Duke of Herrington

Chapter 158 Surprise?

Chapter 158 Surprise?

On the plane, that hapless confidant hadn't woken up yet, and the people around him didn't know his true identity, so they could only tie him up!
With this appearance, even if Johnson came, he would have to cry, as long as he still belongs to the range of human beings, he cannot escape
One hand is tied in the front, the other is tied in the back, and then the whole body is wrapped with rope. From a distance, it looks like a pile of hemp rope!
Even if he is a little stupid and not that smart, it doesn't matter!After all he is [-]% loyal to Steve!
Because he was adopted by Steve since he was a child, he is almost a 'civilian' dead man!
He has been doing errand delivery tasks, his force value is slightly low, and he was shot on the head with a gun, and he will not be able to wake up until tomorrow morning no matter how fast.

As for the five refugees who came with them, because it was the "kind" Ted who led the team to carry out the task, and the tips given by the little boy, everyone had a fruitful trip.

so!Ted is going to take this group away!

If such a person stays at the crime scene, he will definitely be arrested in a few days!Their bodies will be found in a stinking ditch!

As a people-oriented lord of the new era, such things are definitely not allowed to happen!In addition, the plane happened to have extra space, so they were pulled over together by the way.

So, according to the laws of the northern border, these five trembling ordinary people were listed as political refugees and granted political asylum.

On the plane, the brave little boy lay on the window and looked down, even though he couldn't see anything, he was still very curious.

After a while, he couldn't hold back and said to himself: "Are we... flying in the sky?"

"Yes!" A member of the team took out a 'field energy bar' from his pocket and handed it to the little boy, and continued to speak with a smile: "Speaking of which, you are lucky enough, from now on, you don't have to starve or suffer from cold Already!"

The refugee family didn't dare to say anything, but just stayed where they were, still hugging each other and shivering, and kept nodding in agreement, for fear of neglecting the murderous military man in front of them.
Seeing this, the team members stopped talking, but opened the bag to see what was in the collected spoils?
Ted heard their conversation on the channel, and wanted to reprimand them at first, but after thinking about it, it's useless even if they say it, they have to find out by themselves!

so forget it
This group of players has implemented their ideas, but they still discounted them when implementing them, and an inexplicable sense of superiority came from nowhere.

It seems that it is a great honor and a great gift for these refugees to enter the modern northern border. Even if they don't kowtow to thank them, they have to show a grateful appearance.
They said these words, maybe they just showed their emotions inadvertently, and they thought they didn't mean any discrimination, but the listeners didn't think so
Since the northern border became better, there have been more and more rebels. According to Chris' statistics, at least 7% of them are like this!

They have reached the point of hating people in the areas who have bullied the North or looked down on the North, even the people inside the city hall.
Back then, when Leonardo Da Vinci came to the city hall to handle errands, he was criticized by a group of people, saying that he was a stinky beggar.
But since Da Vinci's true identity and tragic past were exposed, he was immediately accepted by everyone, and the scolders even came to apologize in person with gifts!

As the prince, Steve is the master in everyone's subconscious mind. Compared with the residents in other parts of the empire, the residents of the northern border also consider themselves "the master".

Coupled with the fact that Steve has made a lot of contributions to the North, it is very loyal to donate all his family property!
And it's only natural for 'Shangren' to accept 'Shangren', they think they are all in the same circle, there is no need to oppose or target Steve
But the other guards who came with them were in bad luck. Basically, they were subjected to "cyber violence" from the people of the northern border every day.

Ted also turned a blind eye to this matter.

The people have been despised for so long, and now that they have stood up, they must find a channel to vent, otherwise, the anger that has been suppressed in their hearts will be vented on other things.

However, with the popularization of education, everyone's hatred for outsiders has gradually decreased since last month.

Up to now, outsiders have been accepted!
At least from the point of view of the guards who came with Steve, they no longer have rotten eggs and rotten vegetable leaves on their heads, and people's address to them has changed from 'smelly beggars' to 'Hey, strangers! '

From hatred to indifference, this is progress!

Ted firmly believes that as education becomes more accessible, such prejudices will gradually disappear
We are originally from the same country, speak the same language, have the same ancestors, and are brothers and sisters after all, and hatred is only temporary!It is different from the hostile alien race!
Besides, the 'outsiders' are almost dead, and the population has dropped by 80.00%!Compassion also makes hostility a lot weaker.

