Duke of Herrington

Chapter 100 Raid

Chapter 100 Raid ([-])

The plan was ideal, but the reality was dire.
The noise produced by the truck after it started could travel far in the open area, and the Greenskin Cavalry who came to investigate soon discovered something was wrong.

Out of the fear of unknown noises, the wolves felt a little retreat in their hearts. After all, the deafening roar of the engine has a natural deterrent effect on wild beasts.

But the leading green-skinned leader didn't care, he decided to continue to order the troops to search forward after resting!
He is not smart, but he has some experience. According to the old saying, the dog that barks fiercely is the weakest. Therefore, this inexplicable noise was regarded by him as the roar of some kind of weak chicken and beast.

"Warriors, as the advance team of the tribe, we must scout all the nearby villages and cities! The chief will take all of us north! Occupy the human cities! Eat them all!"

"Now let's rest where we are! Attack when we're full! For glory!"

"For glory!" A group of brainless green-skinned orcs immediately ignited their fighting spirit when they heard "glory", and it didn't matter whether the next step was to kill innocent people or rob food and grass, as long as the captain mentioned "glory", It is Guangzong Yaozu's mission action!

At the same time, a red Orc locked in a cage raised his middle finger at a group of green skins, and taunted loudly: "Just you? Glory? It's glory to fight with others head-on! What you are doing now It's something sneaky! A thief! No glory at all! Pooh!"

Hearing these remarks, the green-skinned leader pulled out the big knife at his waist and pointed at the prisoner in the cage with disdain: "Pay attention to your identity! You are a prisoner! Here, you have no right to speak! When we can't grab it, we find something to eat." , and then go and settle your business!"

The red skin in the cage seemed to have long been used to the filth of the green skins, so in front of all the green skins, he uttered the most vicious words in the tribe: "There is no glory at all! Even if you If you die, your souls will not return to heaven and earth! Instead, your souls will be torn apart by the evil spirits one by one! You will become a pile of feces, and your stink will last forever!"

The prisoners in the cage became more and more excited. He grabbed the railing and denounced their crimes, listing all the shady things the greenskins had done.

"A group of bullying guys who only know how to plunder the village and never dare to fight head-on!"

"When you see a female, you can't move your legs! The sow you snatched from humans, the first thing you think of is not to eat!"

"Barbarous and backward tribe, your death is not far away!"

The words of 'Broken Tooth' became more and more harsh, and the leader couldn't hold his face anymore. He got up from his seat, came to the cage with a big knife in his hand, and sprayed viciously: "I said, Broken Tooth, you want you to have another one. Are the teeth broken too?"

The 'Broken Tooth' in front of him widened his nostrils, glared at the front with a look of death, pointed at the green-skinned leader in front of him, and reprimanded hysterically: "I'm not afraid of death, I'm a scout in the fire tribe, the third son of the great chief. Son! If you catch me, I don't plan to go back alive!"

After saying this, 'Broken Tooth' faced the big knife without the slightest fear, and directly exposed his neck for him to chop: "Come and chop me! Even if I die, I will return to the earth, and I will still be a good man after 18 years! But you will rot forever in the cesspit of evil spirits, and you will never be reborn!"

Even if the green-skinned leader has a problem with his mind, he should ignore this aggressive method. The person in front of him is the son of the chief of a hostile tribe. As long as he uses torture, he can get a lot of things out of his mouth.

It would be a pity to kill him like this now!Maybe he will be insulted by the great chief!It's possible that I won't even be able to keep my official position!
Therefore, he could only put away his weapon, looked at 'Broken Tooth' contemptuously, and spit: "The mouth is still quite hard! Forget it, after we finish dealing with the human affairs, we will escort you back to our Green Forest Tribe! Our great chief, throw you into the frying pan and cook yourself! Then feed it to his war beasts!"

Being eaten by war beasts is the biggest insult and punishment in the tribe, but Broken Tooth is still not afraid!
"Cut! Remember to put more chili noodles! So that your great chief's mount will sprint once on the way to charge!"

The scout named 'Broken Tooth' has completed its mission, and the information has been sent out!So no matter what is waiting for him next, he will sit in the wooden cage and accept it with joy!

Suddenly, the roar in the distance suddenly weakened. Joseph jumped out of the truck, put on white camouflage, and came to the front of the car to talk to the driver.
"Hey, brother, don't turn off the fire, just keep the status quo, and come back when we're not done!"

"No problem, deputy captain, I wish you success in your mission!"

After thinking about it, the wise Joseph followed the advice of one of the soldiers.

This is the only person in the team who has seen the green skins and their mount - the warg.

Seventeen years ago, a group of savage greenskins came here to plunder his village, not only took away all the food and livestock, but also took away some humans as rations!

Fortunately, at the last moment of life and death, several red figures drew their swords to help them, rescued them, and escorted them safely to the outside of the enchanted forest.

