Chapter 45
45 Enrollment Ceremony
In the modern standard army dormitory of the third class, there was no sound at this time.

The westward sun shone light yellow sunlight in from the outside, making the whole dormitory dyed with a beautiful halo.

Next to the door of the dormitory, in front of the high and low beds, Fade Chen was busy in an orderly manner, making the bed, folding the quilt, and tidying up the housework. Hang up the towels.

At this time, both Shi Jin and Wu Liuyi went out, as if there were other things, but everyone else in the dormitory was there, including Bai Tiejun and Gan Xiaoning, but no one spoke, either standing or sitting They watched Fade Chen neatly, watched him do housework, and watched him hang up the towel, as if Fade Chen was performing pantomime for them.

At some point, Bai Tiejun finally spoke, breaking the tranquility of the dormitory: "Fade Chen, where did you say you were from?"

"Feng County, Yunnan!" Fade Chen replied casually without raising his head.

"Feng County?" Bai Tiejun narrowed his small eyes, recalled the time for about a second, and then shook his head: "I haven't heard of it!"

"There are almost [-] counties in the whole country. How many have you heard of? NM County? Have you heard of it?" Gan Xiaoning replied to Bai Tiejun casually.

At this time, a guy sitting by the window asked Fade Chen, "Fade Chen, I heard that you have a lot of elephants in Yunnan, right? Do you always ride elephants to buy vegetables?"

Riding an elephant to buy food?

Fade Chen straightened up and looked at that guy dumbfounded.

When he found that other people were also looking at him curiously, and that the question he asked just now didn't look like a joke, but really wanted to know the answer, so he had to explain it seriously.

"No, you misunderstood. Most of the elephants are only in the XSBN and Pu'er areas, and there are relatively few other places. And even on the XSBN, there are not so many elephants. In addition, elephants are actually very dangerous, and they will attack people if they are not careful. Moreover, they are usually in the forest and rarely interact with people, so it is impossible to ride an elephant to buy vegetables. Besides, elephants are national first-class protected animals, do you dare to ride them?!"

"That's it—" the guy looked disappointed after hearing this: "I also said that someday when I have money, I will go to Yunnan to settle down, and enjoy the wonderful life of riding an elephant to and from get off work?"

"Then I advise you to go to Inner Mongolia, where you can ride a horse to deliver food, it's very easy to achieve!" Fade Chen couldn't help but joked.

"Takeaway? What is takeaway?" The guy was at a loss.

But Fade Chen just smiled, and didn't bother to explain anything. After packing up his things, he turned around and left the dormitory, went downstairs, walked around, looked around, and was familiar with it.

He was looking around with great interest, when someone behind him shouted: "Fade Chen——"

You don't need to look back to know it's Shi Jin.

Fade Chen stopped, turned around and looked at Shi Jin with a warm smile: "Squad leader, why are you here?"

"I didn't see you in the dormitory, and I was worried that you got lost." Shi Jin explained with a smile, and then asked, "How is it? I'm new to a new place, are you not used to it?"

"It's okay." Fade Chen smiled: "The conditions here are much better than the recruit company."

"That is!" Shi Jin replied proudly: "The conditions of our No. [-] steel company are among the best in the country, and it will get better and better in the future.

We moved here three years ago, and the living conditions and training conditions have changed 180 degrees. Just two days ago, that is, the days when you first joined the recruit company, remember?We changed our outfits again, and equipped them with brand new armored reconnaissance vehicles. Our conditions are really getting better and better, so, Fade Chen, work hard! "

"En!" Fade Chen nodded emphatically: "Squad leader, I will definitely learn from you!"

"Don't learn from me!" Shi Jin shook his head: "If you really like the army and want to stay in the army for the rest of your life, then go to the military academy. Come to think of it, it’s too late to take the exam, you’ve already passed your age!”

"Thank you, monitor!" Fade Chen sincerely thanked him. After a pause, he asked, "Squad monitor, if you want to get ahead in our seventh company, which aspect do you think is the best way to develop?"

"Huh?" Shi Jin was taken aback for a moment, raised his head to look at him, and then smiled warmly: "Fade Chen, you are really good, you have started planning your future so soon. It is very good and deserves praise."

He raised his hand and scratched his head, thought for a while, and said: "If you want to make a career in the No. [-] Steel Company, I think there are still many ways to go, but I think the best way is to drive the armored vehicle well! "

"Armored vehicle?" Fade Chen was taken aback.

"Yes." Shi Jin nodded, and walked forward side by side with Chen Fei while explaining: "What kind of regiment is our 702nd regiment? Is it an armored infantry regiment? What kind of company is our seventh steel company? Is it an armored reconnaissance company? Did you find out No, whether it is a regiment or a company, there is the word armor? In other words, armored vehicles are our foundation!

There are many people in our Seventh Company who can drive armored vehicles, but very few people can drive them well, and those who can be graded are even rarer!

It can be said that whether it is our Seventh Company or our 702nd Regiment, a good driver is a treasure!
Our third class is good at everything, but in terms of driving armored vehicles, we can't compare with other classes!
In the past, they couldn't compare, but now that they have changed to a new car, the gap is even bigger! "

Speaking of this, Shi Jin turned his head and looked at Fade Chen: "If you can make some achievements in this area and help our third class to defeat the first class, I dare not say that there are too many, and it will definitely be no problem to go to the teacher's teaching team .”

