Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 543 Political Commissar Chen overturned their conclusion

543 Commissar Chen overturned their conclusion

At first Li Jing watched it standing up, but after a while, she seemed to feel more comfortable sitting down, so she sat down in front of the computer.

Fade Chen gave him a lot of information, more than 60 pages, and many places are full of formulas, or charts, data. It is impossible to read ten lines at a glance, but it needs to be carefully thought out, and even serious thinking, so she reads it very carefully. slow.

Dai Ming and Qi Hong watched with interest at first, but after a while they became bored, and after waiting for a while, both of them couldn't stay any longer, you looked at me, I glared at you, and wanted to leave, but who They were too embarrassed to speak, but fortunately, at this moment, as if he knew what was on their minds, Fade gave them a wink and told them to leave first.

"Chief, let's go!" Qi Hong winked brightly.

Dai Ming raised his foot, but suddenly put it down again. He felt really bored and wanted to leave, but he also wanted to know what the result would be. Is it really like Chen Fei said, the 319 incident has nothing to do with them pilots? The problem is the problem of the plane itself, he really wants to know, but he can't see the reason from Li Jing, so it's not okay to go, or not to go.

Fortunately, at this time, Li Jing suddenly murmured: "It seems that the 319 incident was really caused by a problem with the design of our approach power compensation."

"The good news is that I have found the answer to this problem!" Fade Chen said.

"Really?" Li Jing was overjoyed, and suddenly raised her head to look at Fade Chen.

"Page 58." Fade Chen said.

Li Jing was taken aback for a moment, and after recovering, she quickly flipped through the pages until she reached the place Fade Chen mentioned.

"It can be seen that as long as the approach power compensation system with constant angle of attack is widely used, and the heading acceleration information and rudder surface information are introduced, that is, the complete APCS structure, the designed automatic throttle command algorithm and APCS control law All requirements are met.”

After reading this passage, Li Jing raised her head again, and fixedly looked at Fade Chen with weird eyes.

At this time, Dai Ming finally believed what Fade Chen said. The 319 incident really had nothing to do with their pilots. The root cause of the incident was the design of the plane.

"Let's go!" Dai Mingchao gave Qi Hong a wink.

Qi Hong was still in a daze, until Dai Ming glared at him again before realizing it, and the two hurriedly left quietly.

When there was no one outside, Qi Hong immediately changed her cowardice inside, and chirped: "Chief, our new political commissar—I really can't see it, did you see it just now, even Li Gong I admire him so much! It’s been so long since I’ve been here, this is the first time I’ve seen Li Gong’s eyes shine like that!”

Dai Ming smiled: "Now you know why I asked you so much?"

"I know, I know! The chief is still wise!" Qi Hong immediately flattered her.

Before Fade Chen was about to fly to the base, Dai Ming called all the people in the base together for a meeting. He first introduced Fade Chen's situation, and then briefly talked about the disciplinary requirements. Simply put, he was a newcomer. The political commissar is relatively young, but everyone must give him enough respect, let alone think that he is a carrier-based aircraft pilot and ignore people. …

At this time, the pilots who can be selected into the base are all the best among the best in the army. Many of them are a little arrogant and like to look down on others, so Dai Ming made such a request specially.

But this meeting seems to have little effect. Although the participants dare not say anything, they can see that they don't take the new political commissar seriously. So Dai Ming was very worried at that time, for fear that Fade Chen would follow everyone. He didn't get along well, and even had conflicts or something, but now it seems that all his worries are unnecessary. Although soldiers are arrogant, they have backbone and dignity. If the other party is really awesome- If you are forced, then you will admire the other party sincerely and will not fight against the other party. Now that Fade Chen has only come to the base for two days, he has solved a big problem that everyone is most worried about. It is too late for everyone to be grateful to him. Dai Ming's hanging heart finally fell to the ground.

"Qi Hong, go find Yang Ping and tell him the good news."

"Chief, come with me. If I go alone, that boy Yang Ping will definitely not believe me, and he will definitely think that I will lie to him again."

Dai Ming originally planned to let Qi Hong go to find Yang Ping alone, but after hearing Qi Hong's words, he also felt that it made sense, so he nodded and agreed, and the two walked to the base hospital together.

The base is not large at this time, at least there are not many people. How many people can there be in a flight brigade, even if logistics and support are added, it is not many, but it is equipped with a standard division hospital, which is not common in other troops. It is possible, but here, the hospital was built right after the base was established, which shows how much the superiors attach importance to this base.

Dai Ming and Qi Hong walked to the ward where Yang Ping was hospitalized.

Yang Ping lives in a room alone.

This is not because Yang Ping's rank is very high, but because there are not many patients in total at this time, and the room is plentiful.


Dai Ming pushed the door open and went in without knocking.

Inside, Yang Ping was lying on the bed, his eyes silently staring at the ceiling, lifeless.

Dai Ming pushed open the door and went in. He turned his head slightly, saw that it was Dai Ming, and didn't speak, turned his head back again, and continued to stare blankly at the ceiling.

Seeing this, Dai Ming secretly sighed in his heart: If the political commissar hadn't come, this guy would have been useless for the rest of his life.

Thinking of this, Dai Ming became more and more grateful to Fade Chen.

He grinned, and laughed: "I think you're quite addictive, you kid—"

Dai Ming has always liked to joke, but before he came here, he was in a heavy heart and didn't dare to open it at all, but now, he opened it easily.

"Huh?" Yang Ping was taken aback, turned his head, and looked at Dai Ming as if seeing the sun coming out from the west.

"The investigation results of the 319 incident came out, it's not our problem, it's a problem with the design of the aircraft!" Dai Ming didn't bother to talk nonsense, and directly stated the essence.

"What?" Yang Ping's eyes widened.

"I said, the investigation results of the 319 incident came out, it's not our problem, it's the problem of the aircraft design." Dai Ming had to repeat it again.

"Old generation, cheating is not a good habit!"

Dai Ming rolled his eyes: "Why am I lying to you? Li Gong said this!"

"Li Gong? This is impossible! Last time, Li Gong repeatedly emphasized that the 319 incident had nothing to do with them!"

"But Li Gong just admitted with his own mouth, this matter is their fault!"

"Yes, Yang Ping, just now Li Gong said it himself!"

"This is impossible!"

"There is nothing impossible? The political commissar overturned Li Gong's conclusion!"

"What? Political commissar? The political commissar overturned Li Gong's conclusion?" Yang Ping's eyes widened.

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