"Vice-captain, our truck can't outrun the wolves on this kind of road. If we attack on the vehicle, we may be knocked down by a group of wolves! Then we will collectively cool down. Why don't we take enough ammunition and spread out!"

"Is it that scary?" Joseph pointed to the truck beside him, reached out and patted the sturdy steel frame twice, and explained: "This thing weighs more than ten tons. The beast you mentioned, Can it really overturn the truck?"

The soldier didn't have any mocking tone because of Joseph's lack of knowledge.

He responded seriously with a serious face: "Vice-captain, some things cannot be deduced according to common sense. In this world, humans are not the most dangerous creatures. The green-skinned wargs are more than two meters tall with bare shoulders! The body length is close to four. meters, a strong Warg would weigh 3-5 tons!"

"They have strong hind legs, strong jumping ability, and great strength! Surrounded by five wargs, our car will be overturned if a wave explodes!"

The more Joseph listened to the more outrageous, he first gave the order to other soldiers to open the ammunition box, then pulled the soldier over and asked in a low voice: "Are you kidding me? If this beast is so powerful, how do you know about the wargs?" data?"

"Back to the deputy captain, we used traps to kill their scouts, and we measured the size of that animal!"

"Okay, if that's the case." Joseph, as the smartest person in the team and the current team commander, has already thought of a countermeasure!

He called the soldiers to order: "Fire team, take the M7 grenade launcher, load the empty ammunition, and fire grenades according to the training, aiming at their rear!"

"The rest of the soldiers were shooting at the front of their team, and when the grenade exploded, they gave me all the bullets. Follow this rhythm, let them focus on one thing and lose another, thinking that the enemy is coming from behind!"

This kind of combat has an advantage. If the sound comes from the front and the rear at the same time, the dense explosions and gunshots will disturb their judgment, and the explosion will come from the rear first, so the team of green skins will be defeated. Misleading backwards.

"As a scouting cavalry unit, their response should be faster than ordinary troops, so! We only have 1 minute! After 1 minute, they will find us!"

"So we have to kill them as much as possible within 1 minute!"

Even if the IQ of the green skins is not as high as that of humans, they must be regarded as enemies with brains at this time, especially when the number is not dominant, so be careful!
"After this, if they finally know our location, they must make a quick decision, and greet us with grenades when they get close! According to intelligence, they only have 600 cavalry, and we have more than 30! On average, one person only needs to eliminate 20 It’s fine if you don’t get there!”

"Remember to crossfire, leave no vacuum! Understand?"

"Yes, Vice Captain!"

After the task was issued, it was the soldier just now. He suddenly remembered something, and came to Joseph again to remind him: "Vice Captain, please wait a moment. Although it is winter and there is snow outside, those animals The sense of smell is very good. When the wind is down, you can smell creatures 20 meters away in winter. I suggest that we start attacking from 100 meters!"

Joseph shook his head, took out his hand-painted map, and pointed forward: "No, we are going to attack from 150 meters away, because I remember there is a slope nearby! It can cover us and buy more time! And our The grenade launcher has a maximum range of 250 meters, which is just enough to cover all the greenskins!"

As a native of the North, memorizing the map is very important!Especially the fringes!There will always be unexpected gains in memorizing the terrain!
"Okay! Brothers, put on the snow camouflage and let's go!"

According to the rising smoke, Joseph led the troops through a piece of frozen soil, and quietly came to the position directly in front of the green leather team.

"Low down, let's climb behind the slope, don't be found!"

A group of soldiers came to the back of the slope little by little under the leadership of Joseph with supplies.

In order to ensure the normal progress of the operation, he took out the binoculars given by the lord, poked his head out quietly, and pulled out the long tube of the binoculars to prevent the reflection of the glass from attracting the attention of the enemy.

"Hahaha, God help, they are eating, we can just catch them off guard!"

After comparison on the map and calculations with the telescope, Joseph gave a thumbs up to the surrounding soldiers: "The distance is just right! From 145 meters to 200 meters! Adjust the scale to 210 meters, one o'clock! Put their war beast pen Blow them up first, none of them can run away without their mounts!"

"Stand up and prepare your weapons! I say let it go!"

"Wait! Vice Captain!"

The investigators on the side put away the binoculars, and it seemed that they had some unexpected gains!He came to Joseph and whispered: "It seems that their cages are filled with prisoners?"

"Captives?" Joseph took out his binoculars to check again. Sure enough, on the left side of the enemy army, not far from the temporary toilet, there were several inconspicuous cages.

One more scout is good!If there is only one person investigating, there will always be something missing!
Seeing this, Joseph smiled and muttered: "The enemy's enemy is a tool man that can be used! Fire team! Pay attention to aiming, try not to hit the left side, we want those prisoners to ask about the situation!"

In the records of the Northern Territory in the past few hundred years, there is no record of such creatures. If they can be caught alive, it would be a good thing to bring back a few, so that the city can prepare for a rainy day.

(End of this chapter)

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