Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 413 Start the attack

413 start attacking

At noon on this day, the joint exercise code-named Dongfang officially started.

The signal flare hit the sky, and all kinds of equipment were activated.

The 101st Battalion also received orders to begin the offensive.

It's a pity, unfortunately, until now, the 101st Battalion has not found the specific coordinates of the artillery unit.

The only consolation is that both Anna and 101 have confirmed that 101's opponent this time is the Polar Bear Group.

The polar bear team's defense of the tenth area is too tight, almost three steps, one sentry, five steps and one post, and to be honest, their soldiers have very strong anti-osmosis capabilities. The scouts of the 101st Battalion tried several times, but failed. It was successful, so 101 gave up. The exercise has not officially started yet. If it is forced, it will be exposed, which will make the blue army more vigilant, but the loss outweighs the gain. Therefore, the reconnaissance team performing the mission withdrew to a safe area and waited quietly.

As for the drones and helicopters in the sky, I didn’t notice much. The Blue Army’s battlefield awareness is very strong, the camouflage is very good, and there are no details of the exposed coordinates. He didn't dare to take the risk to fly at low altitude, so this round of reconnaissance failed.

But it's not that nothing is lost. At least, everyone is very certain of one thing, that is, the Blue Army has indeed ambushed an artillery unit in the area of ​​No. The more it shows that there is a problem in that place.

Obviously, this large-scale army is where the Blue Army's heavy firepower lies, and it is also the core of the Blue Army's strength and source of self-confidence.

In other words, as long as you find the coordinates of this army, fire a volley with saturated firepower, and beat him with thunder, then the combat effectiveness of the blue army will basically be gone.

Therefore, the 101st Battalion has only one choice next, and that is to use itself as a bait to draw out the artillery positions of the blue army, locate his precise coordinates, and then concentrate their firepower to kill him.

"Li Hanshan, it's up to you next." Fade Chen raised his hand and patted Li Hanshan's shoulder.

"Teacher, please rest assured, we will not let you down!" Li Hanshan straightened himself up and promised solemnly.

"Remember, you must ensure the timely supply of ammunition, and you must not lose the chain again!" Fade Chen urged again.

The 101st Battalion had conducted a synthetic combat exercise before, but the firepower strike was just halfway through and had to be suspended because the ammunition was exhausted at this time, the location of the ammunition depot calculated by the previous staff was unreasonable, and it took a long time to deliver supplementary ammunition , The troops in the front have run out of ammunition, and the support team in the back has not delivered the ammunition yet.

The lesson from that time was very profound, and it cannot be repeated today. To avoid such mistakes, first, the staff must first calculate accurately, but the support support company must have sufficient support capabilities!

Whether the next battle can be successful, the key lies in whether all the firepower of the 101st Battalion can be concentrated at one point and salvo the target at the same time, that is, to discover, locate, attack, and evaluate. This closed loop must Efficient and smooth, any problem in the middle will affect the overall effect, so next, whether this series of work of the staff can be completed efficiently is very critical. …

Li Hanshan started to work soon. He thought seriously and calculated accurately. He used a red pencil to put a bracket after the shooting plan of the relevant fire strike stage, and marked in detail the specific types and quantities of ammunition to be used in this round of shooting.

Different fuze action methods have a great influence on the effect of firepower damage. There is a big difference in the firing distance between zero-charge and full-charge shells. These seemingly inconspicuous details directly affect the effect of firepower strikes, and even determine The direction of the entire battle.

These require their staff to make a plan and calculate accurately.

After explaining to Li Hanshan, Fade Chen also quickly walked into the command vehicle, and slipped in. Inside, several staff members were already in full swing.

However, Qi Huan, Leng Jun, Xue Jingzhe, and Li Hanshan were not in it.

Several battalion-level commanders were scattered.

Everything is done according to the requirements of actual combat, so as not to be taken over by the blue army.


Just as Fade Chen got into the car, the cabin door was closed by a soldier.

Fade Chen picked up the microphone: "The hole is ready."

From now on, the communications within the battalion will no longer call them by their first names, but by their code names. Qi Huan's code name is Dongyao, Chen Fei's code name is Dongliang, and so on.

