Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 448 Battle Beyond Visual Range

448 Beyond Visual Range Combat

In the not-so-high mountains, on the north side, a Mi-171 helicopter was flying at high speed.

In the cabin, there are two pilots sitting on the left and one on the right, one of them is driving the helicopter, and the other is studying with a tablet.

"Captain, you can pull it up after flying one kilometer forward!" The pilot of the co-pilot looked at the tablet for a while, then raised his head and said.

"Understood!" The pilot stretched out his hand and pulled the master lever, raising the altitude of the plane in a leisurely manner.

"Captain, what exactly is our mission this time, can we talk about it now?" The pilot on the co-pilot glanced outside, but in his field of vision he could only see the remains of winter, which was not beautiful at all, so he Looking away, he asked.

This time the mission was very mysterious, as if he was going to perform some top secret mission. He asked their team leader just once when he received the mission, but the team leader just said that he couldn't tell now. Although he was curious, Due to discipline, it is inconvenient to ask again, but at this time, the two of them are about to arrive at the mission area. At this time, it should be enough to ask, so he asked at this time.

The captain who was flying the plane listened, smiled, and then said: "The task assigned to us by the superior is to find fault."

"Find fault?"


"Whose fault are you looking for?"

"Flying Tiger Brigade!" The captain continued to pull the total lever.

"Flying Tiger Brigade?" The pilot on the co-pilot didn't realize it for a while, so the captain explained: "It's the air assault brigade that eliminated you!"

"It's them!" The pilot on the co-pilot's eyes became sharp when he heard it.

He also participated in the selection of pilots for the air assault brigade before, but was eliminated by Jiang Haitao, the chief instructor in charge of recruiting.

He has always been aggrieved about this matter, and felt that Jiang Haitao did not like him at all, so when he heard that the two of them were going to find fault with the Flying Tiger Brigade, he immediately became excited, his eyes lit up, and his mouth He was a little dry, he quickly moved his buttocks, and asked excitedly: "Captain, how to find the method?"

The captain who was about to fly the plane out of the mountains smiled: "The superior said that today the Flying Tiger Brigade is conducting training. We will play the role of the blue army and catch them by surprise. The superior did not give us a specific task, that is, we will do whatever we want. See The planes of the Flying Tiger Brigade can be destroyed, their tanks can be destroyed when they see them, and the infantry can be directly strafed by machine guns. Every ammunition loaded today hit the Flying Tiger Brigade."

The pilot sitting in the co-pilot was overjoyed when he heard this, and immediately said: "Captain, call me a little longer today!"

"Okay, I'll leave everything to you today!" The captain said with a smile.

At this time, the Mi-171 finally flew out of the mountain line. The captain stepped on the rudder and then pressed the joystick, and the helicopter flew in another direction.

"Drip drip-"

Suddenly there was a sharp cry in the cabin.


"what happened?"

Both were taken aback.

"Damn it, we're locked!" The team leader was more experienced and immediately knew what the problem was, and he immediately started to operate like a conditioned reflex, pressing the total torque lever and pushing the control lever while pushing the rudder, and the other side was also mad at the same time. dumped three sets of chaff flares
But it was still too late.

With a bang, a cloud of red smoke burst out from the helicopter.

This Mi-171 was directly blown up.

"Damn it!" The captain, who was usually well-mannered, slapped his thigh angrily.

"Captain, who beat us?"

"How do I know? You don't have eyes, you don't know how to see for yourself?" The team leader scolded angrily.

"Captain, I can't see anything?" the co-pilot said aggrievedly.

The team leader looked out and looked out, but his field of vision was empty and he couldn't see anything.

"Huh?" The captain finally noticed something was wrong.

Who the hell shot them down?
Even if the opponent is driving an Apache, it is impossible not to see it?

He looked again, but there was still nothing in his field of vision.

At this time, the co-pilot also realized the seriousness of the matter, and he quickly looked around, but he still couldn't see anything.

"Captain, that's not right, I can't see anything. Could it be that they made a mistake and there was a problem with the countermeasure system, otherwise how could they be shot down without seeing their helicopter? Could it be a shoulder-mounted helicopter?" Avant-garde anti-aircraft missiles, that’s not right either.”

The captain searched again, but still found nothing, so he asked by radio: "Command Command, I am a guaidong, may I ask if there is something wrong with the system, why did we get shot down when we were fine? Woolen cloth?"

"Guaidongyao, you were indeed shot down, so please follow the confrontation process and exit in an orderly manner! It's over!"

"Command, but I didn't see anyone from the Flying Tiger Brigade! How could we be shot down?"

"Guaidong, this question. Come back first, and explain later, it's over!"

The captain was very helpless, but he also knew that he really had no choice, so he sighed and replied: "Guaidong understands, immediately exit in an orderly manner according to the confrontation process, it's over!"

He pulled up the main lever and flew high. After a while, the co-pilot shouted in surprise: "Captain, look, they are there!"

He glanced in the direction pointed by his deputy, and in an instant, his eyelids twitched.

At this time, Jiang Haitao's helicopter was hovering over the mountain ridge, no wonder he couldn't see it just now, but...
Suddenly, he frowned, and his eyes became serious: "Beyond visual range combat! Damn it, the Flying Tiger Brigade actually played beyond visual range combat! They must be equipped with helicopter air-to-air missiles!"

at this time.

Flying Tiger Brigade command hall.

A few senior leaders look at me and I look at you, their eyes are very dignified.

Wu Zhishi of the Flying Tiger Brigade actually killed the Blue Army's helicopter at such a long distance.
Why does this feel like a dream, everything is so unreal!
If all future helicopter air battles are fought like this
Who will be able to fight the Flying Tigers in the future? They have an early warning aircraft and air-to-air missiles. Wouldn't it be crushing to fight other army aviation units?

With the help of the early warning aircraft, Wu Zhishi has an incredible advantage of one-way transparency on the battlefield. If other helicopters fight against him, is it just looking for abuse?
"It seems that the early warning helicopter is a good thing—" someone finally let out a long sigh.

"Yeah, I always thought that this thing can be equipped later, and the money can be used in other places first, but now it seems that we are wrong. The purpose of the early warning helicopter is much greater than imagined!"

Soldier Assault Commander

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