Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 547 Textbooks

Chapter 547 Textbooks
547 teaching materials
After listening to Dai Ming's introduction carefully, Fade Chen raised his hands and scratched his head. He felt a little headache. The fact that there was only one J-[-] trainer plane in the base was really troublesome, and it was an unsolvable problem.

At this time, the pilots in the base were roughly divided into two groups. One mainly flew Shen Fei's fighter jets, such as Chen Fei, who used to mainly fly J-[-].

Although the J-[-] and J-[-] are different aircrafts, they have a relationship of the same origin, so it must be much faster to get started;
Although some other pilots have not flown the J-[-], they have flown the J-[-], and the J-[-], J-[-], and J-[-] are all Shenfei's aircraft, and there are differences between them, but the general idea is that there will be no difference. If there are too many differences, if you learn one, it will be easy to learn the other.

These students don't need to use the J-[-] trainer for too long, and they can even fly the J-[-] solo for a few hours before entering the normal training state.

But some other students are in some trouble. They mainly flew Chengfei J-[-] fighter jets. More practice, they must first be familiar with the various layouts and operating habits of the J-[-], first construct a deep map in the brain, and then practice on the J-[-] trainer, wait until they pass the test, and then drive J-[-]'s solo flight, after passing the solo flight, began to study the next step. In this way, the battle line was stretched very long.

However, the reason for restricting the training progress is not only the insufficient number of aircraft. The number of aircraft is not enough, but reasonable arrangement, the pilot rests but the aircraft does not rest, this problem can still get an optimal solution, so the bigger problem comes from As for others, the take-off and landing of aircraft carrier fighter jets is not just a matter of pilots and control towers. Besides them, there are many, many staff members involved. There is a saying that is a bit exaggerated, but it is also a true reflection of the take-off and landing of aircraft carrier fighter jets. , That sentence is like this, one hour in the sky, three days underground.

The takeoff and landing flight is not as simple as the command tower commanding the pilot to start simulating the takeoff and landing on the ship, but the linkage of all departments from the beginning to the end, and a large number of technical support personnel have to follow up with each flight. A single training session can be fully utilized. After each take-off and landing activity, the support personnel have to carry out analysis and research, and hold analysis meetings continuously. After such a process, it will take a long time.

There are 1000 pilots in the student team, but there are more than 300 related support departments and technical personnel.Pilots have to practice taking off and landing, and other staff also have to practice support, and their work is more cumbersome and their workload is heavier. On the flight deck of 80 meters long and [-] meters wide, a fortress is built into a field that can support a regiment of fighter planes. Standing, one can imagine how difficult it is.Just how to efficiently move planes is a big question.Every flight, theoretical preparation, practical operation, reflection and summary, after this process, it is really impossible to finish it without three days.

After talking about the relevant situation, Dai Ming opened the drawer, took out a textbook from it, and handed it to Fade Chen: "Old Chen, this is our newly compiled textbook, you can read it first when you have time?"


"Yes, every student who enters the flying brigade has a book. Although it is written by us, there are some shortcomings in one way or another, but anyway, it is still the best learning material for us at present, so I want to fly J-[-] on the ship. , this process still has to go, others can be discussed, but this." Dai Ming laughed dryly.

"Old generation, I have finished studying your textbook!"

"Finished?" Dai Ming was taken aback.

"Before I came here, I asked the old chief for a copy, and he has already read it."

"How many days did you spend watching it?" Dai Ming's eyes widened.

"Three days!"

"What? Three days?" Dai Ming stared blankly at Fade Chen. At first, he thought that Fade Chen was joking with him. He looked up and down, left and right, but after thinking about it for a while, he also felt that his thoughts were a little ridiculous. How could Fei joke with him? Is Chen Fei like that?

Shaking his head, Dai Ming sighed helplessly, and said, "Okay, since there is no problem with the theory, let's fly directly, first go to the simulation cabin and then do the actual operation. First practice takeoff, then simulate landing on a ship, and finally Block the landing."

Fade Chen nodded: "Okay, it's all up to you." After saying this, Fade Chen smiled, took out a few pieces of paper from his body, handed it to Dai Ming and said: "Old generation, after reading the textbook, I've been thinking about it for a few days and wrote this, but I don't know if it's useful, can you take a look?"

Dai Ming was taken aback for a moment, then nodded hastily, and reached out to take it.

"Carrier-based aircraft are the main attack and defense force for the aircraft carrier to implement military deterrence, blockade at sea, and seize control of sea and air. The level of combat effectiveness and the ability to train a large number of excellent aircraft carrier-based aircraft pilots are the key to the formation and improvement of aircraft carrier combat effectiveness. With the acceleration of the construction of aircraft carriers in our army, in-depth exploration of the methods and paths for the training of aircraft carrier-based aircraft pilots is of great significance for accelerating the formation of aircraft carrier combat effectiveness. very important practical significance.

[-]. In terms of training concepts, it is necessary to realize "renewal"

Compared with the world's naval powers, our carrier-based aircraft pilot training started late and started from a low starting point. If we want to reach the combat level of the world's naval powers in a relatively short period of time, we must use tomorrow's vision to plan today's construction and development. Based on the training concept of the opponent, the pilots of aircraft carrier-based aircraft adapt to the sea operations under the conditions of future informationization.

([-]) Change from emergency quick training to normal training.Selecting and training carrier-based aircraft pilots from outstanding land-based pilots in active service in the army will help shorten the refit cycle, reduce the risk of refitting, and meet the urgent needs of carrier-based aircraft pilots in the early stages of aircraft carrier construction and development.However, this training method has an obvious emergency color, and there are problems such as small training scale, long overall training cycle, and high training costs. Whether it is in wartime or in peacetime, it is difficult to continuously and stably meet the development needs of aircraft carrier construction.Therefore, it is necessary to change the training concept from emergency training to normal training, gradually establish a training mechanism for carrier-based aircraft pilots starting from ordinary pilots, and expand the scope of training aircraft carrier-based aircraft pilots from individual outstanding pilots to most ordinary pilots. Pilots and flight students. "

(End of this chapter)

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