In addition to the human beings in the empire, Ted compiled a book called "Nork Continent" based on his own ideas and the brains of think tanks, combined with the history recorded by the dragons, in order for the foreigners to integrate into the northern border as soon as possible without being found fault. History book.
The gist of it is 'A Family in the Nock Continent', a book prepared in advance to prevent Ted from infighting after the mainland is settled!
According to Francis' records, on this continent, about [-]% of the races can be left behind, and the remaining [-]% ​​belong to the maggots in the world. They are not suitable for the development of the world and must be eliminated!

"Hey, what a headache! Why can't people unite with each other!? Isn't it good to be united?"

Every time he thinks of this, Ted always roars in his heart and complains loudly!

Remove unknown enemies, only the known 'black dragon'!It's a big problem. Their infinite regeneration ability and torture-like killing method require a large number of titans and ice dragons to help them complete the kill.

The artillery alone will only cause damage to it, and it cannot be killed, which is almost useless!
"Let's talk about it at that time, there will be no results at all if you think about it now!"

After another half an hour, the plane broke through the thick cloud layer and entered the northern border!
Thanks to the powerful magic of the ice dragons, there is not a single drop of rain in the northern border. Even at night, there is still the fragrance of birds and flowers, and the air tastes 'sweet'.
Suddenly, some strange flower farted on the plane, forcefully dispelling the 'sweet' air and replacing it with the smell of sewer!

"Hey! Who ate fried chicken? It stinks?"

"it's me."

The plane flew for a while, and came near the sky above Valentine!

Even if the ground knew that it was our own people, they had to have a dialogue, explaining the assignment of the runway or mentioning precautions!


"This is the control tower, please identify yourself!"

Ted clicked on the communication device and answered according to the standard! "I'm Ted. I'm returning from a mission and need to land."

However, as the lord of the northern border, he did not say 'request to land' but 'need to land', just like going home at night, there is no need to say 'please open the door' to his family!
Received the message, and the opposite is Lord Lord!The control tower took out the record book and picked out the best runway: "No problem, sir! Please use runway No. [-]. We just built it. It is wide and big, and has lights. It is suitable for landing at night!"

"I saw it. You guys did a good job. It's beyond my expectation that you didn't fish in troubled waters at such a late hour. It's worthy of praise!"

"Thank you, my lord! Welcome home! And gentlemen~"

When the drivers heard this heart-warming news, they couldn't help showing an imperceptible smile at the corner of their mouths.

“It feels so good to be at home!”

"Yeah, at least you don't have to defecate anywhere!"

"Ha ha ha ha!!!"

The channel was full of laughter!Three planes also landed safely in this atmosphere.

The first thing to do when landing is to deal with the aliens on the plane. This spy can take him away and lock him up!But other people are not very convenient, they have to follow the rules set by themselves
"This is Ted, is the person in charge of the airport there?"

"I'm here, my lord!"

"It's time to check the reservation process. When we were doing the mission, something happened. If we ignore it, it will cause civilian casualties! So... there are five political refugees here, very poor, you take them to register, they have already been frightened , don't be aggressive!"


After the order is issued, according to the mission process, the hunks will organize their equipment, replace consumables, and then send them to the special warfare maintenance department for repairs.

But until then, everyone has to use the restrooms and bathrooms at the airport
After this mission, everyone was completely overwhelmed. Even if the team members have excellent physiques, they have to pay attention!Don't be caught cold!
Take a hot bath first, change into regular clothes, and then go home and sleep!
Ted also planned this way, but there are some things that need to be explained to Steve first!
"Steve, this is Ted, are you asleep?"

It's raining harder and harder outside!There will be thunder from time to time, and every time Steve is about to fall asleep, he will be woken up! "Hey! What are you sleeping on? It's raining so hard! It was a little bit smaller just now, but now it's raining harder! The thunder is so loud! How can I sleep?"

In desperation, Ted came up with an idea: "If you can't sleep, press the bullet! It's no different from shooting a gun and splashing water, and you won't let go when you hold the trigger! If you don't have dozens of spare magazines, you won't be comfortable in a fight." !"

Having said that, Steve didn't think Ted was looking for him because of this: "Stop messing around! Ted, you must have something to do with me! Could it be that the trouble at noon tomorrow will be solved?"

Taking advantage of no one looking at him, Ted dug out a big lump of booger and flicked it out forcefully: "Of course it's solved! We even demolished the entire fortress! Finally, we caught a spy!"

"Yo! Yang?" Steve thought it would be outrageous to clear the obstacle, but he didn't expect to directly raise the fortress this time! "It's really good! Then you can chat with me when you interrogate the traitor, and see if he has any latest news!"