"Squad leader, from tomorrow on, you will teach me how to drive!"

"Okay!" Shi Jin raised his hand and patted his shoulder, replying with a smile.

[Ding——Although you have just entered the No. 5 Steel Company, you immediately started planning your future. Your squad leader gave you a good suggestion, and you listened to it, and made up your mind to learn armored vehicles. Driving, your armored vehicle driving level +2, vehicle maintenance skill +[-]]

A melodious voice rang in Fade Chen's mind. Hearing this voice, Fade Chen realized one thing more. Developing in the direction of armored vehicles should be the most correct choice.

Shi Jin pointed forward with his hand: "The cafeteria is ahead, let's go, I will take you to familiarize yourself with the cafeteria of our Gang Qilian, and go to a new place, you don't have to care about anything, but you must first understand the cafeteria Understand, food is the most important thing for the people, cooking is also the capital of the revolution! Let's go—"


Shi Jin took Chen Fei to visit the cafeteria, and went to look at other important places before going back to the dormitory. After that, it was dinner or something. An extremely important event for Qilian, that is, the entering ceremony.

That night, in the largest conference room of the No. [-] Steel Company, all the officers and soldiers of the No. [-] Steel Company held a grand and grand ceremony for the fifteen new soldiers who joined the company.

The soldiers of the Seventh Steel Company were divided into four squares, two squares stood on the left and right sides, one square stood behind, and the last square was composed of recruits.

"Attention the whole company, the 2005 annual recruiting ceremony of the Seventh Steel Company begins now, and we welcome the company flag!"

The ceremony was presided over by Hong Xingguo, the instructor of the Seventh Steel Company.

Hong Xingguo is a gentle person, but at this moment, he is as passionate as a chicken, and his blood is boiling.

Hearing his password, the four soldiers shook the company flag away with a snap and held it up in the air!

"Go on--go!"

The sound of orderly and powerful steps echoed in the ears of every recruit.

Four pacesetters walked to the front holding the company flag.

"Recruits enter the arena!" Hong Xingguo shouted again.


Fade Chen shouted the password, and brought the other recruits to the front of the company flag, standing solemnly.

The recruits are in place, and Gao Cheng enters the stage.

Like a general, Gao Cheng glanced at his soldiers majestically. His eyes were as real as they looked at each soldier one by one.

When he saw the first recruit, the recruit was startled by his gaze, and quickly lowered his head, not daring to look at him.

Gao Cheng rushed to the recruit with a whoosh, and shouted loudly, "Lift up your head!"

The soldier trembled with fright, and raised his head hastily!

"Remember, soldiers can fall down, soldiers can sacrifice, but soldiers must never bow their heads, even if bullets are shot at you, you have to hold your head up for me!"

After finishing this paragraph, Gao Cheng took a few steps back, looked around the audience, and gave a generous speech.

"Since the establishment of the Seventh Steel Company, there have been a total of 930 soldiers, but no soldier has bowed his head. Since the establishment of the Seventh Steel Company, a total of [-] people would rather die than bow to the enemy, even if It's death, and the soldiers of the Seventh Steel Company also hold their heads high, understand!"


A loud voice buzzed in the huge meeting room.

"Private Chen Fei!"


"You must remember that you are the 940th solid soldier of the No. [-] Steel Company. No matter when, no matter where, you must not bow to the difficulties and the enemy, even if the enemy's bullets are shot at you, You have to face it bravely, never shrink back, never bow your head!"

"Yes! I am the 940th soldier of the Seventh Steel Company! No matter when, no matter where, I cannot bow to the difficulties and the enemy. Even if the enemy's bullets are shot at me, I will bravely meet them , never shrink back, never bow your head!"

"Private soldiers make talents!" Gao Cheng continued to shout.


"You must remember that you are the 940th soldier of the Seventh Steel Company! No matter when, no matter where, you must not bow to the difficulties and the enemy, even if the enemy's bullets are shot at you, you must Go forward bravely, never shrink back, never bow your head"

"Yes, I am the 940th [-]th soldier of the Seventh Steel Company! No matter when, no matter where, I cannot bow to the difficulties and the enemy. Even if the enemy's bullets are shot at me, I must bravely meet Go up, never back down, never bow your head."

"Private Xu Sanduo!"


"You must remember that you are the 940th and [-]nd soldier of the Seventh Steel Company."

During the question and answer, the new fighters who joined the Seventh Steel Company felt their hearts surge and their blood boiled. This scene, the question and answer, and each number will be deeply engraved in their bones and will remain in their hearts forever. In the depths of the blood, like a gene, it will never die.

"There are all of them, below, let's recite Gang Qilian's Liange together.

The earliest people who could sing this song were all killed in a positional battle. We only found the manuscript of the lyrics from the blood and fire, but we hope that you can hear the singing of 950 and [-] soldiers!With a thunderbolt and a sword, rise—”

"A thunderbolt and a sword,

A group of tiger steel seven companies;

Will of Iron Iron Man,

Iron and blood defend the country and protect the homeland.

The sound of killing frightens the enemy,

The famous biography of victorious in all battles.

The attack must be conquered, the defense must be firm,
Step on the enemy's bones and sing triumphantly. "

(End of this chapter)

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