Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 521 Hit the Mountain

Chapter 521 Hit the Mountain

521 hit the mountain

Li Yunfei flew the J-[-] forward according to the planned route.

"Jianzhi, I have arrived at the scheduled airspace, with an altitude of 340, a speed of [-], and a heading of [-], over!"

He glanced at the head-up display and reported in a deep voice.

"Yaodongyao, fly according to the plan, it's over!" Fade Chen's voice came from the command center through the radio.

"Yao Dongyao understands!"

Li Yunfei stepped on the rudder lever and flew the fighter jet at high speed.

This was his first time driving J-[-] to perform such a difficult task, but he was full of confidence. This was the confidence he had developed after spending time with his favorite machine these days, and it was very strong.

"Yaodong Si, how is your situation?"

"Report Yaodongyao, everything is normal here."

"Yaodong 3807, our current plan is to fly to the [-] area at high speed, and then turn around and fly over Line [-]. In this way, the two of us will probably be able to fly to the rear of the target. It may be possible to be in a small right azimuth, and then follow it, so let’s not turn on the radar for now, just turn on the power of the IRST equipment and enter the infrared signal scanning state.”

"Yao Dong Si understands." Li Yunfei's wingman replied.

After chatting for a few words, the two fell silent, only flying intently.

The radio station was silent for a while, then it buzzed again, it was still Fade Chen's voice.

"Yaodongyao, this is Lianzhi. I just got the information that another two sorties from the Blue Army are flying towards your route."

Two more planes are coming here?
Li Yunfei frowned, and his heart became a little heavy.

"Yaodongyao, you have two choices now, either go up to about [-], or go down to the valley and use the mountain as cover."

Li Yunfei thought for a while, and then said: "Jianzhi, if you go down to the altitude, the speed may not be able to increase. I am worried that I will be thrown off by them, but if I go up to the altitude, I am worried about being detected by their early warning aircraft?"

Fade Chen's voice came quickly: "Yaodongyao, according to reliable information, the Blue Army's early warning aircraft is not nearby."

"Jianzhi, is this information reliable?"

"Yaodongyao, the information is reliable!"

"Okay, let's go to the height!" Li Yunfei immediately made a decision.

After a while, he said to his wingman: "Yaodong [-], the upper height is [-], and the rest remains unchanged!"

"Yao Dong Si understands!"

Li Yunfei pulled up the joystick and turned on the afterburner at the same time. The J-[-] fighter jet raised its head and roared into the sky. His wingman was in another position and also flew up.

After flying for a while and reaching the predetermined altitude, Li Yunfei leveled the plane, glanced at the head-up display, and asked, "Yaodongsi, did you find anything there?"

"Report Yaodongyao, infrared search did not find it, the altitude is too high."

Li Yunfei sighed: "I didn't find anything here, but fortunately, we have other helpers. Alright, let's continue to search in the direction of 12 o'clock."


After flying for a while, Li Yunfei pushed the throttle valve forward, the seat began to push his back violently, and the plane quickly accelerated to 950 kilometers per hour.

"Yaodongyao, can we turn on the fire control radar?"

Li Yunfei's wingman asked.

"Don't do it for now, otherwise it will scare the snake away. There is not much we can do now. It is our best choice to catch him off guard!"


After flying for a while, Li Yunfei's radio rang, but it was the joint finger that sent information, conveying the coordinates of the Blue Army's plane to them.

"Yao Dong Si, prepare for battle!"


"Descent to 2700 meters!"

"Understood, descend to 700 meters!"

Li Yunfei pressed the joystick and quickly lowered the altitude. Soon, something was displayed on his head-up display, a thin line composed of a series of light spots, and the infrared search and tracking system seemed to have caught the target.

"Yao Dongsi, I caught him, how about you?"

"I caught it too, but I still can't see it clearly. The distance is too far. I tried laser ranging just now, but it failed. It's still too far away. He is at least 25 kilometers ahead, and the height is about... 1600 meters."

Li Yunfei nodded.

Anyway, it's a good thing the big ass is aimed at him, and it only takes a little while for them to sneak up on each other's back without the other knowing.

Li Yunfei was controlling the fighter jet while looking at the head-up display. The information on it was constantly changing. As the infrared signal strengthened, the search system continued to scan.The target locking frame has successfully circled the target and entered the tracking state.

The dotted line target on the head-up display was divided into two parts, and it was now certain that there was more than one Blue Army aircraft, and the signal from the one in front was very unclear, perhaps blocked by clouds and fog.

"Yaodongyao, is it on?"

Li Yunfei glanced at the monitor, and said calmly: "Calm down, don't worry, we can only catch them by surprise if we make a sudden move, and the effect will not be achieved if exposed too early!"

The Blue Army plane in front probably didn't notice Li Yunfei and his wingmen, they kept flying step by step, so, gradually, the distance between the two sides was shortened from the previous 20 kilometers to four kilometers.

Soon, the distance was shortened to three kilometers.

"Jianzhi, I'm going to turn on the fire control radar!" Li Yunfei reported.

"United Fingers received it and agreed to turn on the fire control radar. In addition, the ground radar [-] kilometers ahead will be turned on at the same time to cooperate with your actions. Finished!"

"Yaodongyao received."

Li Yunfei let out a deep breath: "Yaodongsi, start the machine, you are in charge of the one on the upper right, and leave the other one to me!"

"Understood, I'm in charge of the top right."

With a snap, Li Yunfei pressed the switch on the fire control radar.

After a while, the two planes in front panicked and immediately turned left to leave.

Li Yunfei and his wingman followed closely and quickly followed.

The speeds of the two Blue Army planes increased instantly, from over 600 per hour to around [-] in a short time.

Li Yunfei pushed the accelerator lever fiercely, and also increased the speed, chasing after him.

The four fighter planes staged the speed of life and death in the air.

After chasing for a while, Li Yunfei said: "Jianzhi, I have chased the target to the vicinity of 3809, can the mountain division cooperate?"

"Yaodongyao, the mountain division is ready, it will start up in 30 seconds, it's over!"

"Understood!" Li Yunfei was overjoyed when he heard this, and immediately said to his wingman: "Yaodongsi, you immediately go to direction 240 to block his way!"


Li Yunfei turned on the afterburner again, and chased at supersonic speed.

The Blue Army plane in front was taken aback and had to accelerate again, but after he flew forward for a while, the warning sound in the cockpit suddenly beeped non-stop, and the radar of the ground air defense force was turned on.


The Blues pilot hastily yanked on the stick, trying to disengage.

As soon as his plane turned around, he saw a J-[-] fighter jet blocking the front, and the fire control radar locked him. In a hurry, he had to press the lever and push the rudder immediately.

A moment later, his eyes widened, he saw his plane crashing towards the mountain, and he yanked the lever to pull the plane up, but it was too late.

He yelped and had to slam on the ejector.

After a while, there was a bang, and a huge fireball rose from the mountain peak.

(End of this chapter)

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