Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 500 J-Reconnaissance 8 Sea Trial

Chapter 500

500 J-Reconnaissance Eight Trials

The briefing room was silent.

For a while.

"Political commissar, it seems that there is no other way, we can only make an alternate landing here, and make up for it at their airport!" Yang Feng, the captain of the First Flight Brigade, pointed to a point on the map.

The other two nodded.

Fade Chen was silent for a long time, and could only sigh, agreeing with Yang Feng's opinion.

It is a bit troublesome to alternate landing at other airports. You have to contact them, communicate in advance, and establish a good relationship, but there is no better way.

The advantages and disadvantages of the J-7 tactical reconnaissance aircraft are very prominent. The advantage is that it can run fast and fly high, but the disadvantages of this guy are also obvious. Its range is not good, commonly known as short legs. Several new models of the company are still short, and even if the auxiliary fuel tank is attached, they can't run [-] kilometers.

Therefore, in order to solve this problem, there are only two ways, refueling in the air, or diverting to another airport.

Fade Chen knows how to refuel in the air. After all, he is a master-level fighter pilot. How could he not even know this skill, but the 107th brigade has never conducted training related to air refueling, even Li Yunfei, he will not, Therefore, this plan has no choice but to give up. Therefore, Fade Chen and the others have only one plan to choose, and that is to make an alternate landing at another airport to replenish aviation fuel.

"Political commissar, there is another question. We have never flown this new aircraft before. Should we do some adaptive training?" A pilot asked Fade Chen.

"Of course, our adaptive training will be tomorrow morning. My first batch. I've tried it. Come on Yang Feng, Yang Feng is over, you two go together!"


Time passed quickly, and it was the next day in a blink of an eye.

Fade Chen came to the briefing room early, but when he arrived at the briefing room, he found that Yang Feng and others were earlier than him.

"Why is it earlier than me? Could it be nervousness?" Fade Chen joked with a smile.

"The political commissar is not all nervous, but also a little excited."

"A little excited, a lot nervous?" Fade Chen asked.

Yang Feng and the other two team members looked at each other and laughed embarrassedly.

"Xiao Zhao, open the door!" Fade Chen motioned to the guard at the door.

"Yes, Chief!"

The guards with live ammunition opened the door of the briefing room, but when Fade Chen and others walked in, he closed the door again.

There was no briefing room in 107 before, but now that he has appeared, this proves that 107 will often send out missions in the future, and it is a very top-secret mission, so there must be a place like a briefing room.

The briefing room is double guarded by two people and armed with live ammunition 24 hours a day.

In the briefing room, Fade Chen spread out a large-scale military map.

Yang Feng and others immediately gathered around and looked at the map together.

"Our task today is to fly along this line for about a thousand kilometers, go there for a thousand kilometers, and come back for a thousand kilometers. In total, there are a total of two thousand kilometers, which should be enough for us to get acquainted with this old man, right? "Fade Chen glanced at Yang Feng and the others.

"Yes commissar."

"Two thousand kilometers is enough!"

"Political commissar, are you flying at high altitude and high speed all the time?" Yang Feng asked.

"Today's task is not only to be familiar with the aircraft, but also to be familiar with the geographical terrain and climate of this area."

"Understood!" Yang Feng and the others puffed up their chests and replied loudly.

Next, several people carefully studied along this route, mainly to familiarize themselves with various situations on this route, and to discuss how to deal with any situation encountered. Everyone must have multiple backup plans, and each set Alternatives are all things to keep in mind.

After getting acquainted with the route, the group of four came to the airport again and got acquainted with the brand new J-8FR.

"Boss, this aircraft actually uses the flight control system of the J-23. It shows that the avionics have basically been replaced, the [-]mm cannon has been removed, and a high-speed camera has been replaced. But most of the places are similar to the old J-[-]. .”

The technician sent by the superior introduced in a deep voice.

Tactical reconnaissance aircraft are different from ordinary aircraft. First of all, they will not be mass-produced, only a few in one batch, so this will lead to a situation, that is, even though they are the same type of aircraft, the driving experience may be completely different. , Moreover, many reconnaissance aircraft are made to order, and are directly tailored by the manufacturer according to the needs of the troops. Therefore, it is also the J-Reconnaissance Eighth, and the Navy's is definitely different from the 107th Brigade.