The several commanders of the battalion are each in charge of a firepower unit, Qi Huan is in charge of artillery, Chen Fei is in charge of tanks, Leng Jun is in charge of helicopter squadron, and Xue Jingzhe is in charge of infantry phalanx.

After a while, Qi Huan gave an order, and all members of the 101st Battalion started.

First came the assault phalanx, then the engineer phalanx, then the tank phalanx, the infantry phalanx, and the artillery unit in the rear. The entire 101st Battalion began to advance towards the No. [-] area in an actual combat state.

But on the whole, the speed of the 101st Battalion is not fast, but it is not slow, the speed of normal troops.


The huge engine noise resounded through the earth, and dust and dust shot up into the sky one after another.

The road here is dry and relatively hard, which is convenient for the armored forces to move on a large scale, but this is not the case in all areas of the exercise. Some areas are muddy, and it is said that even light infantry vehicles have difficulty moving.

The command car was rattling and driving, Fade Chen's eyes were fixed on the electronic screen, and Anna was sitting next to him, watching nervously.

The key to the success of the next battle lies in whether the reconnaissance team can quickly find the artillery position of the blue army, but the problem is that until now, the reconnaissance in the tenth area has not yielded any results.

Fade Chen couldn't help but wanted to pick up the microphone several times to inquire about the drone unit and the ground armed combat vehicle team, but he held back. At this time, unless necessary, all units must implement radio silence, although the old man The level of electronic warfare is relatively low, but Chen Fei can't relax his requirements just because the opponent is too weak. The opponents of the 101st Battalion have never been troops with relatively low equipment levels like Lao Maozi, so whether it is training or exercises, they must be strict. .

Anna sat quietly next to Fade Chen, looking at the screen for a while, and staring at Fade Chen for a while. She was also hurrying up to study and learn the tactics of the 101st Battalion, just like a hungry child. Obviously, she had already seen it. The 101st Battalion was more than one step ahead of them in terms of equipment and tactics, but directly advanced an era, and she also felt the crisis. …

The base of the 101st Battalion was about 101 kilometers away from the No. [-] area. When the [-]st Battalion maneuvered to a position only [-] kilometers away from the No. [-] area, the drone unit finally sent back important information.

"Reporting to the wolf's nest, Flying Eagle found something important." The team leader of the drone reconnaissance team reported in a deep voice.

According to his statement, when the 101st Battalion was only [-] kilometers away from the coordinates of the No. [-] area, the Blue Army's heavy artillery unit, which had been lurking in the No. [-] area, finally took off its disguise and exposed its fangs.

Seeing this scene, Fade Chen let out a deep breath, and his heart that had been hanging around finally fell to the ground.

The staff department immediately calculated the coordinated combat procedures quickly and accurately based on the intelligence sent back by the frontline troops, and also calculated the types and quantities of ammunition required by each strike unit.

The tactics and tactics of the 101st Battalion are that the helicopter squadron bypasses the mountains on the left side of No. 101 and in front of No. 101 from the left, and with the help of the cover of the mountains, goes straight to the buttocks of the artillery unit of the Blue Army. The howitzer quickly maneuvered to the right position to set up a position, and the tank company of the [-]st Battalion moved at a normal speed to a place fifteen kilometers away from the artillery position of the Blue Army to establish a curved position. After that, the three firepower strike units attacked together , from different directions, simultaneously cover the blue army's armored targets with artillery fire, and strive to destroy all the blue army's artillery in one strike. After the first round of strikes, the reconnaissance team will immediately carry out strike assessment. If it is not enough, then come again In one round, first destroy the firepower of the blue army, and then immediately turn the muzzle of the guns to bombard the infantry positions of the blue army. Instead of fighting a positional battle with a large number of blue army, use artillery to smash the blue army's position first. .

Therefore, in the next battle, the coordination between the three firepower strike units is very important. The helicopter squadron, the artillery phalanx, and the tank phalanx must arrive at the designated location at the same time. It cannot be delayed by one second, and must arrive at the same time.

This operation is undoubtedly a big test to test the coordinated operations of the 101st Battalion!
"Dong Er Dong Liang, I am Dong Yao! Please answer if you hear it." Qi Huan's voice sounded from the command car.

"I'm Dong Er!" Fade Chen picked up the microphone.

"Dong [-], we will enter the target area soon, you can start preparations on your side! It's over."

"Dong Er understands!"

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