"no problem!"

Tomorrow's business is done, Steve intends to listen to Ted's opinion, and press the bullet first: "If there is nothing wrong, I will go to press the bullet, it is healthier and relieves anxiety!"


As for the five refugees staying on the plane, they were dealt with by themselves, and the 'confidant', who was finally recorded as a criminal spy, was locked up.

Five minutes after everyone left, a medical vehicle drove over to conduct a routine physical examination on them first!
The test report came out soon, and they were fine, except for malnutrition, everything was normal!
"Malnutrition, according to plan C, take it to the immigration hall of the airport!"

The efficiency of handling affairs in the northern border is not slow. Not long after the news was sent, someone drove up again.

This is a standard version of a small bus, not only does it look beautiful from the outside, but the interior is also very nice!

But this kind of treatment made the refugee family even more afraid
Just the iron bumps that can fly in the sky scare them a lot, now!There are also iron bumps on the ground that do not use oxen and horses.
Not only can it run, but it can run so fast, and the sound of the 'booming' engine is also very scary.

Only the little boy who was curious about everything was not frightened, and his two younger sisters also stayed quietly and watched carefully.

"Are you new here?"

"Yes, my lord"

"You don't need to call me that. We in the north, you can understand him as a paradise. If you want to stay here, you must go through our six-month training."

"Six months of training?"

"Yes, if you learn slowly, the time will have to be extended. During this period, we will teach you to read and write, and some local culture and norms!"

If you want to pick up a bargain, it is not realistic to directly pick up a character with a blue card or above!

But it is a good way to let them study in border schools to get a 'blue card' or 'purple card' based on their immigration progress, and then issue them ID cards to allow them to enter the northern border!

In front, the father, who is the head of the family, heard about the long-term 'training'. He looked worried and asked tentatively, "But we don't have money, so we can't afford the training fee."

Seeing the family's concern, the border inspector who came responded with a smile: "Everyone, don't worry, not only will we not charge you a penny, but we will also provide you with food and lodging! But the premise is that you must follow our requirements." Come!"

Money is the only problem, since there is no need to pay, there is no need to worry about it!

"We understand, we will absolutely comply with your request!"

"Okay! Then come with us. Although it's late, I have to give you the first lesson! About personal hygiene! In the north, it's not illegal to be dirty, but it doesn't make sense morally, you guys Not only do you have to be a law-abiding person, but you also have to be morally acceptable. Get in the car!"

When they came to the interior of the minibus, the clean and tidy seats still had a faint fragrance, which made them stand still, for fear that their dirty bodies would stain the seats.

"Can we...can sit down?"

"Of course, the seat is for everyone to sit down."

"But we are very dirty, will it be okay to sit down?"

"sit down!"

"Okay, let's sit!"

According to the revised constitution, new immigrants, whether they are skilled immigrants or political asylum refugees, have to stay at the border airport for 6 months to learn characters, understand laws and universal moral codes of conduct.

At first, the staff at the city hall didn't understand why Ted would make such a request?until they met a bunch of native rogues from the North
In order to create a world free of silly beeps, such a process is important!Subsequently, the original study time was abruptly increased from the initial one month to six months!

"You are here to study. According to the family ratio, you will temporarily get a residence with three bedrooms, one living room and two bathrooms. Before you move in, you must learn to manage personal hygiene. We will give each of you a new set of clothes. It’s not a gift, it’s the tax you have to pay later.”

Hearing 'taxes', my father seemed to have heard something important, so he asked again: "Mr. Jun. No, sir, what is the tax rate here?"

"The basic tax rate is 15%. If the income exceeds a certain amount, it will increase step by step. Don't worry, you will learn~"

"Then. I will trouble you."

Compared with the '70% tax rate' and '80% tax rate' that I was familiar with before, the tax rate here is not high, at least from this point of view, it is very fair!Great for living!

Ted returned home after washing up at the airport and changed back into his everyday clothes!Just when he was about to sleep with his wives in his arms, another voice came from the intercom!
"My lord? Are you there? This is the Institute, I'm Thomas, and there's John next to me"

In the middle of the night, if such a group of researchers didn't sleep and still called themselves, it means that the matter is really urgent!So before Thomas finished speaking, Ted got up!
"Where are you? I'm going!"

"We are in the research institute, and the assembled things are being transported to the airport. I wonder if you want it."

"I'll go! Here we go!"

