Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 44 Steel 7 Company, Here I Come

Chapter 44 Steel Seventh Company, here I come

44 Steel Seventh Company, here I come

702 Regiment, at the gate of Steel Seventh Company.

Two or two jeeps and a military truck came at a leisurely pace.

When the leading jeep came to the door of the arched gate of Steel Seventh Company, it stopped abruptly.

After the car came to a complete stop, three people jumped out of the convertible jeep, sat in the co-driver's Gao Cheng, walked towards the second jeep, whispered something to the people inside, and Shi Jin and Wu Liuyi, who were sitting in the back row, went straight to the back Wu Liuyi patted the baffle, and shouted inside: "Chen Fei, Chengcai, Xu Sanduo, Xue Tinggui." He counted more than ten names in one breath, and then shouted: "Get out of the car!"

A dozen or so recruits saluted with their backs and carried their things, opened the baffle, filed down, and jumped out of the car.

Shi Jin stood on one side, stretching out his hand, either to help the recruits pick up things, or to prevent the recruits from falling when they got off the car.

The recruits got out of the car and lined up neatly.

At this time, Gao Cheng also finished talking with the people in the second jeep. Gao Cheng glanced at the recruits, and immediately nodded to Wu Liuyi. ,stand at attention--"

Wu Liu brought the recruits into the Seventh Steel Company.

Gao Cheng and Shi Jin stood at the arched doorway of Steel No. [-] Company, waving at the jeep and army card together.

The jeep and army card drove out slowly, sending other recruits to other companies.

The camp of the No. [-] Steel Company is relatively close to the main gate, but relatively far from the regiment headquarters and other companies.

After the truck and the jeep had gone far away, Gao Cheng turned around, but he didn't rush into the camp of the No. [-] Steel Company. Instead, he stood at the door and looked up at the No. [-] Steel Company's gate.

The gate of Steel No. 702 Company is not as magnificent as the main gate of the [-] regiment. It is an ordinary arched gate, about four meters high.

The arch is made of steel pipes that are as thick as the wrist, and in the middle of the door beam is an iron August [-]st military emblem. The red color on it is bright and beautiful. It can be seen that someone should often come to clean and maintain it.

Below the emblem of the Bayi Army there are three big characters - Seventh Company of Steel.

After a few glances, Gao Cheng was very satisfied, and the corners of his lips twitched slightly, showing a smug smile. After that, he put his hands behind his back, and swaggered in.

After entering the No. [-] Steel Company, the first thing I saw was a screen-like wall. The wall was snow-white, but there were a few large characters written on it. It was nothing but Gao Cheng’s famous saying that I don’t know how many times. : "It's a mule or a horse, pull it out!"

Obviously, this is Gao Cheng's masterpiece again.

No matter the layout of the gate or the design of the innermost small garden, there are traces of Gaocheng everywhere. From the design of the training ground to the writing of slogans, there are traces of Gaocheng everywhere. Manifestation of will.

After reading the sentence "It's a mule or a horse coming out for a walk", Gao Cheng's footsteps became more and more brisk, and he walked quickly towards the inside. Shi Jin followed closely like a little follower, didn't speak, just smiled follow behind.

When the two arrived in front of the dormitory, Fade Chen and other recruits had already met with their respective monitors and deputy monitors.

The monitors of the squads of Steel No. [-] Company had already been waiting in front of the dormitory building. Obviously, everyone was very curious about the new recruits in their class and couldn't wait to take a look.

"Commander, do you have any instructions?"

Seeing Gao Cheng approaching, Wu Liuyi asked with a smile.

Gao Cheng was somewhat tired, and got up early today to work, so he didn't have much energy to do other things at the moment, so he just waved his hand: "Bring each class back!"

The monitors and deputy monitors of each squad listened with joy, and hurriedly took the recruits in their own squads back to their own squads.

This time, Steel No. [-] Company recruited a total of fifteen recruits. Most of the squads had one recruit, but some squads had two recruits, and another squad had three recruits.

As for which class to enter and which ones, Gao Cheng, Shi Jin, and Wu Liuyi decided after deliberation.

