Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 412 Where Did the Blue Army's Artillery Go?

412 Where did the artillery of the Blue Army go?

That night, Fade Chen only slept for more than four hours. For the rest of the time, he was studying how to fight tomorrow.

Although the frontline reconnaissance team withdrew from the No. [-] area, they are still lurking in the front line. It is not far from the No. [-] area, so they still send back some important intelligence data from time to time. In addition, Chen Fei and Qi Huan discussed it. A drone was re-dispatched to carry out reconnaissance missions at night, so the command post has been busy all the time, and important information came back from time to time, so Fade Chen had to think about how to fight tomorrow.

The current command of the 101st Battalion, although the final order was uniformly issued by Qi Huan, but before the order was issued, all the research and judgments were carried out by the entire battalion. That is to say, every order was discussed at the battalion meeting. Everyone has to fully research and give their own opinions, so Chen Fei, as an important battalion-level chief officer, must also give some high-quality suggestions and opinions.

However, although Fade Chen didn't sleep much that night, he woke up the next morning in good spirits.

Although his sleep time is not long, but the quality is very high, and he can enter a deep sleep as soon as he falls over, so his energy recovers quickly.

After breakfast, he entered the command post and started researching with other people in the battalion headquarters.

"Battalion Commander Qi, Instructor Chen, Deputy Battalion Commander Leng, Deputy Instructor Xue, Captain Anna, let me introduce the basic situation we have now!" Chief of Staff Li Hanshan stood in front of a paper map and introduced in a deep voice.

"From the information we have so far, we speculate that the Blue Army stationed in Area [-] at this time should be a regiment, and this regiment is still very large, so it should be a reinforced regiment."

"Strengthen the regiment?" Fade Chen and Qi Huan looked at each other.

"Could it be a polar bear?" Anna was so surprised that she couldn't help but speak out.

"Polar bear group?" Fade Chen and Qi Huan looked at Anna together. After all, they are not locals and are not very familiar with the situation in Russia.

"The Polar Bear Regiment is an infantry regiment, but their combat effectiveness is very strong, their firepower configuration is very powerful, and they have rich actual combat experience, and their combat is very fierce."

Anna gave a serious introduction, including the history of the Polar Bear Corps, its current scale, approximate firepower configuration, and the tactics and tactics used to it. One member, but if Fade Chen and the others deliberately concealed the fact that they had discovered that the Blue Army had occupied Area 101 last night, she probably wouldn't be so frank today.

However, Anna revealed another important point, that is, the polar bear group has just changed to a new leader, so even she is not sure how the current polar bear group will fight. After all, a leader has a leadership style, and some people like it. Straightforward, but some are an old-vulgar-pussy.

After listening to Anna's introduction, Chen Fei and Qi Huan's faces sank. Judging from the current situation, the firepower configuration of the Polar Bear Regiment is still very strong, especially the artillery configuration, which is more than that of ordinary troops. Yes, judging from the information obtained from the current reconnaissance, it is not seen that the polar bear regiment has such strong firepower.

So, here comes the question, where did the over-allocated firepower of the Polar Bear Corps go?

The combat style of a regiment will change due to the change of leaders, but it stands to reason that in such a short period of time, the firepower configuration of a regiment will not change because of this. Therefore, the firepower configuration that Anna mentioned should still be in the polar bear regiment .

But now, they are gone, or rather, the scouts of the 101st Battalion failed to find them.

So where did they go?
There was a sudden silence in the command post, and no one spoke.

After more than ten seconds, Leng Jun said: "Let me tell you a little about my thoughts. If Captain Anna's speculation is true, that is, the Polar Bear Group is stationed in Area [-] at this time, then this at least shows that the Polar Bear Group Their fighting style is definitely not open and close, they must be good at using tricks and strategies. At this time, we can't see their extra firepower, so there is only one possibility, their firepower is hidden, and those firepower should be It is their real killer weapon, so the point of this battle is to find out their killer weapon first!"

Leng Jun deserves to be an awesome character of old A. This analysis is brilliant and hits the nail on the head.

"Deputy Battalion Commander Leng's analysis is in place. We will definitely not be able to follow the original plan for today's battle. Li Hanshan, your staff should come up with a more accurate plan as soon as possible, especially considering the change in the opponent's combat style. .” Qi Huan instructed.

"Yes!" Li Hanshan replied.

"The Blue Army has more numbers than us, and its overall firepower is stronger than ours, and Area [-] is more suitable for defense, so we can only adopt asymmetrical operations, use our own advantages, create local firepower advantages, and break through one by one. "Xue Jingzhe put down the pen in his hand, raised his head, and watched everyone talking about her opinion.

Since hooking up with the cold army, Xue Jingzhe's ability to command operations has improved rapidly.

"I suggest sending drones forward for reconnaissance. In addition, the second reconnaissance team can bypass the No. [-] area, go around from the left to the back, and go to the No. [-] area for armed reconnaissance. I suspect that the artillery unit of the Blue Army may be hiding there !” Anna also expressed her opinion: “I have been to Area [-] before. If you hide an artillery unit in the woods and put on a little camouflage, even if you fly a helicopter over the woods, you won’t be able to see it.”

"Let me sum it up." Fade Chen moved his buttocks, and his body moved forward with the chair: "Our first priority now is to find out the origin of this army first, and find out whether he is what Captain Anna said. Polar Bear Group."

"Should I be responsible for this matter?" Anna said.

Fade Chen looked at Anna and said solemnly: "Okay, Captain Anna, then I will leave this important task to you."

"Don't worry, I won't let you down." Anna said with a smile.

Fade Chen took his eyes back from Anna, and then glanced at Li Hanshan. Li Hanshan understood in an instant that what Fade Chen meant was that he could not completely rely on Anna for this matter, and he could not completely trust Anna, so their staff must do it as soon as possible. After verifying the information, he nodded towards Fade Chen imperceptibly, signaling Fade Chen to rest assured that he would definitely do it.

Fade Chen continued: "If he is really the polar bear regiment, then our next focus is to find out the artillery units ambush by the blue army and annihilate them first. In order to achieve this goal, we can start from three aspects. Send an armed reconnaissance team into Area [-] for ground reconnaissance, the other is to send drones for photoelectric reconnaissance, and third, we can ask the helicopter squadron to send a helicopter. If none of these three methods can find the location of the blue army's artillery , then we can only wait for the exercise to start and then find a way, we will use our tank company as bait to lure them out."

Using a tank company as bait?
The other people were taken aback after hearing Fade Chen's opinion.

Would this be too risky?
If you can't find it all at once, or even if you find it, but you can't organize a quick and powerful attack to kill the artillery unit of the blue army, then the tank company of the 101st Battalion will be in some trouble, and the entire army may be wiped out.

At this time, Fade Chen said: "After the exercise starts, we will move to Area [-] at the normal speed, and the speed is [-]. If we enter the war zone, if we haven't found the artillery unit of the Blue Army at that time, then we will use Charge to area [-] at the fastest speed, at least [-]"

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