Duke of Herrington

Chapter 101 Assault on the Fire Tribe, Scout 'Broken Tooth'!

Chapter 101 Raid ([-]) Fire Tribe, Scout 'Broken Tooth'!
"Deputy captain, we are ready! We can launch at any time!" After the soldiers were ready, they all aimed at the target according to the designated direction.

Joseph took out his weapon and loaded the bullets.

Seeing this, the people around also opened the safety of their firearms, aimed their guns, and prepared to shoot.

The content of the previous training is different. The training targets are generally ten meters, 30 meters, 50 meters, and 80 meters, but this time the distance is about 145 meters.

When shooting a target without a scope, if it is more than 50 meters, a person is a point in the mechanical aiming!Even if the green skin is big, it is not easy to hit it!

Such a distance is like watching the old man playing chess downstairs from the [-]th floor, you can't see clearly at all.

Fortunately, the .3006 bullet and the rifle in his hand are not rubbish. There is no need to deliberately raise the muzzle to resist gravity within 300 meters.

Now there is no wind, and the smoke from the kitchen is straight up and down, and the external environment has little effect on the shooting.

In addition, some of the mounts on the opposite side will be killed first and then disrupted, so the time left for the team members to shoot is much longer than 1 minute.

"Remove the safety of the grenade." Joseph put away the scope, raised his rifle and aimed at a green skin drinking water at a distance of 150 meters.


With a muffled bang, all the green skins raised their heads to look forward or backward, not knowing where the sound came from!

Just as he was hesitating, there was an explosion from behind!

"Enemy attack, there is an enemy attack in the rear!"

One grenade after another was thrown behind the enemy, and the first explosion killed many wolves.

At the same time, because of the sound of the explosion and the shock wave, all the wolves were startled, and they broke through the fence and ran away.

The green-skinned leader took out the two axes straddling his waist and roared, "Hey! Come back to me!"

In the current situation, it is impossible to tell where the enemy is, and the huge explosion caused all the green skins to have temporary tinnitus.

I could only listen to the sound of grenade explosions in the rear, and the sonic boom produced by the 'swish' bullets piercing the air, and watched the soldiers fall one by one.

These days, let alone cannons, there is no gunpowder!In terms of long-range weapons, the green skins only have crossbows and catapults.

The grenade thrown by the M7 grenade launcher flew over from a hundred meters away at a speed invisible to the naked eye, and smashed straight to the rear.In this panic, no one would think about the small hill not far ahead.

Joseph immediately ordered: "Shoot, shoot while it explodes, so that they can't tell where the enemy came from!"

Although the human camp had prepared for the worst, the enemies did not charge forward en masse as imagined. Instead, they pulled out their weapons and stood there in a daze, or charged indiscriminately!
They were stunned!

In the panic, the leader of the enemy was shot by several bullets and fell to the ground. He hated the Northwest even before he saw the enemy clearly.

In an instant, the sound of explosions, gunshots, crying father and mother, and the sound of killing pigs from being pierced by bullets, turned the entire battlefield into a large-scale pig slaughterhouse!

Five minutes later, all the grenades they were carrying were fired, and nearly half of the soldiers fell down, but there were still 5 soldiers hiding behind the bunker, either lying down on the spot or pretending to be dead.

Compared with the glory they advocated before, this kind of behavior is simply a big joke.

Broken Tooth stayed in the wooden cage and laughed loudly, mocking loudly: "You are all stupid! You are spurned by the gods! Feel the wrath of God!"

He didn't know where the attack came from, he only knew that the worse his enemy died, the better!When they are almost dead, they can cooperate with other captives around and escape here together!

At this moment, the human attack encountered obstacles. A group of soldiers stayed in place, unable to find the attack target, so they could only ask Joseph: "Vice-captain, what should we do if the remaining enemies are hiding?"

At present, sniping from a distance can no longer play much role, and 300 enemies are fighting against 36 soldiers who are fully armed and have sufficient ammunition. At a distance of 150 meters, there will not be much advantage.

Joseph used his smart brain again, and waved his hand: "Stand up, beware of the enemy's crossbow, and move forward slowly. As long as we get together and shoot alternately, there will be no problem! Since the enemy is hiding, then we will Find a way to get them out!"