When dividing troops into squads, Shi Jin wanted to get Xu Sanduo into his third squad, but Gao Cheng flatly refused, and Wu Liuyi also firmly opposed it. Seeing this, Shi Jin had to give up, but he insisted on assigning Xu Sanduo to eight Squad, because the squad leader of Squad [-] has a good relationship with him, and his ability to lead troops is also very strong. Most importantly, he is also a good person. This is Shi Jin's last bit of effort for Xu Sanduo.

Oh, by the way, Xu Sanduo and Cheng Cai are in the same class.

Because whether it is Gao Cheng, Shi Jin, or Wu Liuyi, they all understand that it is a huge challenge for everyone to distribute Xu Sanduo to anyone, and it is not fair to anyone. Therefore, the three of them have made a decision. It is to distribute Chengcai to each other as compensation, and Xu Sanduo and Chengcai are fellow villagers, so they can take care of and help each other.

Fade Chen was assigned to the third class, the purpose of which was self-evident, it was to use Fade Chen to prove Shi Jin's ability to lead troops, so as to get some results for his fourth-rank non-commissioned officers.

After everyone else had been brought back, Gao Cheng waved his hands at Shi Jin and Wu Liuyi: "Go back too!"

"Yes!" Shi Jin and Wu Liuyi raised their hands in salute.

After Gaocheng was far away, Shi Jin turned around and looked at Fade Chen: "Fade Chen, let's go!" He reached out to pick up the handbag in Fade Chen's hand while speaking.

"Squad leader, no need." Fade Chen quickly refused. There was actually nothing in his handbag, which was very light, but Shi Jin couldn't help but carry his bag, and Wu Liuyi took his salute. Get it down and carry it by yourself.

"The dormitories of Seventh Company are all on this floor. From here, Class [-], Class [-], Class [-]... all the way to Class [-]. Xu Sanduo and Chengcai are there!"

After going up to the third floor, Shi Jin introduced Fade Chen one by one.

Chen Fei was assigned to three classes.

At this time, the door of the dormitory of class three was closed, and it was quiet inside.


Shi Jin unscrewed the door of the dormitory and walked in. The moment the door opened, Fade Chen saw people standing inside, divided into two rows. Everyone was curious and looked at Fade Chen impatiently.

"Comrades, this is Comrade Chen Fei, a new member of our third class, everyone welcome!"

Clap clap clap!

Several people in the dormitory applauded together.

Fade Chen walked in, stood at attention with a snap, and saluted the veterans on the left and right sides. After the salute, he said loudly, "Hi everyone, my name is Fade Chen, and I'm from Fengxian County, Yunnan. If you don’t do well, please criticize and correct me, thank you all!”

Fade Chen's voice was clear and loud, and his movements were graceful. Everyone's first impression of him was pretty good.

Shi Jin introduced to Fade Chen with a smile: "Comrade Fade Chen has only been in the army for three months, but he has already been reported to the army once. This point must be known to everyone. In addition, during the graduation shooting assessment, he and the group army The leader in Li had a contest. He lost in name, but actually won, because he controlled the target all the way during the shooting process, and every time he shot, he was less than the opponent. The control of the 100-meter standing shooting Target, not many of you can do it, right?"

After hearing Shi Jin's introduction, the veterans standing on both sides of Fade Chen's eyes widened instantly, each one more surprised than the other.

"Target control? Fuck, this is too awesome!" Bai Tiejun's voice was the loudest, and he was the first to yell.

"Target control! It's true!" Gan Xiaoning looked at Fade Chen in disbelief, then at Shi Jin, and finally, his eyes fixed on Wu Liuyi. When he nodded, he couldn't help but sucked in a breath of cold air.

The others were also shocked to the extreme.

"All in all, Comrade Fade Chen is very good, and his arrival will definitely make our class three's grades to a higher level!"

Clap clap clap clap!
Everyone applauded again, but this time, the applause was more enthusiastic, and everyone liked Fade Chen more.

After that, Shi Jin introduced the other seven people in the class to Fade Chen one by one. After the introduction, he took Fade Chen to the bunk bed next to the door, pointed to the bottom and said, "You can sleep here. I'll sleep on top of you, if you need anything, please call me!"

"Thank you monitor." Fade Chen said.

(End of this chapter)

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