Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 542 This is your problem, not ours

Chapter 542 This is your problem, not ours

542 This is your problem, not ours

It took Dai Ming a while to react. He blinked and looked at Fade seriously: "Political Commissar, what you mean is that this is a problem with the plane, not ours!"

"Yes!" Fade Chen nodded: "This is their problem, not ours, so do you think the problem of Lin Jun and Yang Ping is still a problem?"

Fade Chen's tactic is still very powerful. If it succeeds, then the ideological problems of those two people will not exist at all.

"But Li Gong said that there is nothing wrong with their plane." After regaining his senses, Dai Ming said again.

"I'll discuss this matter with Li Gong in a while. I'll tell you guys in advance, just to make you happy first, so you don't have such a big psychological burden!" Fade Chen said frankly.

"Then let's go to Li Gong first!" Dai Ming said.

Chen Fei naturally understood Dai Ming's psychology, nodded, but did not refuse: "Okay, old generation, then you lead the way, we will go to Li Gong now."

"Okay!" Dai Ming was not polite, and was the first to leave the office immediately.

Chen Fei followed out.

Qi Hong blinked her eyes, and then followed in a hurry.

When he walked out of the office building, Dai Ming turned around and found Qi Hong, and stared dissatisfiedly: "Qi Hong, what are you doing?"

"Chief, I'll go with you to have a look!" Qi Hong licked his face and smiled.

"Do you understand?" Dai Ming muttered, but he didn't insist anymore, he just walked forward quickly.

Li Gong's full name is Li Jing, and she is a doctoral student who is the head of the R&D team of J-[-]. Because the head of the J-[-] R&D team still has a lot of work, she is stationed in the base all year round, and some basic technical problems are handled by her. For more complicated ones, she will discuss with her tutor remotely.

Li Jing's living and office areas are not on the side of the flight brigade, but in the opposite direction, but it's not too far away, and you don't need to drive. If you walk, it's only a few minutes away.

dong dong dong.

Dai Ming knocked on the door.

Li Jing was sitting in front of the computer researching something, when she heard a knock on the door, she hurriedly stood up, and greeted her with a smile: "Old generation, you are here!"

Although Dai Ming is the head of the base, he is lively and outgoing, likes to joke around, and can get along with anyone, so Li Jing and others call him casually.

"Li Jing, our political commissar seems to have a little different opinion about the 319 incident, so I want to communicate with you." Dai Ming smiled a little embarrassedly, and said it very tactfully.

"Huh?" Li Jing turned her head and looked at Fade Chen.

Fade Chen didn't feel shy and shy. He walked up and handed the information to Li Jing without any nonsense. He said in a deep voice, "Gong Li, hello, this is what I have been studying carefully for the past two days. I wrote a little thought after reading some of your previous relevant information, and I don’t know if it’s right, please correct me!”

Fade Chen said it very euphemistically, but the information in his hand was extremely straightforward. The title was "Some Views on the 319 Incident——Suggestions for Improving the Power Compensation Control of J-[-] Carrier-Based Fighters"

Seeing the title, Li Jing raised her head again and looked at Fade Chen without blinking. After three seconds, she lowered her head again and started reading from the beginning.

"Facts have shown that the landing of carrier-based aircraft is the most dangerous stage, and aircraft are subject to complex and various challenges, and are most prone to landing accidents.

The landing area of ​​the carrier-based aircraft on the ship is mainly the deck of the aircraft carrier. The deck area is limited, and it is not a fixed platform. Due to the large weight and inertia of the aircraft carrier, it is continuously affected by waves, sea wind and air currents on the sea surface. If there is irregular movement in all directions within the aircraft, the ideal landing point DTP of the carrier-based aircraft will deviate by several meters or even tens of meters within a few minutes after the carrier-based aircraft lands. In addition, the field formed by the wake of the ship The interference is also worthy of attention, which will seriously affect the landing process of the aircraft. According to the existing research results, if the influence of the airflow disturbance is not reduced or suppressed, only the steady-state component of the ship's stern flow field may cause the hull The offset is dozens of meters away, and the climate environment on the sea surface is unstable. It is sunny and rainy from time to time, which cannot be prevented. Once there is an unhandled weather environment, the blow will be fatal.According to the official data released by the United States, in January 1961, the U.S. Navy had five ship casualties in just one week. It can be seen that the pilots seriously challenged their shipboard technology and psychology every time they landed on the ship. Quality.

In order to solve the difficulty of safe landing, there are two ways to rely on manual assisted landing and fully automatic landing.In the manual assisted landing mode, the assisted landing method combining the Fresnel lens optical landing aid system FLOLS and the landing signal commander LSO is the most widely used method.The artificially assisted landing method has shown very good control in designing the landing trajectory of the aircraft and realizing the smooth approach of the aircraft, which also gave the pilot enough confidence and greatly improved the success rate of landing. There have always been some insurmountable difficulties in the way, mainly because it is very vulnerable to human factors and external climatic conditions, and these two factors are beyond control.Because FLOLS will be limited by the range of deck movement, it can only work under the conditions of hull pitch within ± 6 degrees and roll within ± 10 degrees, and if the sea surface and climate environment are very harsh, FLOLS mode cannot be used At the same time, LSO mainly relies on human experience to judge, so that the reliability of landing cannot be guaranteed. "

After reading this paragraph, Li Jing raised her head and looked at Fade Chen in surprise, because the content of this paragraph has already shown enough professional standards, such things, even Dai Ming, who can be called half an expert in carrier-based aircraft People can't write it.

She stared blankly at Fade Chen for a while, then lowered her head again and continued down.

When she saw this paragraph, she was dumbfounded: "In ACLS, the approach power compensation system APCS is undoubtedly a crucial component. Because the carrier-based aircraft will enter the reverse zone of the speed curve when approaching at low speed At this time, the approach power compensation system APCS starts to play a role in order to solve the problem of "unstable speed". During the landing of the aircraft, the automatic landing system automatically feedbacks, adjusts the attitude of the aircraft, and compensates the power, so that The aircraft can respond quickly, keep up with the change of the trajectory angle of the up and down, and realize the landing of the ship according to the predetermined trajectory. Since the aircraft body will continue to move when the aircraft lands, the trajectory angle must respond to the pilot's attitude instructions as quickly as possible, especially At the last moment when approaching the hull, the aircraft must try to track the movement of the hull as accurately as possible. Then, to do this when it is very close to the hull, it is difficult to rely on the pilot's control, and a power compensation system must be used. , to ensure the rapidity of aircraft trajectory tracking. The input of the power compensation system is the angle of attack and normal acceleration, and the speed is indirectly adjusted to control the speed of the aircraft to gradually stabilize. If you want to quickly control the flight speed vector, as long as you can quickly control the angle of attack of the aircraft, Changing the flight attitude angle can also quickly control the aircraft's glide trajectory angle. The best situation is that during the dynamic response process, the deviation of the angle of attack can be completely eliminated through the action of the control law. Then the pilot only needs to change the aircraft attitude angle. It can realize the rapid and no static error response of the trajectory angle to the attitude angle."

(End of this chapter)

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