The greenskins fled in all directions, most likely because they had no targets. As long as they were given targets, they could fish chips from a distance and kill them one by one.

This group of big-hearted greenskins were seriously inexperienced in camp guards. They just hung the crossbow bag on the wolf, and they only had a big knife in their hand. They didn't think about how to deal with it after being attacked.

Now the wargs are all gone, and there is no long-range weapon in hand!
However, according to previous experience, with so many green wolf cavalry, human beings can only be beaten. Their leader speculated that human beings dare not have the courage to attack such a powerful army.

But times are always changing. If it was a few years ago, if you want to fight against such a 600-man wolf cavalry commando, you need at least 3000 soldiers to compete with it!
When the size and strength are suppressed, there is no advantage in close combat, and the bow and crossbow can hardly pose a threat to armored soldiers.

It's not like making a movie here. An arrow shot from a soft bow can't penetrate the steel plate armor at all.

The only thing that can cause harm to the greenskins is the knights charging with long spears. Although the greenskins are a bit stupid, they are not fools. They know how to hide, and then use long knives to kill humans.

Moreover, the wargs riding under them were extremely sensitive. Normally, the roar of carnivores would greatly cause the war horses to panic, making it difficult for human knights to control them.

It is said that there are 3000 soldiers, but they can only compete with them for a while. To defeat this army, at least 5000 elite soldiers are required to set up a formation, and push forward bit by bit with spears on four sides. Only then can they beat the green skins .

Another point is that the greenskins who have been instilled in childhood that "fighting is glory" no matter what is coming or how many people are coming, even if it is a dragon in front of them, as long as the commander orders to charge, there will be glory , this group of soldiers will become fearless.

Even if all the soldiers around were killed, the greenskins would not back down at all.

On the contrary, if the troops are replaced by humans, as long as the formation is slightly torn, or the commander is killed, the trees will fall and the monkeys will disperse, and 10% of the deaths will cause the entire army to collapse!
Among the human active forces, there is very little officer replacement system, as long as the leading noble officer cools down, the entire team will be dispatched.
But this time, it can be regarded as pulling the buttocks of this group of green skins with a knife to open their eyes~
Humans with new weapons, under a planned tactical system, can defeat enemies dozens of times their own without any casualties.

At this time, the scouts observed the movement and found that all the wargs had disappeared!Not a single one was left!
He put away the binoculars and reminded the commander: "Sir, their mounts are all gone, we should be able to kill all the enemies!"

Suddenly, a green skin lying on the ground seemed to see a few human shadows crawling out from behind the hill not far away, and stood up with a loud voice!
"Soldiers, for glory! Tear up the enemy in front of you! Come with me!"

The soldiers who were originally scattered around and were driven away by fear, after hearing this roar, took out two tomahawks from their sides like weasels who had been beaten with chicken blood, and followed the nearest enemy no matter what the enemy was. The fierce men who rushed out first charged together.

Joseph stopped, raised the muzzle of his gun, and aimed at the green skin who came to die at the front: "The enemy is coming, get ready!"

The green skins rushing from a distance are like large moving targets, with a height of three meters and a strong body, it is very difficult to miss them!
With a loud "bang", the green-skinned head rushing to the front was blown away, and he fell to the ground and stopped breathing.

"32" Joseph, as the sharpshooter in the army, has never missed a shot. So far, no one has reached this level!
"Everyone concentrate, don't let them approach us within 50 meters! Kill them from a distance! Fire at will!"

The order has been given, and now it's time for humans to unilaterally slaughter the enemy. The greenskins in the charge are fearless, but very stupid. Such a blind charge can't get any results at all.

However, it is precisely because they are stupid that it is easy for humans to win.

300 enemies, just 3 rounds of attacks, knocked them all down to the ground.

At a distance of 150 meters, the green skins rushed over in groups at Bolt's limit speed!It's like a bulldozer bulldozing a hill!

If there were only spears and swords in their hands, the human soldiers would definitely be scared and run back.

"This group of beasts, we have avenged the former fellow?"


Compared with the previous hand-to-hand combat, the adrenaline soared, and the passionate hand-to-hand combat, this kind of battle seems to be unable to arouse everyone's tension, just like shooting a target, a big and simple target
But living is always the best. If a war breaks out, the unlucky ones would be the enemies. Besides, these creatures are not even human beings, they are ugly and vicious, no matter how many they kill, they will not cause PTSD.

