Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 449 The Ground Battle of the Flying Tiger Brigade

Chapter 449 The Ground Battle of the Flying Tiger Brigade
449 Ground Battles of the Flying Tiger Brigade
Jiang Haitao drove Wuzhi Shiqing to easily take down an armed helicopter, then pulled the joystick, flew high, and flew out at high speed according to the instructions sent by the early warning aircraft.

Afterwards, Wu Zhi Shi opened fire with full firepower, the reconnaissance that should be reconnaissance, the destruction that should be destroyed, and the task was easily completed. Because of the early warning aircraft, they seemed to have opened the perspective of God, where are the important targets, and which route should be flown to avoid them? They are very clear about launching important anti-aircraft firepower and then destroying them, so this mission was extremely easy.

With him on this mission, there are other formations.

So after completing the task, several formation groups reported back the situation one by one. After the intelligence staff comprehensively studied and judged the intelligence information of all parties, they reported to the combat staff again. The combat staff made some adjustments and then gave the latest combat plan. Finally, it was sent to Fade Chen for review. Fade Chen looked at it and found that there was nothing wrong with it. He immediately sent the battle plan to Yuan Lang. Yuan Lang already had a general idea in his mind. The microphone issued a combat order.

Soon, Wu Liuyi took a Mi-171 transport plane and a group of people changed direction and flew towards another target.

"Deputy Wu!" A subordinate handed over a telescope.

At this time, Wu Liuyi, who was the deputy battalion commander, took the telescope and looked out.

"Vice-deputy Wu? The higher-ups said they were going to cable down at point seven?"

Seven o'clock?
Wu Liuyi froze for a moment, then put down the binoculars and raised his head to look at his subordinates.

"Deputy Wu, the seventh point is not suitable, I really don't understand why you have to surrender there?" the subordinate muttered.

Wu Liuyi lowered his head and raised the binoculars to look again. After watching for four or five seconds, he handed the binoculars to the subordinate.

Wu Liuyi stood up.As soon as he stood up, the helicopter was affected by some kind of air current, and it suddenly bumped. Wu Liuyi hurriedly grabbed the handle, and then he stabilized his figure. Most of the people in the cabin were tilted. The subordinate didn't pull anything, and directly bumped into Wu Liuyi's body.

"Careless!" The subordinate grinned and smiled awkwardly.

Wu Liuyi glared at the other party: "When I go back, I'm going to copy the behavior of the infantry in the helicopter twenty times!"

"Ah?" The other party was dumbfounded.

"Thirty times!" Wu Liuyi upped the ante.

That guy was too frightened to have any further opinions, and quickly replied loudly: "Yes, Vice President Wu!"

Wu Liuyi glanced out: "Now you understand why you have to cable down at point seven?"

"Report to Deputy Wu, I understand!" His subordinate nodded hastily.

Wu Liuyi gave a lesson: "Don't always act like you are better than others in everything. You specialize in surgery. The route and location of the plane landing are carefully selected by the above. It is the result of many trade-offs. You are a soldier. You Only one of the factors is considered, but the above is a comprehensive balance, so don't always question the decision of the above, so many people are not as good as you? Things are abnormal, there must be his special reasons! Also, you are just a soldier, Your task is to resolutely carry out the orders of your superiors!"

"Deputy Wu, I was wrong!"

Wu Liuyi patted the opponent on the shoulder, stooped and walked to the cockpit to have a look. The pilot looked back at him and said with a smile, "Commander Wu, ready to descend!"


Not long after, the helicopter hovered.

"Everyone is there, ready for the rope drop!" Wu Liuyi shouted, and in an instant, the hatch opened, and a rope was thrown down with a whoosh. Wu Liuyi took the lead, and slid down with a swish.

After landing, he rolled forward, and when he knelt on one knee, he grabbed the Type [-] automatic rifle in his hand, then quickly pointed forward, searched quickly, and found that there was no danger, so he raised his hand and shot at the team members behind him. gesture.

