Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 501 Where is the Limit of J-Detective 8

Where is the limit of 501 J-Detective Eight?

Fade Chen pushed the throttle lever to the end.


The maximum power of the two engines was squeezed out, and azure blue flames sprayed out from the nozzles. After a moment, J-Detective Eight seemed to be ejected, and the speed became very fast. A strong pressure pressed Fade Chen He couldn't help but took a deep breath slowly, and adjusted his state. The anti-G suit tightly wrapped his body and helped him resist the excessive load. After a while, his body became more comfortable. .

After flying for a while, he became more and more relaxed. He did several movements in a row according to the previous plan. He did all the turns and rolls. He still felt very good, although it was not yet silky smooth. level, but it's pretty good.

At this time, the voice of the control tower came from the radio: "Dongyao, go up to the height!"

"Understood, go up to the height!" Fade Chen pulled the lever, and the fighter jet tilted its head and inserted into the sky at a slant. After the fighter jet adjusted its attitude, Fade Chen pushed the throttle lever and turned on the afterburner directly.


The huge roar is like thunder.

The thirteen-ton JJ[-] was like an off-string arrow, and shot towards the higher sky with a swish.

The J-[-] is a high-altitude and high-speed fighter, and the J-[-] naturally has such characteristics, so flying at high altitudes is his specialty.

However, even if the high-altitude and high-speed performance of the J-Detective Eight is so excellent, when he climbed to a height of 6000 meters, the climb rate still obviously lacked stamina.

Fade Chen turned off the afterburner, but kept the full throttle. The fighter plane continued to climb, but the speed was not as good as before. It felt like driving a 2.0 Toyota off-road vehicle to climb a hill. He and the car tried their best, but the speed——even once made people worry that he would go backwards.

That's what it means to be very meaty!
JCB is very meaty at this time.

However, it is already very remarkable that J-Junba can only show flesh at a height of 6000 meters. You must know that even J-[-]c, [-] is their limit, and many fighter jets obviously lack stamina at [-] meters. , compared with them, Jianzhenba is very good.

Chen Fei turned his head and looked down, admiring the scenery.

He has never seen the height of more than 1 meters above Dongchang, but when he looked down, it was a vast expanse of whiteness, full of clouds like cotton candy, and nothing else could be seen.

"Tower, my altitude is [-]!" Fade Chen glanced at the altimeter and reported in a deep voice.

"Dongyao, it can be leveled!" said Yang Feng in the control tower.

"Tower, let me go to the height again to see if I can go to 80! It's over!" Fade Chen said, he glanced outside, and the reference outside did not move for a long time. Ba is like an [-]-year-old old man climbing a slope. He is already very strenuous. At this speed, it will take a long time for him to climb to a height of [-] meters.

In this state, if one is not careful, it may even stall.

So even if you are a test pilot, you have to be careful and careful when flying to this altitude. …

Yang Feng in the control tower waited for a while, a little worried, picked up the microphone and said: "Dongyao, let's level it up!"

When JCB first came out, the limit altitude tested by the test pilots was [-], and the test pilots could only go up to [-]. If Chen Fei blindly pushes up the altitude, it may cause a stall or something. It is very dangerous.

Fade Chen is not a test pilot after all, so he doesn't have to work so hard.

Theoretically speaking, the limit altitude of a fighter jet is 5000 meters.

Because at 5000 meters, the air density is only one-fortieth of sea level. From a dynamic point of view, this altitude is the limit of fighter jets. If the altitude is higher, then only spaceships can be used That kind of design.

Of course, [-] is a purely theoretical height. In fact, few fighter jets can reach it, so the [-] J-[-] is already a very remarkable height.

"Dong Yao, forget it, don't rush anymore!"

But Fade Chen said: "Tower, I'd better charge again, after all, today is the limit test!"

In fact, what Fade Chen said made sense.

The J-Reconnaissance Eight must be the main reconnaissance equipment of the 107th Brigade within a certain period of time, and it must be put into use at a high intensity. Therefore, it is necessary to test the various extreme data of this aircraft. A good pilot must be accurate. I know my fighter plane well, and this must include the extreme data. J-Detective Eight has also tested it before, but it is not here after all. The environment here is quite special, so his extreme data must be the same as the test pilot's test. Different.

Fade Chen directly turned on the afterburner, and the fighter roared again, and flew up to a high place with all his strength.

But no matter how loud the engine is, the power is still not as powerful as at low altitudes. The oxygen at high altitudes is thin, and the power of the engine has inevitably declined.

J-Detective Eight flew upwards slowly, but the speed was getting slower and slower.

"Dongyao, level up immediately, you are about to stall!" The voice from the control tower was a little anxious.

