Chapter 548
548 ski jump
Dai Ming didn't take it seriously at first, but his eyes became brighter and brighter as he looked at it.

"Old Chen, did you really write this?" Dai Ming couldn't help asking, but the words were all out of his mouth. He also felt that his question was too abrupt, so he smiled and said, "Old Chen, I have no doubts. What you mean, I just think that the things you wrote are really great, it’s just a timely help! Especially for how we will select carrier-based aircraft pilots in the future.”

Fade Chen smiled without saying a word.

Dai Ming lowered his head and continued to look down.

After reading what Fade Chen wrote, Dai Ming was very happy, and slapped the table with a bang: "Old Chen, with these things from you, the training of pilots of our carrier-based aircraft is considered to have a complete program." .”

After discussing with Dai Ming, Fade Chen started to make relevant preparations non-stop. Although it was his first time to come to the base, because he had received the help of the system before, he had obtained a large amount of knowledge about the flight of carrier-based aircraft. And experience, so his training is very smooth, almost everyone learns one, masters one, and masters one. He is still a student at the first contact, but after an hour or two, he is at the level of an instructor.

So, next, Fade Chen can really get in touch with J-[-].

"Old Chen, I'll take you on a flight today!" Dai Ming said.

"it is good!"

Dai Ming brought Fade Chen to the airport.

"Let's see your car first?" Dai Ming turned his head and asked Fade Chen.

"it is good!"

Fade Chen nodded.

Although he already possessed all kinds of knowledge and experience in driving the J-[-], it was the first time for him to have such a close contact, his eyes couldn't help but a little straightened, and his whole body was a little hot.

"Is this our carrier-based aircraft?"

"This is J-[-]!"

Fade Chen watched in rapt attention.

The plane presented to him at this time was not the best, but it was not bad either.

At present, there are not many models of fixed-wing carrier-based fighters in use by countries in the world: the F-35C, which is still being tested by the U.S. Navy and has no real FOC, is not mentioned. The U.S. Navy currently only has one F/A-18E/F and A small amount of C/D, the two carrier-based aircraft regiments of the Russian Navy have dozens of Su-33 and MiG-29K/KUB, the Chinese Navy uses J-15, and the Indian Navy also uses MiG -29K/KUB, and then the French Navy uses a few squadrons of Rafale F3M, and some small countries that are not popular may still have some AV-8B, so I won’t mention it.

Among so many models, F-35B/C can be said to be the best. After all, the only fourth-generation fighter on board is not blown; followed by F/A-18E/F and the French "Rafale" Rafale F3M, these two are three-and-a-half-generation fighter jets, they are evenly matched in terms of lanyard capability, F/A-18E/F may be stronger, after all, the platform is larger, the reactance performance is better, and there are some unique stunts; followed by J- 15 and MiG-29K/KUB, both of which are late models of the third generation. The J-15 may have an advantage due to its larger platform; the last is the Su-33, which is the last one, which is a very old early third generation. Machines, basically have no combat power now and can only fight second-generation fighter jets.

From here we can see that it is a bit too much to say that the J-15 can be ranked in the first echelon. To be precise, it is a little bit ahead of the worst Su-33, and can be ranked in the penultimate echelon.Although we may be comparable to the French "Rafale" in terms of mounting capacity, the avionics, reactance, and multi-purpose performance are not as good as the French, and the mobility may not be as good.

Therefore, we should not overestimate the performance of the J-15. As we said before, this aircraft at best solves the problem of whether there are fixed-wing carrier-based aircraft, and needs to be further upgraded.

Fade Chen first touched the landing gear of the J-[-], and as soon as he put his hand on it, he felt a sudden feeling in his heart that this landing gear was strong enough.

After touching the landing gear, he came to the engine nozzle again. Looking at the huge nozzle, his mood improved involuntarily.

"The wing area is larger than that of ordinary planes. Also, do you think his canards are very special? The structural strength of the fuselage has also been strengthened. Also, the suspension system of the landing gear is also a little different."

"The biggest change is the wing, which has more folding mechanisms and uses a lot of composite materials. The weight of the fuselage is much lighter than that of Maozihuo. It takes off with a light load of 22 tons, carries four empty bombs, and has a combat radius of [-] kilometers. I can only say average."

Dai Ming introduced them one by one.

Fade Chen watched and listened, and echoed Dai Ming: "That's how the ski jump takes off."

The ski jump take-off technique is relatively simple, but it has extremely high restrictions on weight.

At present, except for the United States and France, the aircraft carriers of other countries are equipped with ski-jump take-offs. Even the United Kingdom, a former aircraft carrier country, has abandoned steam catapults and used ski-jump flight decks instead.

The technical difficulty of ski jump takeoff is relatively low, and because of this, many countries can install it at low cost, thus realizing the dream of an aircraft carrier, but the disadvantage is also very obvious, that is, the efficiency of use is relatively low.Therefore, for many military powers, under normal circumstances, they will first consider using catapults for catapult takeoff.Although many people say that ski jumping does not have any advantages, in terms of overall capabilities, ski jumping still has certain advantages, otherwise there would not be so many countries adopting this method.

From the current point of view, ski jump takeoff refers to the fact that the front end of the flight deck of the aircraft carrier is tilted at a certain angle in the direct direction, so as to help fighter jets take off with certain convenience.Moreover, the light aircraft carriers currently in service in the world and which will be retired in the near future are generally equipped with ski-jump take-off decks. In a sense, the ski-jump take-off deck has become the standard configuration of light aircraft carriers.Like Britain's Invincible-class aircraft carrier, Italy's Garibaldi aircraft carrier, Thailand's Zakrina Lubert aircraft carrier, Spain's Prince of Asturias aircraft carrier, and even many amphibious assault ships are also equipped with ski-jump flight decks.

The advantage of the ski jump take-off deck is that it has a simple structure and is more convenient for later maintenance.Under normal circumstances, an upturned deck is installed tens of meters in front of the bow, which is maintained at about 14 degrees.For a short-distance takeoff, the carrier-based aircraft already has a certain speed when it slides to the upturned deck, so the lift can be gradually increased with the help of the height of the ski jump takeoff, and it can take off easily when leaving the aircraft carrier. Flat, in other words, use the angle of the bow of the ship to raise the nose of the carrier-based aircraft.

In addition, another advantage of the ski jump take-off deck is that the technical difficulty is relatively low, and the cost is relatively low. For example, when a fixed-wing fighter takes off, it can greatly reduce the cost of capital and research and development.

Compared with catapult takeoff, the biggest disadvantage of the ski jump flight deck is that it needs the power of the carrier-based aircraft to take off for a short distance. For carrier-based aircraft weighing tens of tons, the fuel load needs to be reduced As well as bomb loading to achieve short-distance take-off, although this is very common in peacetime, it is undoubtedly a very dangerous behavior if there is a lack of fuel and bomb loading during wartime, and the ski jump takes off The deck is more suitable for light fighters, which means that heavy carrier aircraft are no longer suitable for taking off on the ski jump deck.

In addition, the ski jump take-off deck is very unfriendly to fixed-wing early warning aircraft. After all, this special type is very large, and it needs a long distance to take off, and it is heavier than carrier-based aircraft. It is a pity that aircraft carriers that jump out of the takeoff deck generally use early warning helicopters instead. Moreover, aircraft carriers without fixed-wing early warning aircraft will still be subject to many constraints in terms of air defense capabilities.

(End of this chapter)

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