It must be an epoch-making thing to make this group of people lose their temper and find their own new invention immediately!If you don't go, you will miss a hundred million!
Ted struggled all the way, and when he came downstairs and prepared to drive by himself, two men appeared behind him at some point.

"My lord, where are you going? We will drive you!"

"I will protect your safety!"

These two people have been like the "Second General Humha" since the reform. As long as they are in the city, they will appear around Ted.

It's so late, and I haven't slept all day, driving tired is not advisable!It's better to let these two clowns drive: "Well, then go to the research institute first, and then go to the airport!"

"Yes! Your lord!"

When Ted came to the institute, there was a strange large loader in front of him, surrounded by people, who seemed to be waiting for a military truck!
In front, Ted stayed in the car thinking for a long time and didn't know what it was.
In order to find the answer, he opened the car door, pushed through the crowd and came to the front: "What is this?"

Seeing the number one person in the northern border appear, John got out of the crowd with a notebook: "My lord! I'm here! I'll explain it!"

From the looks of it, he made a successful proposal and is in a good mood!Even the efficiency of work is also improved together.

"Ahem. This is a bomb launcher that we independently developed based on our knowledge. In addition, our new batch of small bombers has also come out. When assembled together, they can deal a heavy blow to the enemy!"

"Bomber?" This familiar word is so strange at this moment!Because he didn't read the report again!But at this moment, because of overwork, his mind was a mess: "Why don't I know what bomber is?"

At this time, Chris came out suddenly, in order to maintain the lord's conscientious personality, he forced an explanation, and praised Ted by the way, even though he didn't read a single page of the document: "My lord, you may be too busy Oh, I missed one page in the last document, and it was already 2 o'clock in the morning when you got home, and I took away the document the next day."

"Specifically, it is the page of the planned output of the aircraft. You may only see military and civilian uses, and the next page of the document is for military use. We have also vacated several production lines dedicated to the production of aircraft materials! Now, we have a flight combat The squadron has 26 aircraft, but we don’t have 26 pilots yet, and we also have half a squadron of fighter jets, with four machine guns installed on both sides of the wings for escort.”

"Um..." After hearing this wave of explanations, Ted was both excited and a little nervous!
It also made him suddenly think of Chris with a frowning face, especially the face and tone of helplessness that sighed at the talent gap.
The sequelae of rapid development gradually emerged. The northern border relies on a small number of talented people to develop rapidly and advance in technology, but the backbone responsible for manufacturing is seriously insufficient.

The engineer in charge of maintenance can count with two slaps!Not to mention pilots.
In desperation, Ted thought of the group of human elite special forces, they belonged to the octagonal fighters, and it should be no problem to learn how to fly a plane!

"Joseph, are you there?"

"Commander, we are here! We are in the command vehicle. Ahem! Discussing combat missions.!"

Listening to the voice on the other side of the intercom, Ted covered his head and let out a long sigh.

Where is the task now?

This group of people has high IQs, and they only need 3 minutes to master the color screen in the combat command vehicle.

so!As a matter of course, they found SpongeBob SquarePants and Tom and Jerry hidden deep in the file folder.

'Are you ready kids? ''Aye Aye captain'

It looks like they've watched one episode and are watching the second one!

"Turn off the screen, I'm in a hurry."

Seeing that the matter was brought to light, Joseph could only make nonsense: "Hey, we just discovered it by accident~"

Ted doesn't mind them watching TV, but they have a task right now, and they have to do the right thing first: "Hurry up and learn how to fly a plane. We are short of pilots here. We have built a batch of bombers and no one is flying them."

"Oh? That is to say? The mission of the next batch is to act as a pilot and drop bombs?"

"Is such that!"

Joseph took out a notebook from his bag and put it on the podium, where he wrote his insights and key points when he was learning to fly. Using it for everyone to learn, it should speed up the progress! "Well, within a month! All team members will be proficient!"

"Then we'll just wait, and then you'll fly the plane first! The armored division on the ground is paired with aviation, even if you don't throw bombs and leaflets!"

Joseph's brain circuit is a bit strange, and he quickly found a weird entry point: "Throwing flyers? Can they understand it?"

Ted has a black face, and the military truck is here!I had to hang up the phone first: "I'll talk about it later!"

"Yes! Sir! Can we see SpongeBob SquarePants and that cat and mouse tonight?"

"Two hours!"


After hanging up the call, Joseph clicked the 'Continue Playing' button to continue watching TV with everyone
(End of this chapter)

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