"Remember, you need to replenish your guns, don't let these beasts kill us, it would be too shameful!"

Joseph is not only familiar with the knowledge in books, but also has his own set of opinions.

In short, it is to be cautious and cautious, not to let an enemy go.

During the march, a green skin suddenly jumped out from the snow not far away. He put his head in his hands, knelt down trembling and begged for mercy: "Please let me go! I still have my mother, wife and child at home."


The soldier who had been used as rations by the green skins shot first, and then shot him twice in the head: "You have parents, who doesn't? When you tied me up, I didn't see you releasing them." I mean it."

Just when the soldier was about to continue shooting, he was stopped by his comrades beside him: "Hey! Save the bullets! He's dead already!"

Joseph did not object to this kind of behavior. If you want to ask, you might as well go and see the captives in the cage. They may know more.

A group of people came to the wreckage camp of the green skins carefully, and after making sure that all the green skins were dead, they came to the wooden cage under the leadership of Joseph.

"Human, hello!" Broken Tooth didn't know what to say, he had only seen humans twice, the first time was when he was about to starve to death, a kind human grandfather gave him two pieces of bread .

The second time, during the reconnaissance mission, the green-skinned grain transport team was wiped out and some humans were rescued. Since then, no humans have been seen again.
"Huh? Are you... the Broken Tooth at that time?" It was the soldier who had seen the green skins before, and he got out from the crowd.

Broken Tooth stared at one eye, put on a puzzled pose, pointed his index finger at himself, and asked, "Do you know me?"

"Of course, I am the child you rescued at that time! I remember your broken tooth!"

"Huh?" Broken Tooth widened his eyes, carefully observing the human male in front of him!
The soldier was afraid that Broken Tooth would not recognize him, so he took off the helmet and hat on his head.

"It's me, my name is Benjamin!"

Inadvertently, Broken Tooth noticed the birthmark on the face of the human soldier, and he shouted with an 'oh': "I think of you! Are you the one who was scared to pee his pants and asked me if I would eat it?" about you?"

"Ah" because of his broken teeth, he was careless and unkempt, which directly caused the social death of the soldier named Benjamin on the spot.

However, he still braced his face, blushed, and stammered, saying: "You remember wrong! I didn't pee my pants!"

"What? My Broken Tooth memory is the best in our tribe! I can draw a map just by looking at the terrain! I can't remember it wrong!"

"I really didn't pee my pants!" Benjamin covered half of his face and emphasized repeatedly in front of Broken Tooth. At the same time, he turned to his comrades and explained to his comrades how brave he was and how he did not embarrass mankind.

"Ahem. Benjamin!" At this moment, Joseph spoke, and he smiled awkwardly and politely: "I think ahem, at that time, when you were young, you were already excellent without being frightened and fainted." There is no shame in peeing your pants! Besides, we will keep it a secret for you!"

Seeing this, the other soldiers also swore to God, saying that they would not leak the secret: "Yes, we will keep it secret for you!"

Hearing the comfort from the comrades around him, Benjamin was also relieved, scratched his head and said: "Yes, who hasn't been scared to pee their pants when they were young? This is normal. Hehehe."

Looking at the situation at the scene, Broken Tooth heaved a sigh of relief, turned his head to look at the captured clansmen, and gave a thumbs up: "We are saved!"

But this is not the case, even if these red skins have saved humans, Joseph does not intend to let them go for the time being.

"Well, you are indeed saved, but we can't let you go now, you have to explain what happened, and then we can let you go"

Broken Tooth's brain is considered excellent in the tribe. He can see that the humans in front of him are not malicious, and he has saved humans before, at least he will not lose his life.

So. He grabbed the wooden cage and asked, "Well, do you care about the food? Is there any meat? I don't drink alcohol, but I like meat! Especially pork!"

With the establishment of large-scale breeding farms, the production of meat has greatly increased. There is only one week left before the freedom of meat, eggs and milk in the entire northern border. It is not a problem at all to have a few people who can eat meat, so Joseph raised his hand and promised. : "It's enough to eat! However, I have to tie your hands, because we can't confirm whether you are good or bad for the time being!"

"No problem, I understand the rules, tie it tight, I can trust you!"

(End of this chapter)

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