Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 546 The Current Situation of the Flying Brigade

Chapter 546 The Current Situation of the Flying Brigade

The current situation of the 546th Flying Brigade

Fade Chen got up early the next day.

Like other pilots, he came to the fitness room early to do a few sets of physical training.

The physical training of the pilots is quite special. It is different from the method of the Continental Army. It is mainly resistance training, but these are Chen Fei's specialties, and he practiced very easily.

After finishing his physical fitness and everything was in place, he came to the office again, found Dai Ming, and discussed specific matters.

"Old generation, can you give me a general introduction to the situation of the base?"

"Okay, then let me introduce you to our flying shark training."

"it is good!"

Fade Chen and Dai Ming sat facing each other.

Dai Ming took a sip of tea, and then solemnly introduced: "Our flying brigade now has a total of [-] members."

"One hundred and two?" Fade Chen frowned.

This number, to be honest, he felt a little less.

Although there are not many aircraft that can be boarded after the aircraft carrier goes to sea, generally it is the size of a brigade, at most 30 aircraft, but at least two pilots must be guaranteed for each aircraft, so at least 60 pilots are needed , but not all of these more than 100 team members can board the ship. There is no final assessment yet, but it is estimated that the pass rate of the final assessment stage will not exceed 50.00%.

So when Fade Chen heard it, he felt that the number was a little less.

His slight expression was naturally noticed by Dai Ming, who smiled wryly: "Old Chen, I also want to get more people, but———" He sighed, unable to say anything.

Chen Fei raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder, expressing that he understood.

"How many teachers are there now?" Fade Chen didn't want Dai Ming to be too sad, so he quickly changed the subject.

"There are five teachers and ten assistant teachers."

"Only fifteen?" Fade Chen was startled again.

"Only fifteen? Old Chen, you have such an expression." Dai Ming became excited when he heard that.

Fade Chen hurriedly smiled: "Don't get excited, old generation, I didn't mean that, I mean."

But when he opened his mouth, he didn't know how to explain it.

To be honest, the number of this faculty is really a bit small, but there is absolutely no way around it.

The Flying Shark training team is completely different from other Air Force pilot training teams. The biggest difference is that there is no obvious difference between instructors and students. Many people are both instructors and students, or are instructors and students at one time.For example, Dai Ming, he is both a student and an instructor. He was the first to fly J-[-], so he knows the J-[-] best, but he has never conducted J-[-] landing training, so he can only fly by himself. Fumble, wait until I have found some experience, and then teach others. In other words, at this time, there are really not many people who are really sure that they can fly the Fifteen Fifteen to the ship. There are only a few instructors, and the assistants Instructors are those pilots who can successfully land the ship, but the probability is only [-] to [-]%.

However, although the pilots of the Feisha training team did not have a high landing success rate, their military ranks can scare people to death. Other places are already very tall, but here, it can only be regarded as average. Of course, his age is definitely the youngest.

Dai Ming introduced the situation one by one, and finally he said: "Oh, by the way, Lao Chen, there is a situation I have to tell you, but this matter, only you know and I know, other people can't If you disclose it again, no matter who asks, you must not disclose it.”

"it is good."

"There are two foreigners in our teaching team, and they are not in the sequence I just mentioned."

In fact, Fade Chen had heard about this for a long time.

He knew it all his life.

It is said that the military went abroad to hire two retired carrier-based aircraft pilots through some special channels, under the guise of coming here to train civil aviation pilots, but in fact they were training carrier-based aircraft pilots.

Dai Ming's earliest batch should have been taught by those two foreigners.

Dai Ming first went to Lao Maozi to practice, and then learned from him for a period of time, coupled with his own hard work, so he found a way.

Fade Chen had anticipated this matter, but it was only officially confirmed at this time.

"The two of them are not here, if you want to see them, you have to report first!" Dai Ming said.

Fade Chen nodded.

"When I'm free someday, I'll make a report with the higher-ups. I'll take you to see the two of them and exchange ideas. Maybe you can get some useful information from them?"

"Okay." Fade Chen nodded again.

To be honest, he was not interested in those two guys. If he needed help, he could just reach out to the system.


Since everyone has been invited, it would be unreasonable not to squeeze out the oil and water!
Of course, if it wasn't for the reason that he has a system, then he had to admit that those two foreigners were really their biggest reliance.

However, now, this passive situation has been completely reversed by him.

"Old Chen, taking off and landing on an aircraft carrier is far more difficult than taking off, so if you want to break through this technology, you must focus on landing. Our simulated flight deck, as you have seen, is built directly from the sea. It came out, surrounded by the sea on three sides, with the tail facing northwest and the head facing southeast. This area is blown by southeast wind all year round. This area is half mountain and half sea, with whirlwinds. It is the best place to simulate sea takeoff and landing. I suggest Before you start formal training, go there and get acquainted with the weather and terrain."

"Okay!" Fade Chen nodded.

"The biggest problem we are facing now is the problem of time. Let me tell you this, even if it is me, I can fly 28 to [-] hours a month. Now the average monthly flying hours of students is [-], which is even less. Less than twenty."

"So little?" Fade Chen was shocked again.

"Yes, there are only so few!" Dai Ming sighed heavily: "There is only one main reason. There are not enough planes. There are only eight planes for hundreds of people. Two planes are in maintenance all the year round. They are actually usable. Only six, and only one J-[-]S."

"The two-seater J-[-] came out?" Fade Chen was taken aback, very surprised.

One of the reasons for the extremely high requirements of the Flying Shark training camp is that there was no two-seat J-15 before, which means that the trainees have to fly the plane alone for take-off and landing operations without an instructor leading the plane.At the same time, this also restricted the progress of the Flying Shark training. HNA called Shen Fei every now and then to request that the aircraft be brought out as soon as possible. If you want to come over, the yellow primer on the whole body doesn't even have a tactical number.

Who would have imagined that such a large Flying Shark force would have only one J-15S two-seater carrier-based fighter?

"The one that was in place last month was still a prototype, and the focus is on training for refitting." Dai Ming said with a sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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