Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 522 Creating an Avalanche

Chapter 522 Creating an Avalanche

522 Create an Avalanche

The wind became a lot weaker, the moon came out from the clouds, and the ground brightened a lot.

All of this seemed to be celebrating the success of this mission.

Xu Sanduo waved his hand and ordered: "Everyone is there, withdraw!"

"Go home—" everyone cheered in their hearts, very happy.

The five walked briskly towards their defense line.

When a group of people just walked into the defense line, the communicator suddenly said in surprise: "Battalion Commander, the superior is on the phone."

Xu Sanduo raised his hand at once to signal everyone to stop. Everyone stopped and spread out in all directions. In the state of alert, the call was on. The communication soldier connected the radio, and then handed the microphone to Xu Sanduo.

"Dongyao, I'm a night owl."

"Night cat, a Blue Army fighter plane crashed on the mountain in area 3502. The pilot may have parachuted. The superior now orders you to go to area 3502 to check immediately. First, find the pilot and control it. Second, hold this area to prevent the Blue Army from Destroy the wreckage of the plane, over!"

"Nightcat understands, go to area 3502 immediately, find the pilot and control it, and then guard the wreckage of the plane to prevent the blue army from destroying it. It's over!"

"Night owl, your time is very limited, so hurry up!"


With a bang, Xu Sanduo hung up the phone, and with a bang, he let out a breath, then stood up and looked at everyone and said, "A Blue Army fighter plane crashed into a mountain in area 3502, the pilot may parachute, and the superior ordered us to go to area 3502 immediately , look for the parachuting pilot, and protect the scene."

Just after Xu Sanduo finished speaking, another soldier took out a map from his rucksack. Without asking, someone immediately opened the blackout raincoat, and someone took out a tactical flashlight. After that, everyone squatted down and lay on the raincoat Look up.

"Commander, the shortest way to go to area 3502 is from here, but if you go from here, the road is more difficult to walk, and there will be rockfall in this section. I remember the last time a brother troop passed by here on patrol, and someone was killed. Injured by falling rocks."

Xu Sanduo was silent for a while, and then said: "Let's take the shortest path."

Others looked at me and I looked at you, but finally nodded together.

Although the shortcut is dangerous, it is obviously the most suitable. The Blue Army's plane crashed on the mountain, and that location is not far from the Blue Army's position. If the Blue Army gets the information and immediately comes to support, what will happen? It's very bad, so if you want to successfully complete the task assigned by your superiors, the best way is to take a shortcut.

Everyone quickly made a decision to take a shortcut.

"Let's go—" Xu Sanduo waved his hand, leading a few people to trot towards area 3502.

This road is even more difficult than the road we walked just now, but everyone's speed is faster than before, because there was no sense of time tension before, but now, time is very tight, if it is a little later, it will definitely lead to difficulties. To recover the loss, everyone did their best.

After trotting for half an hour, everyone was exhausted and out of breath.

"Stop—" Xu Sanduo raised his hand.

Everyone stopped moving forward.

"Drink some water, eat some dry food, and replenish your energy!" Xu Sanduo ordered.

Although this process will delay a little time, sharpening the knife does not miss the woodcutter. The current suspension is for the subsequent outbreak. After a while, we will reach the 3502 area. When we get there, we will probably face a battle. At that time, there will be no time to replenish physical strength, so it is most appropriate to take a break now.

Everyone took out dry food and ate, and took out water bottles to drink water in turn.

After about half a minute, Xu Sanduo waved his hand again and led everyone to set off.

The journey went smoothly, so everyone arrived 15 minutes earlier than the planned time.

Far away, everyone saw a gang still burning.

"Commander, the plane hit the mountain on the other side. If my guess is correct, the pilot should have parachuted in this area. During this period of time, this area should be blowing from the southwest, so the pilot's parachute should be there. The landing area, Battalion Commander, there is still a long distance between here and the location of the wreckage of the plane, so, why don't we divide into two groups, one way to find the pilot, and the other way to protect the scene."

"But our number of people is small, if we divide the troops into two groups." Someone immediately raised an objection.

"Although we have a small number of people, whether we are looking for people or protecting the scene, even if we go together, there are still far from enough people, so it is better to divide the troops into two groups and find a way to find people and make full use of night vision devices , the temperature is low now, people are in the wild, and the infrared features are particularly obvious, so it should be easy to find, but those who protect the scene must use the fastest speed to seize the commanding heights, relying on geographical advantages." Chengcai said tenaciously. .

Xu Sanduo listened and nodded: "Chengcai is right, we listen to Chengcai! Now, I will take a correspondent to find someone, Chengcai, you take the rest to protect the scene, and we will contact by radio."

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

Everyone immediately separated and acted separately.

Chengcai led the people to the scene quickly, he glanced around, and immediately ordered: "Ambush here."

"Here? Deputy Battalion Commander Cheng, there is a fire here, isn't it bad and easy to expose?"

"What do you know? It is because of the fire here that you are told to ambush here. The heat of the fire will affect the infrared detection of the blue army. You are safe here. If you go to other places, the temperature difference between you and the environment is too large, which will make you feel worse. Easy to expose!"

"Deputy Battalion Commander Cheng, I understand!"

"Go and hide. Be safe!"


"You go to that position." Cheng Cai said to another warrior.

"it is good."

Cheng Cai looked around, finally came to a dark place, lay down quietly, and set up the sniper rifle.

"Deputy Battalion Commander Cheng, at three o'clock, there is a situation 1000 meters away. It seems that people from the Blue Army are coming!"

At three o'clock, 1000 meters?

Cheng Cai hurriedly moved the sniper rifle and glanced in that direction. Sure enough, in the field of vision of his night vision goggles, a group of people were rushing quickly.

"Three idiots, have you found anything there?"

"No, I haven't found it yet."

"Go back 500 meters, and I will shoot at the snow-capped mountains above your heads!"

"Chengcai, you are crazy, shooting at the snow mountain will cause an avalanche!"

"It's going to be an avalanche!" Chengcai's lips curled up, and he couldn't help laughing, the avalanche came, and the snow plowed down like a tsunami, just to wipe out the blue army. , Just to kill all the blue army.

(End of this chapter)

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