Anna walked in.

When Qi Huan heard Anna's voice, he stretched out his hand suddenly, and scratched off the things on the map in two or three strokes.

Fade Chen was startled, but immediately understood what Qi Huan meant. He didn't want Anna to see it, he wanted to hide it.

Fade Chen actually didn't agree with this approach, but he definitely couldn't say it at this time. In front of outsiders, they must be completely consistent, so after recovering, he didn't say anything.

At the same time, Li Hanshan, the chief of staff standing on the side, also had a good understanding with Qi Huan, and immediately understood what Qi Huan meant, so he quickly clicked a few times to hide the previous information.

The three of them acted as if nothing had happened.

"What are you studying?" Anna came over and asked.

"We're thinking about how we should launch an attack tomorrow?" Fade Chen didn't blush, and he opened his mouth to lie. Then he pointed to another place and changed the subject: "Come on, let's go over there and sit and study." Just a moment, Li Hanshan, take the paper map you made just now."

After a while, Anna went out, and then Fade Chen and Qi Huan came to the electronic map and began to study it seriously.

"Old Chen, do you think the Blue Army did this on their own initiative, or did the director department let them do it?" Qi Huan couldn't figure it out, so he had to ask Fade Chen.

According to the information I have inquired before, in the exercises here, the director department generally treats the red and blue sides fairly, and rarely takes sides so blatantly and even disregarding the basic laws of physics. In recent years, PLA's practice has been somewhat different.

Pla likes to artificially amplify the blue army's strike ability infinitely these years, even at the expense of the laws of physics, in order to sharpen the red army. If the red army can survive this kind of attack and can launch an effective counterattack, then if it really Once you enter actual combat, you will be fearless.

Looking at it now, it seems that their director department has begun to learn from pla.

If this is the case, this year's exercise will be fun!

Fade Chen explained his speculations one by one.

"It seems that we can only withdraw our scouts. With so many people coming, it's too dangerous for them to stay there!" Qi Huan said.

Fade Chen frowned, and then said, "How about leaving three soldiers inside?"

"Leave three soldiers in area [-]?" Qi Huan's eyelids twitched.

Area [-] is not that big. If the Blue Army is stationed there tonight, the range of activities for those who stay will be very small. Although Area [-] is not a desert, if you want to avoid being discovered, you can It is still very difficult. This not only tests the skills of the three scouts, but also tests their wisdom and courage. Therefore, when Fade Chen proposed this idea, Qi Huan was taken aback. This task is not an ordinary one. Can scouts do it?
But there is no doubt that if the three scouts were successfully lurked in area [-], the benefits would be unimaginable.

Qi Huan was silent for several seconds, then raised his head and asked Fade Chen, "Then which three do you think are more appropriate to keep?"

This time it was Fade Chen's turn to be silent. He thought for a long time before raising his head and looking at Qi Huan: "Li Hong, Xue Jingui, Shen Lian."

"Li Hong, Xue Jingui, Shen Lian?"

Qi Huan looked at Fade Chen suspiciously at first, but soon, his eyes lit up and became brighter, and soon he nodded: "Okay, then keep the three of them!" After finishing speaking, he Walk to the other side of the command post and pick up the microphone: "The wolf's den calls for the lone wolf, and the wolf's den calls for the lone wolf, please answer!"

After giving the order, Qi Huan turned around and returned to Fade Chen.

"Old Qi—"


"Anna's place... I think it's better not to hide it?" Fade Chen expressed his thoughts.

"Why?" Qi Huan was taken aback.

The reason why he didn't want Anna to see their latest reconnaissance information was that he was on guard against Anna, and the other reason was that he felt that he should keep the news secret and tell Anna after the official fight tomorrow. In that way, they should be able to Give Anna a feeling that their 101st Battalion is extremely awesome, because it originally said that the Blue Army should also be stationed more than 50 kilometers away from Area 101, but the Blue Army suddenly appeared in front of them, and the Blue Army directly occupied the area. In Area [-], although they were surprised and annoyed, they were able to make adjustments in the shortest possible time, and immediately gave the most efficient response, and then beat the Blues in a hurry. In this way, Anna will definitely treat him and them [-] Ying gave a thumbs up and said that you are really amazing——

So when he heard Fade Chen's words at this moment, he was a little puzzled.

Fade Chen sighed and said: "Anna is as smart as a fox. It is almost impossible for us to hide this matter from her. On the contrary, if we hide it from her, she will think that we are not sincere enough. On the contrary, it will alienate us because of this, and it will be difficult for us to get something from her in the future!"

Qi Huan was silent for a long time, then raised his head, sighed and said: "You are right, it is because I did not think carefully enough, at that moment, you can talk to her alone."

"Okay!" Fade Chen nodded.

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