The soldiers of the Flying Tiger Brigade are all infantry, but their combat effectiveness is very strong. Whether it is individual combat ability or other, they can compete with those soldiers of the Special Operations Brigade.

The soldiers descended one by one.

After the helicopter flew far away, Wu Liuyi trotted to a bunker, and then squatted down. The company commander trotted over and said in a low voice, "Deputy Battalion Commander Wu."

"How's the situation?" Wu Liuyi asked.

"Deputy Battalion Commander Wu, all in place!"

Wu Liu nodded.

In this operation, several battalion-level cadres went down to the company to fight with the company.

Wu Liuyi raised his head and looked at the time. It was 1 minute longer than the planned time, and this time the cable descent was a little slower.

"According to the plan!" Wu Liu said: "But you need to move faster, we were a minute behind just now, we must regain time!"

One of the keys to coordinated operations is time. Each combat unit must arrive at the designated location within the specified time, otherwise it will affect the firepower of the strike, which may affect the overall situation.

Of course, in order to ensure that the entire war trend will not be affected by the failure of a combat unit to arrive, the Flying Tiger Brigade will make a little redundancy when formulating combat operations, that is, it will generally let the strike firepower exceed the required firepower. Engage in saturation strikes, so that, on the one hand, the target can be quickly destroyed, and on the other hand, it can also ensure that one of the combat units has a problem, and its final firepower still has enough strength to completely destroy the target!

The soldiers rushed out towards the position like a tide.

Wu Liuyi also raised his gun, and the cat charged forward.

After running for more than ten meters, Wu Liuyi slammed onto the ground, picked up the Type [-] automatic rifle in his hand, and fired several shots at the target with bang bang bang, easily killing the target.

But he was not in a hurry to act immediately, but observed for a while, and after watching for a while, he radioed: "First company commander, what happened to the right wing's attack, why did it slow down?"

"Reporting to Deputy Wu, there are more targets on the right wing than expected, and there are still a few fortifications. We are organizing the assault. It will take about 3 minutes! Finish!"

"Strengthen firepower and attack as soon as possible. We must reach the target point within the specified time. If necessary, we can call for artillery support. It's over!"


Wu Liuyi had just finished giving the order, and with a bang, a soldier on his left fired a 40 fire.

Wu Liuyi glanced there, and after a while, he pressed the radio: "First company commander, target No. 304 is too strong to be destroyed, immediately request fire support from the superior!"


Wu Liuyi looked down at his watch, and within 30 seconds at most, a Wuzhi Ten roared and flew towards them.

After a while, the helicopter flew towards the No. 304 target.

A wave of rockets rained down on target No. 304.

Soon, a long voice sounded on the radio: "Report, target No. 304 has been destroyed, over!"

"According to the plan, it's over!"

After giving the relevant instructions, Wu Liuyi stood up, bowed his back, and continued to charge forward.

At this moment, Fade Chen was staring at a screen on a helicopter.

"Chief, this is the latest information from the bunker." Li Xiang handed over a tablet.

Chen Fei took it and looked at it, then returned the tablet to Li Xiang, and he picked up the microphone hanging on the side and called: "Dong Er is calling Dong Yao, please answer if you hear it!"

"I'm Dongyao!"

"Dong Er, the first information was sent from the bunker just now, and there are a large number of blue army targets in area 21. My idea is to send two formations to clean it up."


Fade Chen hung up the microphone, thought for a while, and then picked up the microphone again and issued a combat command: "No. [-] calls Erdongliang, please answer!"

"I'm two holes and two."

"Two holes, two. A large number of blue army combatant targets and a small amount of light armor were found in the area of ​​​​21. Please form up and deal with it, it's over!"

"Two holes, two wins."

In a certain airspace, two Wuzhi 21s stepped on the rudder and flew towards Area 21. In an instant, another wave of rockets washed the ground. , chug chug, Wuzhi [-]'s machine guns were swept against the ground, the first helicopter swept it again, and the second helicopter came again, so the ground was cleaned twice, the lightly armored targets and combat personnel in the [-]st area , must have been completely destroyed.

(End of this chapter)

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