Chen Fei squinted his eyes and stared at various data, operating in his hands, and said: "Tower, it's okay, I watched it, it won't stall, you can try again. Over"

He patiently stared at the altimeter and looked at the numbers on it. When the number on the altimeter reached 1000 meters, he decisively turned off the afterburner, but did not level off, and still let the fighter continue to climb.

Fighter speeds are getting slower and slower.

Fade Chen stared at the altimeter.

Twenty-one thousand five.

Twenty-one thousand six.

twenty one thousand seventeen

"Dongyao, it's leveled!" The tower's voice was extremely tense. At this moment, the climbing speed of the fighter plane seemed to be approaching zero, which made people's hearts rise in their throats.

But Chen Fei said: "I can still climb for a while, I will persevere, don't worry, I know it well!"

The fighter climbed tenaciously again, and the final altitude stayed at a little over 3000. After that, it could no longer climb up, and it had reached the limit.

"Tower, I have reached the limit, 350 meters, and I will stall if I go down. 350 meters, this is the most extreme data, over." Fade Chen said. …

"The tower received it. The limit height is 350 meters. It's over!" Everyone in the tower breathed a sigh of relief.

Now everyone understands that when flying in the Dongchang area, the J-Detective Eight can reach a height of [-] at most, and danger may arise if it goes any higher. Fade Chen can only fly [-]. Wan Jiu, then we must be vigilant!
"Twenty-three thousand? Oh my god—" In the tower, Yang Feng opened his mouth wide in astonishment, unbelievable.

"They said that the J-22000's maximum altitude during the test flight was 2.2 meters, and its maximum speed was Mach 2. That's why the domestic military circles said that they called the J-[-] a double-[-] fighter jet, right? But now the political commissar has flown to a height of more than [-] ——My god—this has broken the record of Jianba, if Shen Fei and those guys find out, I’m afraid they will jump up with excitement?”

"Shen Fei?" A pilot was stunned, and after a moment, his eyes lit up, and he said excitedly: "Old Yang, the political commissar is back, let him report this matter to Shen Fei, those fellows of Shen Fei are very happy after hearing this." , I’m afraid they want to give us some benefits again? Our political commissar has helped them set a new record, so it’s impossible for them not to show it at all?”

Yang Feng heard this, his eyes lit up, and he immediately said: "Old Zhao, you are in charge, I will contact Shen Fei now, if the political commissar comes back, I'm afraid we won't be given a chance!"

At this time, in the sky.

Fade Chen pressed the stick, leveled the plane, and then reported: "Tower, sea altitude 270, heading [-], high-speed flight later, over."

The limit height has been measured, and next, it is time to test the limit speed.

In fact, Fade Chen has tested the limit speed before, but it was at an altitude of about 6000 meters.

The limit speed is different for different heights.

The fastest speed has to be tested, and the slowest speed has to be tested.

The first thing to measure at this time is the limit speed at an altitude of 6000 meters.

Not [-] meters.

[-] meters is the limit altitude, and it is meaningless to measure the limit speed of [-] meters, because most of the J-Detective Eights fly at an altitude of about [-] meters.

In the J-6000's operating manual, the limit data of [-] meters is actually available. The test pilot has already measured it during the test flight, but it is a relatively ideal condition after all. For example, the operating manual says that the J-[-]'s The limit altitude is [-], but at this time, Fade Chen can fly to a little over [-].

Theoretically speaking, the speed of JJ2.2 can reach Mach [-] at most, but no one knows whether it can be achieved in the actual process, especially in places like Dongchang!
Whether it can be faster, no one knows.

After flying flat for a few minutes, Fade Chen reported via radio: "Tower, I have measured the speed!"

As soon as the words fell, he pushed down the joystick, the nose of the fighter plane sank, and began to dive. At the same time as the dive, Fade Chen turned on the afterburner, the altitude changed the speed, and the afterburner increased the speed at the same time. In an instant, Tanba flew very fast.

On the tower, everyone's heart skipped a beat.

Dive down from a height of [-] meters and use afterburner——

Some aircraft with insufficient body strength disintegrate directly during this extreme flight.

Of course, the load at this time was so huge that some pilots couldn't bear it and would faint directly.

But Fade Chen was fine, he could handle twelve G's, and he didn't care at all.

He drove to the maximum speed.

The fighter plane broke through the sound barrier, and the sound of friction between the fuselage and the air completely overwhelmed the sound of the engine. The ground could clearly hear the sound of rumbling thunder, but the fighter plane could not be seen.

The airspeed reached [-] kilometers per hour, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

When the altitude dropped to [-], Fade Chen leveled off.


He let out a deep breath.

The performance of the new JJ[-] is indeed good.

He checked the speed, [-] kilometers per hour.

He didn't continue to refuel, let alone turn on the afterburner, but just kept it. He wanted to test whether the J-[-] could maintain this speed for a few minutes. In other words, he wanted to test the J-[-]'s supersonic cruise capability.

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