At this time, the batch Chen Fei and the others were equipped with was the new J-Detective Eight.

The old J-Reconnaissance Eight still had to hang the reconnaissance pod. The new J-Reconnaissance Eight has integrated the functions of the reconnaissance pod into the fighter plane. Even the cannon has been cancelled. It has changed from a part-time job to a full-time job. It seems that there is not much change, but in fact The shotgun has been replaced with a cannon, and it is completely different.

"Chief, go up and feel it?" The technician talked eloquently, and then said to Fade Chen with a smile.

Chen Fei nodded, climbed up the boarding ladder, and sat in the cockpit.

The old 107 also had J-8, but it was old, so when Fade Chen sat in the cockpit of the brand-new J-27FR, he was filled with emotion when he saw the instrument panel which was more neat, modern and advanced than SU-[-]SK.

After admiring it and familiarizing himself with each interface and buttons carefully, Fade Chen nodded to the technicians.

"Political commissar, why don't I come?" Yang Feng said a little worried.

This time is equivalent to the first test flight of the new J-107 to 107. This kind of mission should not be carried out by the top military chief of [-]. They are the captains who are duty-bound.

However, Fade Chen still refused. If it was an old plane, it would be fine. Others must not have as much experience with this new plane as he does.

"It's better for me, you just watch it from the control tower!" Fade Chen smiled and put on the flight helmet. The mechanic quickly helped Fade Chen connect the radio of the flight helmet and the oxygen mask. Come over with a checklist, and Fade Chen checks one by one. After checking each item, he will tick the corresponding item on the checklist. After checking, Fade Chen will sign his name on the checklist, and then put the checklist Handed it to the mechanic, the mechanic took a look at the checklist, then raised his hand and patted Fade Chen's helmet, and then climbed down the airstairs.

This series of actions is no different from the old 107.

Fade Chen turned his head and made a gesture to the ground crew. The ground crew responded with gestures, and then withdrew the boarding ladder. Fade Chen closed the canopy. Wang Defeng, the captain of the maintenance brigade on one side, and several other maintenance personnel went to the airport together. Fade Chen gave a thumbs up, and Fade Chen raised his right hand wearing a white labor protection glove to salute. After the salute, he lightly pushed the throttle lever, and the fighter jet began to taxi.

According to the technical staff just now, the thrust-to-weight ratio of the engine of this new J-[-] is [-]. When Fade Chen pushed the throttle lever, he couldn't help but nodded. This power is not bad.

Fade Chen slid into the take-off position.

"Control tower, I'm using afterburner!" He radioed.

"You can use afterburner!"

Fade Chen opened the flaps to the take-off position, pushed the throttle stick to the end, released the brake,

The two engines let out a terrifying roar in an instant, and azure blue flames spewed out from the nozzles!


The eight detectives roared and ran out.

After 530 eight meters, Fade Chen pulled the joystick, and the J-Detective Ba climbed up 45 degrees obliquely and turned left at the same time.

"Tower, the power is good, and the afterburner feels better than the old model!" Fade Chen reported while driving, and told the other three companions about his feelings.

"Dongyao, the height is six thousand!"

"Understood, the altitude is 6000!" Fade Chen replied, he pulled the plane to an altitude of [-] meters, and then pressed the joystick to level the plane.

"Tower, I'm going to do a high-altitude and high-speed flight, it's over!"

"Dongyao, allow the test, keep heading up, over."

The altitude of 6000 meters is actually not high. If you change another place, even the old station of 107, you dare not fly at this altitude, but Dongchang is vast and boundless, and there is no one around. Square kilometers is the largest land and air training ground in the country, so you can fly at will, and you can do whatever you want at an altitude of 6000 meters.

"Dongyao understands!" Fade Chen replied with a sigh of relief, and after a while, he pushed the throttle lever to accelerate, and the speed of the fighter jet became faster and faster, as if turning into an afterimage, galloping away in the air with a whimper.

Fade Chen felt this new aircraft with his heart.

"Not bad! Not bad!" The more he drove, the more satisfied he became.

Our technology is really getting stronger and stronger!

(End of this chapter)

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